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Now I have a question!!

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Jun 8, 2007
The North
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I have a fierce, crampy muscle in my back, right over the area of my right kidney and just below the lower border of the ribs. I've iced it, used heat, pills, TENS machine and even massaged it with my knuckles but nothing seems to be helping, not even pills. It's not excruciatingly painful, more like a fish hook caught in the muscles which someone pulls on every time I try to do anything. It's really beginning to annoy me.

Any suggestions, folks? mentioned that your pre-op tests showed a uninary tract infection. Might it be related to that or even a kidney infection?
Nurse Jo--
Sounds like you should call your MD--you've done all the obvious "home remedies" and if you're still having pain you should check it out.
No, no - this is superficial, muscular. It actually radiates down towards my lower spine and hurts whenever I move or twist. And when I rub it with my knuckles. it sounds like you must have pulled a muscle there. Probably from worrying about your upcoming surgery (LOL). I know....pain is not funny, but I couldn't resist an opportunity to try and make you laugh. Have you tried a heat pad along with some rub like Ben Gay (don't know what you have like that in England)? Maybe it's just one of those muscle strains that takes some time. So sorry you're hurting!!!
I will be thinkingabout it. One thing do you think it is nerve related as the pills do not help. At my surgeon's discussion the other nite, which was on lumbar spinal stenosis, he did mention that the pain is nerve related and not relieved by the normal pain meds.
Jo,,,,have you been doing anything strenuous
Like cleaning the house again? Is the pain on
The same side as your knee that needs the surgery?
Maybe your overcompensating and your muscles are reacting?
Take a nice warm bath, rest, elevate ice, then
Try using some moist heat for a short period!
This has been a crazy week for you!
Please let us know how you feel! Then ring
Your general physician & tell him your symptoms!
You're also anxiety ridden which I'm sure isn't
Helping you any! Try Alleve for extended relief!
Feel better Mother Hen!!!
This website might be helpful

When I get those kind of aches in weird places I use a three inch inflatable ball. The idea is to put continuous pressure on it until it releases.

Another great tool is the theracane, which serves the same purpose but is good for us folks who have trouble getting up off the floor. You can find them on ebay.
[] Now I have a question!!
I am such a clutz! I just remembered - I've had this pain for a while now! Been to the chiropractor twice, for heaven's sake! It was originally caused by my using one crutch and exacerbated by setting up my new tv (plugging in scarts and all that)! It was much more widely spread and included the s/i joints which Greg sorted but this is the last remnant of it.

Sorry to worry you all - I'm just stupid!
[] Now I have a question!!

I once had a muscle spasm or knotted muscle in my lower back, and found out that it was caused by taking too many alfalfa tablets. Alfalfa naturally contains hydrazine which is used to make the drug hydrolazine. The naturally occuring hydrazine caused the muscle spasm. (Hydrazine also occurs naturally in mushrooms and some other plants).
My doctor told me I could cure it naturally by taking quinnine tablets or drinking tonic water. I took the quinnine tabs which I got over the counter, and it more muscles in knots.

I'm not sure if that is what yu have, but you never know.
Thanks - worth a try. I have some tonic water in stock as it happens and it can't hurt!
Now I can REALLY tell you are a little frantic with the upcoming surgery. Chill, Miss Jo....just chill....a nice glass of sherry, feet up....happy thoughts. This will be behind you very soon. And with those wonderful pain meds, NOTHING will hurt for a while!
Jo,,,,,some nice gin wouldn't hurt with the tonic,,,,or two!
Bet you'll be forgetting about any pain before long!'re MY kind of nurse!!! Bring on the medicine! With lime, please.
Coming right up Super moderator,,, on the rocks?
We aim to please!!! :)
You are nice and cooling!
Relax, I know it is hard, but with all the prayers you have coming, it has to be an easy recovery and uneventful. Take nurse jamie and judles advice and post later.
That's better, my friend! I fear we're going to be lecturing the teacher at times. You know we'll be watching out for you and wanting all the best for you. You are so special to so many!!!
Yes ma'am!
[] Now I have a question!!

Incidentally, the tonic water seems to have worked! My muscle spasm is greatly improved!
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