Not So Happy (maybe Slow? ) Dancing in AK

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Jun 2, 2008
Palmer, Alaska
OK - Today was the sort of do or die day with the OS. Saw the new guy - WO it was busy in there today - I never have to wait but today .... ugh! Also found out the other OS I have seen is doing 6 months (Reservist) in Germany - Yikes So the office was quite backed up - 2 OS' outta town and all - Oh I should also say that for the past 2 nights I have had the worst hip pain I have ever had (actually thought I was losing it last night - way OWIE!!! - Thank goodness pain pills aren't picky and work for a multitude of pain!)

Anyway - this guy was super apologetic - finally saw him at 11 (was supposed to be 10:30) - Younger than my regular guy - really friendly - great bedside manner - but.... NOT HAPPY with my extention ( I know - what????) Here I thought that was doing just fine. NOPE -still between -8 and -10. UGH -- I said we can push it down - he sort of laughed and said - who's gonna push it down when your pt isn't around?? OK - made sense. Then we talked flexion - Proud mama of 103!!!! Well - how far can you bend it on your own.... Bend it - 90ish. I'm all smilesssssss - Again - Not happy.

I guess I see his point - What good is it if we only get those numbers if we are shoving the **** out of it.

Ok - I am at 12 weeks - end of window - MUA is the rec. Ok - I agreed to do what this guy said - so I agreed - MUA on MONDAY AM at 7. I'm coming to grips with that. But..... I mentioned my hip really hurt. OK - he pushed on the other leg - moved it all over - kept asking if it hurt - Wanted to say no dummy - other side -but - was polite - then he torqued the right side around - yep that hurt! Took hip and pelvis xrays. I joked with the xray tech- I am just a little crooked - hahaha

No Hahas. I have calcification in both hips that is causing the pain. The soft stuff between the ball and socket has calcified and is stick out past where it should be ??? (Help JO!!!) UGHHHHH All the shoving on my knee (PT and the JAS) is causing it to be painful. Although - he kept asking me how long have I had the pain.. We really just thought it was from walking -

Anyway - I am going to have some sort of shot on Tuesday morning by a radiologist to help manage it until it gets unbearable - Hopefully that doesn't ever happen.

Get's better - Then he says - you do have arthritic changes in your lower back though. hmmmmm

HUH??? Well it seems the lowest 3 bones (lumbar????) are smushed together and then my spine takes a sharp right turn and heads up my back. Suggested we take care of the knee first, follow the hip and then get in to see a back guy-

OK - Guess at 42 ya sort of fall apart. By this time I was totally brain dead. never expected the hip and back thing. Sort of Numb - I have never had hip or back problems b4. - Well I did get another pain tolerance atta boy - Guess I am my father and mother's kid - They never complained.

I guess the silver lining in all this is that at least I am not going crazy - thinking I am being a baby - I guess I am allowed to say my hip and back hurt.

May need to postpone the happy dancing for a while. Taking all next week off. Good thing the hubby comes in tonight (he doesn't have a clue yet - ).

Any help/ideas etc re the knee, the back, the hip would be apprectiated. I may post on the hip side quickly to see if anyone knows much about this calcification thing.

All is good and all can only get better - I know I can count on all your wit and charm next week (oh - and what is the "knee imobilizer ****" - I never needed one b4 - guess I get that and another cpm for a while???) - I will be reading all the wonderful messages on the board - and of course Doug's silly wonderful replies that brighten our day!

Running outta room - I think the cold has gotten to my brain!

Oh Marianne,

I'm so sorry all this is happening to you. I don't have any helpful advice because I didn't talk about my hip when I went in last week. Yes, I'm a chicken. I will be sending good thoughts and many prayers about your MUA on Monday. Keep us all posted.
I can relate to it all. I have arthritis in my whole spine. That is the scarey part as they cannot replace your spine. And I sure have requested it!!

I am glad your MUA is going to be on monday, quick get it over with. I've had a few cortisone shots in the hip. The first one helped the most. Lots of injections in the spine and knees.
Good luck with it all
Linda and Judy-

I am so glad I have all of you to chat with. In a way I am glad I know what's going on. I have been so tired and sore and just plain thinking I am so messed up from the knee. I feel better knowing it isn't all the knee and I am really not a baby after all. I know all will be fine. I get a week off of school as a result. I guess I can watch all the Law and Order I want next week (great show to watch when you can't sleep). I can hang out and watch the snow flakes fall. (No accumulation - just a bunch of dustings. The 2 inches melted away by lunch the other day!) Maybe I'll read a book or... chat with you all!

THANKS for being here!

Marianne, oh boy. That OS visit must have knocked the wind out of your sails! You poor thing. Good luck with the MUA Monday. It isn;t as bad as you think. It really helps, even if it's gradual like mine has been. Hope the cortisone injections work for you too. I have them in my other knee and they always help (at the moment anyway).

I'll be thinking of you. Take care. Hope you get lots of rest nextwek and that your hubby gives you lots of TLC!! (((((HUGS))))))) Sue
I hate hear that news...Several of us have posted that it seems as soon as we fix one thing another breaks...I must be blowing out my liver and kidneys because I'm pretty much taking NSAIDs daily.
On the brighter side, I read your post earlier before taking my son to school. On the way back I was driving along and started laughing....I'm thinking Palmer Ak. must really be a colorful city.
They have a pretty blonde lady with one pink leg, standing on black ice, next to yellow snow!!
"Yellow snow"!?! hmmm ...

Those calcifications are also called osteophytes and are the bane of people with o/a in the hip. You can see the effects here.

[] Not So Happy (maybe Slow? ) Dancing in AK

Sadly, whilst an injection of steroids will help the local inflammation subside a little it will only be temporary and the sooner you get a THR the better.

Sorry to hear your news. I guess it will be a bit longer before you're doing the dance again, huh? But, you will be doing it again in the future! I've never had a MUA, but from what I've learned here, it can really help. Let's hope you get those results! Let's pray for good results from the shots too!!! Good luck to you on Monday, I'll surely be thinking about you!
"....I'm thinking Palmer Ak. must really be a colorful city.
They have a pretty blonde lady with one pink leg, standing on black ice, next to yellow snow!! "- Doug

Doug - Your wit never ceases to amze me. After the day I had today (Boss told me is sucks to be you - don't ask - he was very inappropriate, but in reality he was right) I didn't think anything could make me smile.

Somehow we need to work in termination dust (First snow of the season that lightly dusts the upper mountain tops - and this year that was back in August) and gray glacial silt. We have lots of wind that blows down the rivers carrying the glacial silt that is deposited along the banks. The winds crack 80 alot of the time and that stuff blows way over to our neck of the woods and create neat layers on the snow all winter.

Thanks to all of you for your wonderful words of encouragement. I am still trying to get a handle on what this guy told me yesterday. But I know it will all be fine. My job really stunk this afternoon so I am looking forward to a week away from the politics that take place in a school. My kiddos will be fine - I will call them each day and chat with one or two of them - and they will rat out anyone being bad! Plus I will see if the sub will let them email!

Jo - Yikes - The OS was cleat that I am too young (as he said and I giggled since I was too young for the knee as well) for a THR. I am in no hurry. I am willing to take the slow route (seems to be my thing) and try the shot while we get the knee finished up. Then I will tackle the hip more aggressively. I will talk to my regular OS about it when I see him the beginning of Nov.

It will all be fine. Even the husband is being nice - He actually figured out how to run the washing machine and dryer today - first time in a long time. I think he gets it now! He even managed to cook a great meal of McDonalds for us!

Wll - I am off to ice the knee and crash- Now at least I can admit I have a pain in the back and one in the hip and feel like I am not crazy! All will be fine- MUA will hopefully be just ducky (My mom's favorite word). PT was a bit disappointed that I will be doing MUA but they were great and scheduled me for Wed and Friday and told me from now on any time I want to come in and just ride the bike or use any of the equipment on "off" days they will get me heat and ice and I can use them. I have a treadmill but no bike. The pt guy was like - I can't believe you are still working it so hard - good for you. I just don't want to go backwards -

Ok - enough rambling - Doug - you crack us up up here!


You have such a great attitude. I know you will do just great with that MUA and like you said--- take it one thing at a time. I have OA in both knees, all three sections of my spine and those " arthritic changes" in my hips as well, plus heel spurs and have a pretty funky-looking walk that varies from day to day depending on what hurts the most on that day. I really do know those sinking feelings you had when you were talking to the doc about your test results. I have also had the "you are so young to have all this" talk with several doctors over the past few years.....but also felt the gratification of knowing it is "real" and I am not crazy....

Just remember that it is all inter-connected. When you get your gait to be more normal after your MUA it should take some of the stress off your hips and spine. I am experimenting with new shoes and orthotics in my shoes trying to stop walking off balance due to my plantar fasciitis and foot pain. I know the weird gate makes my knee with the PKR hurt and swell, then I walk crooked and that makes my right knee hurt and swell and buckle and I can't even tell what is back and what is hip pain....

I am just taking one day at a time and doing all I can to take care of myself and enjoy what I can do. The Cymbalta seems to help with my nerve pain and with my attitude as well. I haven't had a pity-party/cry all the way home from school session in several weeks and am sleeping better too.

I'll be thinking of you and hoping you have GREAT results from the MUA. You are such a hard worker and this boost should be just what you need to get it all back again. Bless you and take very great care!
Marianne, glad I can make you smile..It's one of the other reasons I stay with the forum. All this joint replacement stuff kind of knocks the attitude down and hopefully I can pull it up a little.
I've made some great cyber friends who I really cherish..I've also learned so much about people and places I'll never see....

Now.....back to a serious matter......Keep the Clorox away from your husband...Men aren't capable of dealing with it. We will put it on the wrong things, and what we don't get put in the washer might splash on the floor and get wiped up with a dark towel.... In my house, we now have an agreement....I wash mine and my sons clothes...I don't touch my wife's no matter how tempting..My wife is 5'5/ 120 lbs. I had one of her bras stretched out to oh about 5 feet by the time I untangled it from my jeans. That one got wrapped up in a plastic grocery bag and thrown in the trash....Then like a true man, I denied ever seeing it..
Oh Doug, what a wonderful story to wake up to. You always bring a smile to my face too. Glad you are staying around!! I also cherish all of you great people, sometimes it was hard to face another day at the beginning of recovery. Thank goodness I stumbled upon this site!! Thank you all again!!
Doug, First time I have responded to your discussion (though been reading them during my THR recovery). I roared hearing your laundry story. Now I know where some of my "unmentionables' may have gone over the years. In my house, bleach is kept in a separate location--for all concerned!!

Have a good day,
No bleach in my house. Many many things disappear though. I have banned my husband from touching my laundry. Yet it still sometimes ends up becomming too small for even my 13 year old.
Too many options with women's clothing...and on the washer.
I just need instructions that says "dump cloths in. dump soap in, push wash button, don't peek until the machine stops shaking".
Oh, Marianne, I am so very sorry. I know you must be just devastated. I can certainly relate. You are almost exactly the same age I was when this all hit me. I was 39 when my Orthopod (who I worked for doing his billing) told me I had the spine of a 75 year old woman. I was in so much pain and so crippled up I had no choice but to have surgery. Afterwards he told me there wasn't a lot to work with back there, all he could do was trim things up. Things went pretty well for almost a year and then I was readended and got a whiplash injury. That was awful and was told then that there was nothing anyone could do, too much arthritis and damage, that I would be in a wheel chair the rest of my life. Well that really pi$$ed me off so I went out and found the best PT in town and within 6 weeks I was up and running. The key to it all I figured was to just never sit down long enough to let it catch up with me and that worked for me until I was in my mid fifties. By then all the work and pushing had taken its toll and I had to stop working and start taking care of me Finally read about the pain clinic at the university here and got an appointment. Thanks to them I am allowed enough pain meds to keep me reasonably comfortable most days. Of course there are days that it is so bad nothing touches the pain and I just have to deal with it. I am sure if I had not pushed so hard I would have lasted a little longer but to be honest I wouldn't change a minute of the work or the pushing to do more. I have a feeling you are a fiesty lady and will come to same decision once the dust settles. I feel bad you have to make that decision but if it makes you feel any better I raised three children basically by myself and did it without food stamps or public assistance, not that there is anything wrong with getting those benefits. I just felt like I needed to do it on my own and I have always liked pressure. For me working was like breathing, I needed it like I need air. I am 67 and still pushing the envelope and don't plan to change. I just pray you find relief for the pain you are in and that the surgeon's hands are guided by our Heavenly Father. Good luck. Rowdy
Doug you are crazy. Thank God. As most of you know my oldest son who is 50 moved in with my husband and me two years ago. Not wanting to be a bother he did his own laundry until I opened my washer one morning and noticed the fabric softener dispenser was just overflowing with all manner of colors and gunk. I took it apart and cleaned it and then casually asked my son if he had any idea what it was. His reply was that he thought everything went in that little hole. We decided I would take care of the laundry. If there is one thing I draw the line at it is anyone using my washer. LOl Rowdy
O.K., another confession.
If you run out of automatic dishwasher soap, never never never substitute the liquid dish soap you put in the sink..
The foam in the kitchen was unbelievable.
My wife wasn't home for that one either..
Doug, You are just TOO MUCH! You crazy guy!

Marianne, hang in there. I think we can use the saying here, when it rains it pours, huh? I can totally relate to you. I'm in my 40s too and last year, I finally fessed up to myself that I had to get my knee replaced and there was no more putting it off. I visited the OS for that first appt thinking all I needed was one knee replacement and maybe a scope or two in some other joints and I walked out needing two knee replacements, a hip replacement and an ankle fusion. That was before the back problems reared it's ugly head. It is NO fun being what is considered young and knowing we have these multiple problems! Don't you sometimes wonder how you are going to make it another 40 years with these type of problems? I sure do but you know what? We both will! Stay optimistic. That's the only way to go!

I had a MUA at the same time I had my second knee replaced and I had no swelling or stiffness from it! Of course I had the other knee replaced and was dealing with that so the MUA seemed like nothing. I can say that it made a huge difference to my ROM and would do it again in a heart beat. I wish you the best of luck with the MUA. I think you will be happy with the outcome. Karen
Good luck, Marianne. From what others have said about, it sounds like the manipulation should help.

If you do get Hip replacement, I understand the recovery is much easier than re all THR.

We're all rooting for you.
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