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Dec 16, 2008
Texas, USA
United States United States
Since I am now officially out of surgery, thought I should bring my thread here.
As you have probably read, the numbing shot didn't work. I've been in constant pain, I had a heart issue in the hospital and all of a sudden that's all they could think about even though it corrected itself in less than 24 hours. No PT, No OT, only 4 visits from pt, one from OT. Then all of a sudden I was a cardiac patient and everyone "forgot I had a knee replaced." I was released by some random doctor. I don't even know if my OS knows I left the hospital.
Constant pain. Only enough Norco for about a week.
Hi Beth--I'm sorry that you had such a scary time! When you say the numbing medication--do you mean you were given a spinal or epidural? Also-a heart issue--like blood pressure changes -or heart rate changes?
I'm hoping that things will get better for you--I'm fairly sure you will get a refill on your medication by calling your OS office--at least I hope so for your sake.
Please take care--I'll send prayers your way. Warm regards. Nancy
From what I understand, no spinal, no epi. Just a strong "cocktail" of drugs shot directly into the knee (at the end of surgery--knee still open) that is supposed to last for a day or so.
It did nothing.
Heart issue was that my heart jumped up to 150 beats per minute. They gave me some meds to bring that down. My blood pressure has always been really good. So now that they gave me that drug (Lopressor???) my blood pressure is low. The day I left it was 85 over 50.

They w ere so upset about my a-fib (?) that they had set up a time for the next day to "shock" me if they had to.
What's Norco? Can't find it anywhere. Whatever it is, you should ring your OS right away and discuss pain management. It's not fair to send you out with nothing.
Call your OS and say, hey I'm home now and I need something for the pain!!! Don't take no for an answer. You should not be in this much pain. Keep us posted on how you are doing.
hey Beth Im sorry you are in pain call your OS dont sit like that..........Norco here is hydrocodone/apap comes in 10. 7.5 or 5's I sure hope you feel better call you OS.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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