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Revision THR No Progress 2nd THR


new member
Nov 11, 2024
Peoria Illinois
United States United States
This is my first post, please excuse if not correct! Fell 2 yr ago broke hip 68yr female. Hip repair, made progress until 5 months then nothing, seen another surgeon, same practice, exactly 1 year later he did total hip replacement, again made great progress until 5 months, NOTHING but pain in hip area that was in Nov 2023. Had professional therapy both times. Going for 2nd MRI today, he’s thinking maybe referred pain from back, but pain is right at the hip socket. Nighttime pain the worst, can’t even open my legs to insert pillow, waking my husband up in the other room moaning, still using cane, limping, can’t walk up stairs, can drive but pain when I turning a corners, because my bottom is stationary and my top half moves. Recently he put me on a walker because he thought he saw small stress fractures after first MRI.The surgeon was to be one of the best for THR. I’m feeling so hopeless! I don’t want to appear as a wimp old lady cause I’m NOT! I still feel like I’m 40 yrs old inside and have things I want do!
Hello and Welcome to Bonesmart! Thanks for joining us.
Please list the names and exact dates of your surgeries, also identifying which hip it is so those stopping by to read / respond are able to see what you're recovering from and how far along you are.

Sorry to read of your accident and surgeries. Hopefully you will learn more through todays MRI. Please do understand that recovery from THR takes most a full year and even longer for others. Do let us know what you hear so we're better able to support you. Try not to feel hopeless and look forward to a diagnosis so you know what you're dealing with and how to proceed.
I wish you comfort and hope you'll stay in touch. We're here for you! :console2:
I first fell Nov 2022 broke left hip, it was repaired with screws and rod inserted into my femur, always had pain from surgery. Then one year later Nov 2023 another surgeon from same practice thought it was best to do a total left hip revision and take out all the equipment that was placed in the previous year and do a total hip replacement. Was doing physical therapy and making progress until about 5 months and boom! Worse off than I ever was! MRI done October 2022, showed 2 small stess fractures, instructed to use walker come back end of Nov. still no better, he thinks maybe pain coming from back and pressing on nerves? I have no back pain. My pain is right in left hip joint only. Can’t lay on it, I limp badly, can’t climb stairs, can’t walk very far at all, no house work, can’t stand for any length of time, definitely have to use cane. Another MRI Dec 2022, have not seen doctor yet.
Hi @Sassy2020 I've started to create a signature for your and need a bit of clarification.

I understand that you had the hip pinning in November 2022 and the THR in November 2023, but am confused about the following:
MRI done October 2022, showed 2 small stess fractures
Another MRI Dec 2022, have not seen doctor yet.
Did you mean to say 2024 for these MRIs? I'm assuming they were AFTER for THR, not before?

Please let us know so we can ensure your signature is correct.
Thanks for clarifying, @Sassy2020. Please come back and give us an update after you see your doctor and receive a diagnosis from your latest MRI.
Did see my surgeon yesterday concerning MRI results from 12/2024 lower back. He was thinking continuing pain may be coming from nerve in back. Said it looked fine, had me on table rotating my hip, checked where exactly I felt the pain. Pain area was side of hip and groin area. He’s perplexed, has no idea what’s going on. Gave me shot of Cortizone within five minutes, felt a tremendous amount of relief! I could walk without limping or pain! Lasted about 2 hours and then now it hurts like hell upon walking at the injection site. So, I don’t know know if it’s because of the injection, or because the injection didn’t work and just irritated the area more! He did suggest starting PT again, which I’m anxious to start. I’m to follow up with him in month. Told him, last 2 years been crippled up, I’ve lost 2 years of my life! I may be 70 but I’m still 40 yr old on the inside!
Hi Sassy,
From my understanding through reading others accounts here, it's normal for there to be some pain or soreness at the injection site today and maybe even tomorrow.
I've read that the initial relief is likely from the numbing agent mixed with the steroid, which will wear off over the next several hours. You may notice some improvement within one to three days, but it can take a full week to ten days for the full effect. As far as how long to lasts, that varies also from weeks to months.

I do hope you find speedy relief and you're able to work with the PT to resolve your issues and move forward without pain.
Best Wishes! Please keep us posted.
Thank you for the info on the injection, doctor didn’t mention anything about the effects. So, as usual, once again, I’ll try to be patient. The soreness does seem to be dissipating a little now.
Hi Sassy. I'm a new member too (left THR 12/10/24), so don't know how much I have to offer. Obviously I am very early in my recovery and still have a variety of aches and pains that come and go and travel all over the leg, etc.

My heart goes out to you. I can't begin to imagine how utterly frustrated you must be at this point. If I come across as ignorant in these matters, please forgive me. As I read the account of what you've been through questions pop into my head.

I'm assuming your surgeon has ruled out bursitis, IT band syndrome or irritation. Leg length difference. Things like that? I ask because I read other members' stories here on bonesmart and those issues come up sometimes for other folks. Just trying to help you brainstorm and figure out what the heck might be going on.
Thank you for your kind words!

For past several years I’ve always had shots in that hip for bursitis, which would help for awhile. I fell in 11/22 broke hip and top of femur, repaired with equipment, emergency surgery so I got the surgeon on call. Never healed, test did reveal possible IT band syndrome, shots, no relief. Saw another surgeon, same practice but was to be the best surgeon for THR. The original surgeon retired after my surgery, haha! New surgeon stated that it would be a little more complicated since he would have to remove old equipment placed previous 12 months and insert THR anterior approach this time.

All was well, saw a professional PT, discharged, instructed to increase home PT gradually. I left PT doing 20 clamshells and was able to do 50 reps 2 times daily among my other exercises. Then, it hit me, I tried to do a clamshell and felt a popping sensation side of hip when I tried to lift the leg that had implant! From then on it was all downhill!

Saw surgeon, put me on muscle relaxers, lay off PT if causing discomfort, come back in month, if not better, numerous test done, nothing showing up.

In meantime, having great deal of weight loss since originally falling, with other issues arising had to see GI doctor. Colonoscopy done, wait for test results, colon cancer. Then having to wait to see another specialist, oncologist, surgery, recovery.

So, I finally was able to get back to back to see Orthopedic surgeon who thought he saw stess fractures around pelvis areas, put me on a upright aluminum walker for several weeks. Went back, no better, looked at the MRI again, showed MAYBE since my spine had a slight curvature I may have a pinched nerve somewhere that extends down the side of hip. Another MRI of just the lower spine, spine looks good!

Sorry if this lengthy, confusing, complicated. So much has happened last 2 years. I had such high expectation's that this summer was going to be my turning point. So fortunate, I have a husband who loves to cook and BAKE, does the housework, feel so guilty not keeping up my end though. I do my own laundry even though I have to scoot down the stairs to laundry. Particular about my laundry! Am able to drive and run small errands, live in small town. Thankful for the little things and finding this Forum!
My goodness this is a lot for one person, Sassy. I am so sorry for all and especially the cancer diagnosis as you deal with everything else you're going through. :console2:

One hundred clamshells? They are especially hard on the IT Band. I hope you're taking things slow and easy now.
With any luck, little by little you'll make headway in all areas. May 2025 be a year of healing for you. :console2:
Geez! And dealing with a cancer diagnosis to top it off! And it's not too much information. I find the more detail the better.

What caught my eye was doing all those clamshells (and Layla's right; 100 of those a day sounds like a lot) and then pop!

Just did a quick web search. Assuming you're aware of "snapping hip syndrome?" Tight IT band rubs over the bony prominence on outside of hip greater trochanter) and creates clicking or popping. If accompanied by pain, uh oh, time for a trip to the PT or doctor.

Did see some other folks on bonesmart talking about IT band release (I think that's what it's called). But I'm pretty sure that's surgery. And I don't know the first thing about the diagnostic process of confirming or ruling out an unhappy IT band that is so tense or messed up that it might need to be "released."

Thinking out loud: could some nerve, piece of the IT band, or other tissue be caught on the greater trochanter?

If there's one thing I've found over the years it's that the medical profession is not infallible. I'm sure most medical professionals do their best. But sometimes, if you're not getting results you have to take the bull by the horns, start RESEARCHING, and learn. Be your own strongest advocate for yourself. The stories I could tell regarding about some different things with me that ...I figured out on my own... because the doctor couldn't or didn't.
Oh also, maybe one of the staff members will see your post and give the name of a hospital in New York and maybe Florida? It's supposed to be the top notch, premier orthopedic medical establishment in the country. I think they do telehealth appointments? Can't remember the name of it. Please, reach out to the staff members. They are beyond helpful.
I'm so sorry to read about all your difficulties. I have also had a slow recovery from a left hip replacement. Very frustrating as I had no issues with a previous right hip replacement 7 years ago.

As others have suggested it may be a muscle or soft tissue issue arising from the PT. Not directly caused by the clamshells, but perhaps the physiotherapy has aggravated it because your body already had soft tissue injuries?

This is likely what happened to me. I had hip dysplasia and was having some lower back issues before my operation. An xray found no arthritis but they didn't check for soft tissue injuries by ordering an MRI (they have now). After the operation I began physiotherapy and it was when the severity was increased that I began developing lower back SI joint problems & gluteal tendiopathy.

I wish I could say there's an easy fix and ironically physiotherapy is still the best option. But it needs to be done carefully with your physio having a good understanding of where the damage is, so you don't over do things.

You could get an ultrasound (which is what I did) as this will tell you if you do have soft tissue damage. At least then you can go back to your consultant with additional information? I hope you get some answers.
I do have osteopenia and after 2022 fracture, it was suggested I take high infusion treatments for osteoporosis. I previously had high dosage radiation treatments and chemo in pelvic area several years ago for cancer. They suspected may have caused bone loss my mother had osteoporosis and father broke both hips before age 55. Given the fact of the higher dosage they were going to prescribe, my side effects would be severe.Similar to chemo for a few days after each treatment which would last for a year, then switch me to another med for longer length of time. Those side effects would not be as severe. I opted out first time because of the risk of side effects of more fractures. This time I’m going to go for it, oncologist agrees, I can do it at cancer center I trust his opinion since we have a history. I also thought of the possibility of the IBand Snap after doing the clam shells and did research but surgeon didn’t seem to think so. I’m planning on getting a 2nd opinion locally. As travel is difficult. In Illinois.
Welcome Sassy, I'm so sorry to read of all your issues. I fell at 70 & fractured my hip close to 3 years ago necessitating a hip replacement. I had very active lifestyle & also felt much younger than my numerical age so I certainly can relate to you. It's so frustrating to feel pain & stalled progress in recovery.
If you are reading the guidelines most of us don't bother with PT early on, just walking, ice, rest, etc.
Your issues do sound a little more complex. I hope someone can give you name of a good orthopedic doctor that can give you another opinion, but I'd slow down on PT & clamshells for now.
Wishing you the best, please keep us posted.
Have definitely given up on any kind of PT! Can’t do, can’t even lift hip up without using arm to lift it up to get into car, or even insert pillow between legs at night because of intense pain. Surgeon just doesn’t seem to understand how useless this this hip is! The new joint just will not work. He did suggest possibly another surgery, that would be the 3rd on same hip. No way, I’d rather limp using cane. I don’t want to appear as wimpy old lady! Friends and family have no idea what I’m going through cause I push through pain,not to appear as whiner. I’m so grateful I found this forum for support!❤️
Just to update…I did have my follow up appt with surgeon, he admitted he was completely baffled, MRI of lower back results came normal for my age. He did give me a steroid injection. I did get immediate relief from the Linocaine so he is assuming the condition is IT band syndrome? After Linocaine did wear off had terrible pain but after about 3-4 days I’ve been relatively good! Start PT in few weeks. Looking forward to getting started. But this going to be EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS! My friend who has always gone to my appt with couldn’t go with me that day, so when he walked in I asked if I could record conversation on my phone so she would be able to be updated, he said no, that made me feel a little concerned and confused as to why that would be an issue?
My Gmail has been messed up and I haven’t been receiving emails lately. Sorry for the late response.

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