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Obese, trying to lose weight

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Dec 16, 2008
Texas, USA
United States United States
I am 54 years old. My x-ray of my knee showed that my bones are touching with no cartilage left. I am in intense pain at times. On a scale of 1-10, it is at least a 10. Sometimes I am about a 6. At the beginning of September I started to diet. I have lost about 25 pounds. Which brings me to a grand total of 275 pounds. There are many reasons I want to put off the surgery as long as I can. Weight is a big one, and losing so much time off work is another reason. I have one of those jobs that when I'm gone, no one else can do it. Things would be chaotic here.
I just can't lose weight fast enough to get down to the point where I think I can function better. I would like to get to 200. I was at that weight many years ago and felt really good at that weight. That is going to take a long time because I am dieting the right way--not starving myself. I can't find any exercise to do because of the painful knee. I have a recumbant bike, but using that one night practically crippled me. Should I keep waiting???
I can relate. I am 51 6'3 330-340. Went through 15 years of bone on bone . I talked the OS into doing my surg. He did not want to because of my weight. Well on Nov 3
I had a total knee replacement. I am so happy I did. From jan -Nov I had been taking
hydrocodone for pain. pain level between 6-8 . Now 6 weeks out from tkr my pain level
is most of the time 3-7 and getting better. I will take care of my weight issue when i get better. I am also in one of those jobs... The guy covering for has my no. and calls when he needs help. Take it frome me..... If you wait the pain does not get better. I can see progress and a light at the end of the tunnel. If you do it..... it will be 2 weeks of hell, but then it gets better every day.

Just days before I retired, I looked after a dear lady who had her knee done - she weighed well over 400lbs and did just fine!

I currently weigh 280lbs and am not letting that stop me getting my knee done. None of the surgeons I go to consider weight to be that much of an issue.

I recommend that if your knee is that bad now you should get it done sooner rather than later. Leaving it you can run the risk of having a pain crisis should the bones lock on one another. That's not fun! And you also risk having deformities develop which could make the surgeon's job
and your recovery more that much more difficult.
Everything Jo said. Another bonus--it is often easier to lose weight after surgery. Most of us have had little appetite for quite awhile, and the surgery itself is also motivates a person to become more active as soon as possible. Another thought, once you don't hurt as much, you might need less comfort food.
Before my hip got so bad that I couldn't walk much any more, I lost 30lbs in 3 months very easily on weight watchers. Even with the loss of mobility, I've kept 20lbs of it off over a year later. I'm on day 10 post hip surgery, so weight watchers and renewed mobility are both in my New Year plan to lost another 30 before summer.
I have been so worried about it. I will still try to lose weight. the recumbant bike killed it the other day......has anyone else had that experience?

You have all made a good case that I should do it soon. I look like I'm about 102 years old going up and down stairs. I know that my co-workers and other see me and think to themselves, "If she wasn't so fat, she could walk better." I work with a bunch of inconsiderate macho men for the most part.

I'm also worried about the expense, but I won't have anymore money in a year or two than I have no, ya know?

I'm also worried about the expense, but I won't have anymore money in a year or two than I have no, ya know?

I meant to say I won't have anymore money that I do "now", not "no."
Taking off time from work now will be in your best interest, as you wait the possibility of other issues may arise as Jo stated, possibly limiting if not eliminating the chance to return to work.
A neighbor of mine is highly over weight was in need of BLTKR, the OS she had gone to suggested that she see a dietitian, along with weighing in the possibility of a laparoscopic gastric banding. But being your doing so well with weight loss i would stay that path, get the TKR and continue what has been working so well.
That will be highly beneficial both to the new knee(s), recovery, over all health and longevity for yourself.

Best wishes and my prayers are with you.
All that sounds so good! My other concern was if I would be able to get up out of a recliner. I guess I'll find out.

My OS said that he could give me a series of 3 injections of Synvasc or something like that. He said it could bring me relief. Did any of you have that, and would you recommend it? I guess it just puts off the inevitable for awhile.........
Welcome to the forum Beth, glad you found it, this forum has been a huge help to all of us. At 65 I was bone on bone and having lived in pain for a number of years with my back I had gained considerable weight. I lost 70 pounds prior to my surgery and am glad I did but if I had it to do over again I would not have waited. Have the surgery and worry about losing the weight afterward when you can exercise. As for your job and no one else being able to do it I can only say that unless you own the company there is always someone else who can do the job. As lovely as it would be to be indespensible none of us is and I would never put the quality of my life on hold for a job that only pays a wage. I have been in business for myself and even then there were others who could step in when need be and do the job. Your dedication is nice for your employer but it puts you and your well being on the back burner, not a good thing. I hope you find relief and will look forward to seeing your posts. Rowdy
I am over 130 pounds overweight and get around just fine after my TKR. I am worried about gaining weight while I am recovering(but not too much). I know that in a few weeks I will be able to start going to the gym again.
The main issue is the pain. I am in less pain now than before.
I had the 3 shots of synvisc. It did nothing for me. I saw it as a step before TKR.
Good luck
You have all been so kind and have me feel much better about making a good decision.
I have one small question: When my knee is KILLING me like it is now, do I use heat or cold on it??
I have Celebrex but I don't feel that it has done any good.....

thanks again--you are all angels!
And yes--I'm going to keep up with the weight loss. Anyone else have a problem with a recumbent bike? I don't even have any tension set on the bike, but the last time I used it, it was horrible the next day....
Use whatever works, my dear. Cold is the usual. Pain makes the tissues inflamed and heat will make the inflammation worse in theory.
Thats true Beth, I look at is at having a flat tire, you can put fix a flat in it and get a few miles out of it, knowing in the long run it will need repaired or replaced.
synvisc will only be putting off the inevitable if offer any pain relief at all, but as part of the OS protocol it is to try every means of treatment, using surgery as a last resort.
The big advantage of synvisc is there is no know side effects or long term effect like there is with hydrocortozone and steroids, that can actually speed up the deterioration of the knee along with other possible side effects.
As far as being able to get up from a recliner, first week or 2 may be a struggle, at 2 to 3 weeks you should be able to do it with little or no problem.
A strong will with a positive attitude is the best medication and PT.
I had really good results with synvisc for about five years, but in the meantime the other knee fell apart and that's the one that had to be replaced. I will have to have the right knee done sometime.

I couldn't do the recliner at all, but mine goes down by pushing your feet against the foot rest, only the up part is done with a handle. I couldn't get the darn thing down! I would think a normal one would be just fine.
Hmmmmmmm.....that makes me not want to try the Synvisc because if it doesn't work, I've spent alot of money. The way my insurance operates, I'm sure it would cost me alot. I have heard it is pretty expensive anyway. That all gives me food for thought.

Remember I said I was worried about my job--and no one being able to do it?? I've already started typing up instructions on how to do almost everything that I do!!

I told my boss a month or so ago that I would be having the TKR eventually and that I would be out a couple of months. He looked at me intently and said "That is not acceptable." He was just joking though.
With a month or so of notice your boss should be searching or training someone to fill in.
What good would it be if you were not able to work at all, compared to a couple months of back log.
Your primary concern should be for your health and well being, in doing so you will be a more productive and beneficial to the company.
The bosses should be the ones focusing getting the work done till they get there star employee back on her feet.
Glad to see you are going to put your health at the head of the list where it belongs. If you don't want the injections why don't you ask the doctor if he thinks it would be just as well to go ahead and have the TKR? He may well say yes. My knees were both bone on bone and there was never any suggestion of injections other than steroid to ease the pain which did help the first two injections but the third did nothing. In the meantime work on your upper body strength, pulling yourself up out of the recliner as you are going to need your upper body strength in the beginning anyway. You will be surprised at how much better you feel after the initial pain of the surgery has passed. Even that is not as bad as the pain you are in now because you know you have done something to improve your quality of life. You will hurt the first couple of days especially but after that the pain seems to diminish at an astonishing rate. By the third week I felt sort of like super woman, not that I got my cape out or anything but still I could sure tell that I was better. Good luck, I look forward to reading your future posts. Rowdy
Hi Beth....I am a larger lady also and I used Synvasc for several years and it worked great but even better was one called Durolane and it was only one injection but it is expensive. It worked for a few years but you know in the end I was only putting it off.......
I wish I had had it done a few years back when I was much thinner..but I finally got it done on Nov. 3 2008 and I am sure it is for the better down the road but not there just yet.
One thing I have learned from this site is it takes time to heallllllllll so I am in the process.
Good luck on your choice...Carol
First of all, Carol, I hope your recovery is going really fast!
And to all of you (again) you have made me feel so much better about all of this.
Well, where I work, they never do the thing that makes sense! I work at a police department. Everyone has their "thing" that they do, and they never cross-train anyone to do anyone else's job. I am the secretary in the Criminal Investigation Division. I was hired 24 years ago, and I was the first secretary ever in that position, so the whole system in CID is something I created. BUT I know what you are saying. Life will go on, crime will continue, and they will figure out some way to get the paperwork done! Or not. It won't be my problem. I do regret that I will have to wait until after January because then I have the deductible to worry about, but one way or another it will work out.
I have to tell you, I am scared to death about this whole thing!!! But I have all of you for support, and that's gonna make a difference.
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