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Official New Member Of Tkr Club, Finally

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Feb 18, 2008
Well, Just Wanted To Tell Everyone That I Am Back Home From Having The Surgery. Went Well But Took Almost Five Hours As When Os Got In My Left Knee He Found The Tibia Had A Hairline Fracture As Well. Said He Never Operated On Knees As Bad As Mine Before, That It Was Pretty Hairy At Times. So I Am Very Happy To Have Gotten Back Home Without Having To Go To Rehab. Would Have Been Home On Friday Evening, They Wanted To Give A Transfusion First, But Ten Minutes Into The Transfusion I Had Totally Numb Feet And Chest Pain And Presure. Did An Ekg And It Showed Changes And So They Kept Me. Started Doing Ekg's Every Six Hours And The Heart Doctors Had To Get Involved So It Was Saturday Before All The Doctors Could Decide What I Needed To Do Which Ended Up Being Going Ahead With Two Units Of Blood Which Went Very Well Although They Gave Me Benedryl Beforehand And It Made Me Loopy. I Ended Up Being Able To Come Home Yesterday Afternoon With 14 Prescriptions For Gods Sake. Will Say One Thing I Got Excellent Care All The Way Round And Think I Will Do Fine From Here On Out. My Husband Is Going To Get Me New Toilet Riser As One I Currently Have Been Using Is Squashed. All In All Went Well And I Am Not Nearly In As Much Pain As I Was Before The Btkr. Really Get Tired And Sore Easily But Seem To Regain My Energy With Rest So I Am Going To Get My Rest And Try To Space Things Out So That I Don't Get Overly Tired Which Seems To Be The Hardest Thing I Am Faced With Right Now. Will Write More Later Don't Want To Overdo. Rowdy
Oh, Rowdy!!! You had quite an experience, didn't you! But it sounds like everything is okay now and you are on the road to healing. I'm so happy to hear that the pain after surgery is less than before. So many times, that is the case and it is like a miracle, isn't it? You have the correct at recovery, rest a lot, let hubby help, and rest some more. Your recovery is your number one priority now and you're gonna do great. Welcome back to your online family.....we missed you!!!
Glad you are back safe and sound. Hairline fracture!?? wow. Did you end up in a cast as well or did they saw that part off? Sleep lots, pill plenty and post soon.
I Didn't Have The Nerve To Ask What They Did About The Hairline Fracture, They Might Have Told Me!!! I Am Just Happy To Know That I Have The Surgery Behind Me And I Can Move Forward. The Pain Still Comes But It Is Way Different And I Can Tell It Will Go Away In Time. Get To Finally Take A Shower This Afternoon. I Can Just Imagine Beginning Feeling Human. Wow!!!' My Little Dog Is Once Again Happy And Ensconsed In The Crook Of My Are For Everything. Last Night She Slept Warmly Cuddled There, Didn't Move Once. This Was All Quite A Trauma To Her And Just To Be Back With Her Makes Me Feel A Lot Better. Thanks Extended Family, I Love You All. Rowdy
The best thing to do now is sleep and cuddle with your puppy. Glad you're home and tucked in.
Glad to hear you're back Rowdy! After the ordeal it sounds like you are doing very well. And it is always nice to come home to those little loved ones. Unconditional love is amazing! Rest up, but do you're workouts. They are SOOOO important.

All i have to say is God Bless you Rowdy and huggggggggggggggs to you glad your back like doug said cuddle that pup and rest ........ JIM :O)
Rowdy - so glad you are back home and safe.
Congrats and good wishes! Being another dog co-dependent, I'm betting that having your daily allotment of dog snuggles will speed your recovery and lessen your pain!

You can post your puppy pics too. A few months back we had quite a discussion about our k-9 family members. My male boxer is coiled up between my legs right now. The female isn't too happy about it. She's laying on the couch with her ears back, and eyes narrowed...Wait a minute...that was my wife thinking about Costco-------just kidding.
I am so happy to hear from you, Rowdy, and know you're on the road to recovery. You've had such a hard road these past few months. Glad the doctors caught the tibia issue while they were there - no need to repeat surgery! And sounds like you have a fantastic attitude.

I missed my dogs something fierce. Now that Harley is a therapy dog, I'm going to get certified by the local hospital so we can go visit folks in the hospital and cheer them up. If my hubby gets certified as a second handler then he could bring Harley to visit me next time - if there is a next time.

God bless you and your dog. May your recovery be quick and 100% effective.

yes, I had forgotten that! I now have a night light near the bathroom door so when I come out I can see a bit. Hasn't happened again - thank God!
Thanks to all of you for your good thoughts. I so depend on each and every one of you. Thank God I found this website. I chuckle every time I see the question, "Have you been helped by this website." I am very aware of the dangers involved of falling over the dogs. A few years back I had to go to the emergency room when I cameout of our bedroom and there were five rotties laying in the hall and felt fur under my foot and cracked my head going down. What a mess, lucky I didn't do more damage, but at least I didn't hurt any of the critters. My little dogs stay well back from the walker, seems as though they sense what I need all the time. It is truly amazing. My littlest critter, who was so traumatized by the whole affair is tucked in next to me and is a happy little mite since I am home with her. Gotta go, need to change positionss or I will soon scream. LOL Rowdy
Yes, it is amazing how they know. My 70 lb dog was one of my biggest return home worries. She was very respectful. And as I healed she relaxed, now she bumps into me like the old days. Must mean I'm getting better. Nurse pair had a little basket on her walker. Maybe Rowdy you could get one for your little friend.
What kind of basket and was it on my walker or the dogs? By the way I start PT on Friday and see the doctor to have the stitches taken out on Thursday. Can hardly wait to have the stitches out so I can see how my legs are gonna look. Not like I am going to be a beauty queen. Rowdy
She had it on her walker to carry things around, like from room to room. If you pm her I'm sure she'd love to tell you the details. She's such a sweetie.
Your legs will look marvelous, even with those big red lines down the middle of them. No pain always LOOKS good.
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