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(Not So) Terrified Horseman

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junior member
Aug 1, 2009
United States United States
Hi Y'All... :D

Had the THP (right side) last Fri. at 3pm. Sent me home Monday at noon.
Have been amazed at how easy it has been to get around (crutches) since Sat. morning.
Have had some obviously temporary pain from incision, bruising etc. but the overall pain factor is clearly just a fraction of what I was going through before the surgery.
The PT is easy - have to remind myself not to overdo it.
I can walk about 20ft. forward and then 20ft. backward withOUT the crutches - but that is defiitely pushing the envelope. Have been getting along fine around the house - well, maybe not "graceful-fine" or "fast-fine" - but haven't hit any serious snags at all. Have the customary restriction against driving for at least 6 weeks and, of course, I can't climb on my horse (remember "Shiloh"? :D) until further notice - but am trying to be patient.

Want to again give all of you great Folks the biggest Thank You in the World for all the sorely-needed encouragement and emotional support when I was facing the knife. I have to believe the positive attitude you Folks helped me have really has played an important role in the speed of my recovery.

Again - Many, many, many Thanks and the Best of Good Luck to Everyone !

:D Shawnee
hey im so glad your back and posting we missed ya you will be back on the horse before you know glad your doing well but dont over sue it.............Im so glad your done ..........)well with the sugery.......
Impressive, for sure. WOW. Your post has just given me such hope that I, too, will have a chance for such an easy recovery. I have read SO many posts about having pain, complications and misery, that this one has helped me prepare in a positive way.

I know that I have always faced things with the attitude and theory: prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

At this rate, I suspect you will be driving before the 6 week date. My surgeon said I could drive as soon as I felt I would not kill myself and others.

Horseman, did you do exercises before the surgery? I am quite active each day, but then crash at the end of the day, staying in bed for at least 10 hours. I am not "in shape" but can also say I am actively walking, lifting, stretching and standing on my feet for at least 8 hours each day.

Gosh, I shall refer to this post when I am feeling low and need some positive thoughts!

Thanks for the update.

May your recovery stay at this fine pace and may your life return to normal as soon as possible.:thmb::thmb::cool:

Congrats. I am so happy for you. Shiloh will wait for you and it will go by fast (I hope)
It is hard to not push it, but if you do your new hip will tell you. Well actually it will be your muscles, ligaments, tendons, etc. I know from personal experience!!
Keep letting us know how you are doing and do remember to rest a lot!!
that is fantastic. keep working in pt and trips with shiloh arent that far away. with my first hip alot of things after the first two weeks felt like a good work out. keep the exercises up and and dont get too far ahead of yourself and you'll be fine. God bless and i'm so glad to hear
What wonderful news! I am so happy for you that things are going so very well.
Don't worry about Shilol, he'll wait for you and just think about that first ride. Such a great dream for the future and quite a goal to shoot for! Keep up the good work and don't overdo it. I know your feeling well, but you have been through a lot, and your body needs rest to heal. Slow and steady... just like a young colt Shawnee. :thmb:
Blessings to you always~~
Happy Trails to you,Shawnee!!!! Ride On!!!!! ((:0)
Thanks Y'All !!!

SASVermont. I hope everyone is as lucky as I feel.
It would be wrong for me to say there is no pain - sometimes I do have to grit my teeth a bit - and the others are absolutely right about your body "letting you know when you've done too much". But that's just part of it.
I think I may have been a little ahead of the game because I am a rider and thus those muscles had some extra "tone" in them anyway. Also, my surgeon talks about making the incision between the muscles rather than into/through them and that has to help a huge amount.
Something that has helped me a lot (imho) is having things to do in addition to the PT and "waiting for the next PT". I don't spend all my time mentally focused on what I can't do. Some friends came over for a guitar "jam session", a nice horsewoman I know came over and did a spaghetti dinner and brought the movies of her daughter showing her horse at a local show. I'm having the floor of my woodshop cemented later today so I've got all that planning (dreaming) to do, one of my neighbors is going to help me repair my bathroom ceiling (by doing the work while I watch:hehe:), another neighbor who bowls is going to drag me along to sit and watch at his league night. Another neighbor is going to haul me to an auction where he plans to buy some goats. There will (soon) be my visits to "Shiloh".

Even though I'm about as graceful as a water balloon and can get fatigued easier than normal, I just don't have time to dwell on it and I really think that "positiveness" chases away a lot of the pain. All the physical gliches can be solved, or laughed at. Hang in there :pray: and just refuse to let the temporary problems take center-stage in your Life.

And I cannot overestimate how helpful the great Folks on this forum have been for me. I truly was terrified :shk: when I learned I needed the THP and the Folks here made a World of difference for me!!

Good Luck ! :wink:

P.S. There will be those moments when the frustration boils over a bit. If you want, I'll lend you some of my special Golf words for those occassions. :wink:
Great news, Horsewoman. I'm delighted for you. wonderful to hear from you and know that you're doing great. You will see steady improvement now. Post any time....we love to hear these great stories of our BoneSmarties getting their active lives back.
Hey Sas, you need to look back a few months (APril/May) and look for entries in the post surgery threads by ANDY....If you need inspiration go there....he was REALLY positive! Jo might know where they are better than I!!

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