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PKR Nolander's LPKR Recovery Thread

Good to hear from you, Nolander. Thankfully surgery is now behind you and it's back to healing.
Keep us posted on your progress. Best wishes for a comfortable recovery!
Hey all. I am just checking in now that I am 6 days post-second-op. Things seem fine, and I am wearing my isolation brace 24/7. I only take it off to ice. The inflammation is not bad, but I am in a prone position with my leg elevated most of the day. Walking around is pain-free for the most part but I am not doing much of it as the brace makes it difficult. Tomorrow I can take the dressing off. I acquired a used Game-Ready this time around and it has been very nice, I highly recommend it to anyone able to acquire it.

I have eight more days until I can remove the brace and then bend up to 45 degrees. I have a follow-up appointment on Monday the 27th with a local knee surgeon who happens to be a friend of my surgeon, avoiding a 2.5-hour drive to Boston which is a huge relief.

I can't imagine what it will be like to bend this knee after so much time straight. I'm a little scared of that prospect.
It will bend. I had each of my legs in a full-length immobilizer for 6-8 weeks after my knee cap removals. Of course, they didn't bend immediately, but after a few weeks, the bending much improved with only my daily activities.
Welcome to the healing side, Nolander.
While I understand your apprehension in losing the immobilizer it's a big step toward full recovery and getting back to all that you love and have been missing. I hope you have a great week and a Happy Thanksgiving!
I can't imagine what it will be like to bend this knee after so much time straight. I'm a little scared of that prospect.
Please don't worry about this. My knee was immobilized for six weeks after a patella fracture some years ago and my bend came back once the swelling went down. It did feel strange when the brace first came off, but with some gentle bending and stretching, I was able to get back the same range of motion I had before the fracture.
I hope things are going well with your second recovery, @Nolander. I hope you had a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving and that no news is good news. :flwrysmile:
Happy Three Month Anniversary, Nolander!
I hope you're doing well as you're recovering from your recent procedure. Hopefully you have the brace off now.
A great rest of the week to you!
Post-second-op three-week checkin. I am past the two-week, straight-leg period and have moved onto 4 weeks of 45-degree ROM. I am told the reason for all this caution and restriction of movement is because the sutures tore the soft tissue and they want to ensure it heals. I made a sheet for this progression so I can keep it all "straight". SO any dreams of skiing or pedaling or really anything this winter have been squashed:(

[] Nolander's LPKR Recovery Thread
You never know. You could have a healing spurt and your chart will be wrong. Even if you can't ski this year, there is always next year and you will be so much better then. It's a time and healing thing. The final outcome will be worth it!
I made a sheet for this progression so I can keep it all "straight".
Very impressive spreadsheet (my sister would be proud, she loves to make spreadsheets!) and I love the humor! Best wishes as you continue healing!
Hi Nolander! :wave:
Happy One Month Anniversary...since your procedure.
I hope you're having a good week. Best wishes for a peaceful and pleasant weekend.
Thanks @Layla . Still hanging in. Having some pain and irritation at the top of the incision so I have a call into the doctor. This is turning into the slog from hell. One solace is the GameReady I picked up used. Such an improvement on the alternatives. I highly recommend to anyone having knee surgery. Some insurance will cover rental as well.
Let us know what your doctor says, please. I've heard really good things about GameReady. You're blessed to have found a used one.
I am sorry for the pain and irritation you're dealing with, Nolander.
I hope your doctor has some good advice for you. Let us know as time allows. We're here for you!
Hi Nolander,
Stopping by to see how you're doing two months to date since your procedure.
I hope the new year has brought some relief from the pain and irritation you were dealing with last time you posted. Hopefully your doctor had some helpful advice and your days are feeling brighter. Let us know when you have time, we do care. A great week to you!
Hello and big apologies for such a delayed update. To recap, lateral partial left knee on 8/29/23. Revision surgery to repair torn inner sutures on 11/14. Now 7 months out from the original surgery.

I am happy to report that things are pretty darn good. I started back on alpine ski touring in February and did quite a bit in March. Downhill runs were pretty good. I skied two day on March in Montana and it was a bit sensitive so I was conservative but overall I was impressed. I competed in my first cycling race a couple weeks ago, the 55 mile Rasputitsa Gravel Race in Northern VT. The knee did very well! I did an 80 mile ride last weekend and again, all good. I am still icing daily as I still have moderate edema just from everyday activity.

I am religiously doing strength training at least 3 days a week and am training on my bike 8-11 hours a week right now. I have considerable atrophy in my right leg and it's weak for sure. My ROM is very good but I don't think it'll ever be the same - I think the hardware prevents that.

I do have quite a bit of clunking and clicking depending on the amount of edema at any given time. And if I listen closely when I bend and extend it's noisy! Crunchy/grindy noise which is a little disconcerting but there is no associated pain.

Overall I am pretty happy, definitely in a better place then before surgery. I even bought a ski pass for next year! First time in a few years. Again sorry for my absence, life has been busy which is good!
Excellent news! You are doing very well.

My ROM is very good but I don't think it'll ever be the same - I think the hardware prevents that.
I've found this as well. I also have a bit of a clunky noise in my left knee on occasion. No pain either.

Yes, a busy life is good! So glad you are doing so well. :flwrysmile:
So great to hear from you and your progress sounds wonderful. It’s quite normal to have some swelling with activity (especially at the level you are doing) for a year or more after surgery, but you’re handling it properly.
22 Days Update: Howdy all. Things are progressing well so far. I am in outpatient PT now. I am following my surgeon's exercise regimen through the "Force" application. It updates my program every week and progresses. I still spend most of my time sitting in bed with my legs elevated with the cryo-cuff. Edema is good when not doing too much but does blow up from exercises. My gate is almost normal unless swollen. Pain is pretty much non-existent except for the night when I inevitably wake up because I've moved to a bad position. But I am only taking OTC pain meds now.

I've been on my bike trainer for a week now, 10 minutes a day. I raised my seatpost maybe 1/2 an inch but that's it (for the cyclists: I have my road bike on a Saris smart trainer on a Saris rocker platform hooked up to Zwift. Going lowest resistance. I created some custom "riders choice" programs to use so inclines are ignored). Feels relatively good pedaling, stiff but not painful. However when swollen, both on the bike and during some exercises I am getting a bit of clicking and clunking. PT says that's pretty normal. Would love to hear your experiences.

We’re you using clipless or flats?
22 Days Update: Howdy all. Things are progressing well so far. I am in outpatient PT now. I am following my surgeon's exercise regimen through the "Force" application. It updates my program every week and progresses. I still spend most of my time sitting in bed with my legs elevated with the cryo-cuff. Edema is good when not doing too much but does blow up from exercises. My gate is almost normal unless swollen. Pain is pretty much non-existent except for the night when I inevitably wake up because I've moved to a bad position. But I am only taking OTC pain meds now.

I've been on my bike trainer for a week now, 10 minutes a day. I raised my seatpost maybe 1/2 an inch but that's it (for the cyclists: I have my road bike on a Saris smart trainer on a Saris rocker platform hooked up to Zwift. Going lowest resistance. I created some custom "riders choice" programs to use so inclines are ignored). Feels relatively good pedaling, stiff but not painful. However when swollen, both on the bike and during some exercises I am getting a bit of clicking and clunking. PT says that's pretty normal. Would love to hear your experiences.

We’re you using clipless or flats?
Clipless since day one. Initially, I found twisting my heel inward instead of outward was easier.
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