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newbie surgery on monday june 23rd

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junior member
Jun 17, 2008
United States
I am having a total knee replacement done on Monday June 23rd. I am both excited and nervous I have been reading a lot of the posts and they have been very helpful, I feel very well informed about my surgery and recovery, just to be out of pain will be great. Having people do things for me is going to be the hardest part I plan to be up and walking the day of my surgery I was told I could. I am not one to lay around in bed and complain I want my life back. To long in pain and not able to do things. I walk alot even though it hurts and am very active. I am having it at 7:30 am his first surgery of the day and he told me it only takes an hour I should be in my room by 12. I will be posting on here after my surgery. Thank you to all who's posts have helped me. If any one can give me any more advice I would appreciate it. Thank you
Best of luck to you---you will be in all of our thoughts and prayers...

the fun really starts when you get home from the hospital; work in you Pt sessions and you will be amazed at how good you feel and what you can actually do. Through the tough PT session, you will win your life back and defet arthritis!

On a side note--I was neve in any pain when I was in the hospital. The floks there did a great job with the pain meds. The OT and the PT were great, too. You will do fine.

Tim C.
Hi misscheer. Welcome and good luck on monday. Yes, you'll be up walking that afternoon or eve. That will take plenty of energy, so let folks help you. Walking, resting and your PT exercises will be all you think about for the first few weeks. Enjoy the help while you can. The weeks really pass quickly I thought. Keep us updated so we can cheer misscheer on! :-)
Ref, what did OT teach you as opposed to PT. I never had OT. I know the lady at the rehab tour mentioned how I would have it and I just looked at her like she was out of her mind and then asked, why are they going to do something to my arms? I ended up not going to rehab, so I never found out...
Ref, what did OT teach you as opposed to PT. I never had OT. I know the lady at the rehab tour mentioned how I would have it and I just looked at her like she was out of her mind and then asked, why are they going to do something to my arms? I ended up not going to rehab, so I never found out...

OT taught me how to get in and out of a car, how to use the walker around the kitchen, how to dress myself, how to get around the house, how to do stuff with the walker and then the crutches and then the cain. Also how to gt up and down into a chair with no arms, and how to get up from the kitchen table.

I moved through it pretty fast---I hate to admit it, but it was realy for the older TKR's---even though I am 53.
Ref, what did OT teach you as opposed to PT. I never had OT. I know the lady at the rehab tour mentioned how I would have it and I just looked at her like she was out of her mind and then asked, why are they going to do something to my arms? I ended up not going to rehab, so I never found out...



Tim C.
No not a drop out. Worse! a no go! Please sir may i have some grits, maybe my last hope for being good enough! Being a yankee and all!
Misscheer - they're all nutters in here! Just think, soon you'll be just like them!

I really hope and pray your surgery goes well and look forward to reading your posts in the other forum and hearing the outcomes.

God bless you.
Good luck on your surgery Monday. Looking forward to hearing how you do. Mines tomorrow bright and early. I am sooooooo ready for this. At least I think I am. The folks on this forum are so supported and full of good advice and suggestions about getting through this thing. I am thankful I found this forum. Hugs to all.
Hey bumleg, best for tomorrow! Catch you on the flip side.
I will be having surgery on June 25th, my second, so I know what to expect. I had my left knee done on April 16th. I was up and walking with a walker in a couple of days and could do the stairs after 4 days in the hospital (just up and down once a day for the first while). I received physio until this week and I can't emphasize how important it is. It won't be a piece of cake, but it will be worth it.

Diana S
Diana, i'll probably forget between now and then, but i do wish you the best for yours next week also. know that we are all pulling for you, but the PT you got to do yourself! lol
MissCheer -
Well - today was your day. My hopes and wishes are with you for a speedy recovery. Today was my first blood pull (auto...whatever) and it went well, a lot better than expected. When I got home I started looking back on postins that came up while I was back east and there you were. Hoping to hear from you on your progress soon - keep us informed - Best WISHES

Kinda crazy donating blood to yourself huh? Mine was Ok. 1st time was a no go because i forgot to drink plenty of water the day before. But second was successful and used in surgery. Here's to thinking of you misscheer. Hope you are good and loopy tonight and quick stepping tomorrow.
Hope all went well with you today Miss Cheer! Let as know ASAP.

DSimpso, welcome also and good luck on Wednesday. Let us know how you get on after won't you? Where in Canada are you. I am in Orangeville, Ontario.
Dsimpso, Best for tomorrow and a quick heal! It's worth it!
Will be thinking of you all and waiting on your return.
I am so interested to see how you are managing now that it is July 7th and you are 14 days post operative. Is the surgery all that you hoped it would be?

Beth in NJ
PS My surgery is scheduled for July 21 and I also am very nervous.
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