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Not enough muscle strength after THR

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new member
May 17, 2009
United States
i'm 3 months out from thr. while i'm doing pretty well, i still don't have a lot of strength in my upper thigh -- i only feel sore at the end of the day, but wondering if anyone else has experienced this. the hip itself is fine.
Continuing pain after THR

Hi there, Welcome. I am a knee peson, but there are plenty of hip people that will be on here to help soon. I sure hope you can get this figured out soon. Take care of yourself and post anytime.....Kim
Re: Three months post op - awesome recovery report

Hi Farmgirl and welcome! I am also just over 3 months out from RTHR. I still get aches in my thigh when I've overdone it or when I'm tired. I have strength in that thigh, but sometimes when I'm going up stairs, the whole leg feels kinda like it weighs a hundred pounds. I ride my bike about 3-4 miles a day in a fairly hilly area which I've found is great - no pain at all anywhere! Actually I think part of my thigh pain is from the IT band because it goes into my knee sometimes, too. I just chalk it up to part of the overall healing process! Take care and post anytime with anything. You'll find this forum is great therapy! :)

Re: Three months post op - awesome recovery report

Welcome Steviep and Farmgirl!!!It's ALL part of the healing process!!! Give yourselves time! :)
Re: Three months post op - awesome recovery report

I had an LTHR in August 2008 because they were convinced that my longstanding hip problem was the source of all my pain. Admittedly, it was the source of some, but they were wrong and the problem is nerve related and is being caused by a trapped or crushed nerve near my sacrum. My hip is strong and I can ride a bike ok but I cannot walk ok as the outside of my lower leg is affected. Can't wait for the 12 month post-op consultation. Needless to say, for someone who was at the gym 3-4 times a week beforehand, I'm a little depressed about the whole thing.
Re: Three months post op - awesome recovery report

Welcome Chitchen! Why don't you see if you can make an earlier appointment with your OS to discuss??
Dead right, Judy. You shouldn't have waited so long.

Mind you, it is not uncommon for people to have a THR and then find that a lot of their pain was due to undiagnosed spinal problems. You could go to a chiropractor. I think you'd be more likely to get effective treatment than seeing your OS.

Where are you situated
in the world?
Hi Curlynne Im glad to here you are doing so well. Keep up the good work we are all pulling for ya !!!!!!!!!

Chitchen I would call the Dr asap also. I wouldnt wait either. Please let us know how it goes....You both will be in my prayers....
Why wait Chitchen? you'll just sit around worrying....what a waste of time that is. At least if you see the OS (and I agree with jo, a Chiro with good recommendations) you may well have an answer

Hi Farmgirl, I'm 2 months tomorrow and I have pathetic thigh muscles and my glutes are almost non much so that it took me weeks just to get me to squeeze my butt muscles!!! I couldn't fire them up, and when I do exercises which directly involve the glutes I find that I have to actually put my hand on them so that I can feel them activate! So I guess the answer is that there are plenty of us who have sad muscle response...
Just keep doing what you know you have to do and you'll be no the line...."it just takes time"
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