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'nipping' pain at operation site!

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new member
May 1, 2008
Exactly three weeks since my op. and I'm progressing really well - down to one stick only, and can manage stairs, public transport, and general day to day stuff! Only problem, starting a few days ago, is a very strong pinching feeling in ?tissue/muscle under scar. No pain at all until I move or touch the site. Hopefully it's part of the healing process - any ideas anyone?
I Am Nine Weeks Out And Still Have Occasional Pain On My Scar. I Was Recommended Through The Health Food Store And A Few Friends To Put Arnicare Gel On The Scar And Around It. This Has Worked Wonders. I Started Applying It At About 31/2 To 4 Weeks Usually After My Shower And Before I Would Go To Bed. The Gel Is By Boiron. I Would Have Lots Of Pain In The Area And Itching. I Was Told This Was The Healing Process And Now At Nine Weeks It Just Feels Tough To The Touch But Not Hurting Anymore. Hope This Tip Helps..patty
Hey, thanks for this thread guys. I have been wondering about using my Anica gel for the bruising and muscle soreness after the op. How soon do you think it is OK to start? Besides that I crunch down a fair amount of Traumel some days, has any one tried that?

I would suggest that any time would be ok but if you are going to use it on or around the scar it MUST be well healed first.
I am 3 weeks out and just had my final in home therapy . I had the therapist look at my incision and asked about the weird "pain" like sensation. She told me to wait a few more days, when it was really healed and then gently massage the incision sight gently with my finger. I will tell you it was tender when she did it but so far, she has been right on. That is really the only tenderness I have.
Good luck
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