Thank you for your kind words!
For past several years I’ve always had shots in that hip for bursitis, which would help for awhile. I fell in 11/22 broke hip and top of femur, repaired with equipment, emergency surgery so I got the surgeon on call. Never healed, test did reveal possible IT band syndrome, shots, no relief. Saw another surgeon, same practice but was to be the best surgeon for THR. The original surgeon retired after my surgery, haha! New surgeon stated that it would be a little more complicated since he would have to remove old equipment placed previous 12 months and insert THR anterior approach this time.
All was well, saw a professional PT, discharged, instructed to increase home PT gradually. I left PT doing 20 clamshells and was able to do 50 reps 2 times daily among my other exercises. Then, it hit me, I tried to do a clamshell and felt a popping sensation side of hip when I tried to lift the leg that had implant! From then on it was all downhill!
Saw surgeon, put me on muscle relaxers, lay off PT if causing discomfort, come back in month, if not better, numerous test done, nothing showing up.
In meantime, having great deal of weight loss since originally falling, with other issues arising had to see GI doctor. Colonoscopy done, wait for test results, colon cancer. Then having to wait to see another specialist, oncologist, surgery, recovery.
So, I finally was able to get back to back to see Orthopedic surgeon who thought he saw stess fractures around pelvis areas, put me on a upright aluminum walker for several weeks. Went back, no better, looked at the MRI again, showed MAYBE since my spine had a slight curvature I may have a pinched nerve somewhere that extends down the side of hip. Another MRI of just the lower spine, spine looks good!
Sorry if this lengthy, confusing, complicated. So much has happened last 2 years. I had such high expectation's that this summer was going to be my turning point. So fortunate, I have a husband who loves to cook and BAKE, does the housework, feel so guilty not keeping up my end though. I do my own laundry even though I have to scoot down the stairs to laundry. Particular about my laundry! Am able to drive and run small errands, live in small town. Thankful for the little things and finding this Forum!