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Noisy Knee

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junior member
Mar 1, 2008
United States
Well I graduated from therapy Thursday.. I feel good about my progress..
my knee is veryyy straight and my flex was 132 not bad.. so I am on go.

I have one troublesome thing... My knee 'klunks' (for lack of a better word) and not infrequently... all the time.. not every step... but all the time.. has anyone experienced this... I see my OS on May 9... Im wondering what I might expect..

Congratulations on your great progress. Feels good, doesn't it?

Knee clunking was a topic of conversation earlier in the week. Lots of people have it--- no one seems to know what it is. Consensus is--- creepy.

First one to find out---- let us all know!

(My PKR doesn't clunk--- must need more than one metallic compartment to clunk.....)
Do you guys know this is on the hip side? You're talking knees right?
Well, the title was Noisy knee

She's talking about her knee clunking and her knee ROM

so I answered... even though it was on the "hippie" side of things....

so, yeah....
OOPS!! My Bad!! (hanging head in shame)

Thanks for the response... I'll try to pay attention... notice i said try!!

Blessings Linda
lol Linda--

not a problem for me--- but it is harder to find a "kneesel" to talk to on the "hippie" side!

take care!
Beach and texas - That's eaxctly what I thought happened. See ya on the other side linda and carolyn, I like talking with you anywhere! Jen
Now that I chase you 2 away I hope you read this!
Beach, were you a hippy? I've see you picture and I'd believe it. You've got that wild child look to ya.
Wild child? Nah, not me.

Very quiet, serious student-type.

I did grow up in the (still) hippie capital of the Northwest--- where tye-dye and patchouli have never gone out of style... But I was never a hippie....and I am probably the least wild-child gal you know. Or at least I was until I met Scott. He has certainly widened my horizons--- traveling, riding motorcycles, backpacking through countries where neither of us speak the language, and getting caught in a SRO Sammie Hagar concert where I almost passed out. Not sure if it was the heat and press of people-- or the vicodin I had taken for my back--- or the margarita I drank.... lol.... my "wildest chid" moment.
Beach....we keep havin' a lot in common! In the late 60's when all the other colleges were demonstrating for civil rights and against the Vietnam war, my big deal was a sit-in for longer dorm hours. Pretty racy, huh!!
Wild child? Nah, not me.

Very quiet, serious student-type.

I did grow up in the (still) hippie capital of the Northwest--- where tye-dye and patchouli have never gone out of style... But I was never a hippie....and I am probably the least wild-child gal you know. Or at least I was until I met Scott. He has certainly widened my horizons--- traveling, riding motorcycles, backpacking through countries where neither of us speak the language, and getting caught in a SRO Sammie Hagar concert where I almost passed out. Not sure if it was the heat and press of people-- or the vicodin I had taken for my back--- or the margarita I drank.... lol.... my "wildest chid" moment.

That is pretty wild child Missy. But if it was only the once we can chalk it up to youthful indescretion. PS. It probably was all 4.
That is pretty wild child Missy. But if it was only the once we can chalk it up to youthful indescretion. PS. It probably was all 4.

Uh.... it was a couple of years ago...... but thanks for the "youthful'
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