Help!!! I am new at this. I have had arthritic problems with my knees since I was 19 years old. I went in for my 9th surgery on my left leg, which is the worse of the two, a few weeks ago to remove a sist, well, instead the doctor found such bad bone-on-bone, that he cleaned things up the best he could, sent me to PT for 3 weeks, and I see him tomorrow to discuss options. I don't know what to expect, and am a very scared. My quality of life is completely off. I have 3 young sons, and I can't even walk the family dog, walk to the bus stop to pick up my kid, grocery shop, or anything without a LOT of pain. I don't sleep at night, and that ruins my days with the kids! I am not sure where to go from here!! What do you all think? The age factor has me horrified!