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Newbie and a bit nervous

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Apr 6, 2009
United States
My name is Jesse and I will be having TKR on both knees. My left will be done on April 21 and my right on May 19. I am a little worried about what it is like right after the surgery - those first few hours and days. Any info will be appreciated. This feels really big!
Hi Jesse,
So nice to meet you, May I ask why you are having your knees a month apart? Was this something you wanted? Or did your Doctor think that your Left knee will be healed enough to take on being the strong leg for the Right knee in a month??? I really would like to know who idea it is to have a month between the knee surgery's. I had 7 weeks between mine only because they could not get me in 4 week's after the first. I can not even think what it would have been like if they had got me in after 4 week's.
Welcome to the forum, Jesse. You've come to the right place to get support as you approach your knee surgery. You are IS a big deal. is a decision that will make a major improvement in your life. Once you get into recovery, you will begin to get "you" back because you'll be able to move without knee pain.

The first week or two are probably the worst after surgery. I won't lie to you. There can be some pretty significant pain. But today's pain meds are so good, if you stay on schedule taking them, the discomfort is really minimized.

And it's a funny thing....the pain is so different from that bone on bone knee pain. It's hard to describe unless you have been through it, but it's somehow a "healing" type of hurt. You just know it's going to get better and soon! And - BONUS - your new knee is soooo stable!! For me, that was the biggest thrill after surgery. My first step in the hospital the day after surgery I could tell that knee was firm. Glorious!!!

So try not to worry. You have already passed the most difficult part - making the decision to HAVE surgery and getting it scheduled. Time will take care of the rest and soon you'll be a new person. In the meantime, post any time you feel like it. We'll always be here to provide support and address any concerns you might have.
Why are you being punish? Why not have them done at the same time? I had BTKR in Sept. 08, this is one stay in the hospital and one PT for the knees. One month in-between TKR is not enough time. (IMO) You should speak with your OS and see if they could be done together are more time between them.

God Bless,
I must agree with you. I wish my Doctor had done both at one time. Now that I have 20-20 hind sight.
Welcome to BoneSmart, Jesse. Hope everything goes well for you. Don't get too confused by all the different opinions being expressed here. But if you have specific questions, please roll them out. You've already got a pretty good introduction to how eager people are to share!
Thanks for all of your support and encouragement. I will keep posting and returning to read everyone else's posts also. I am not doing both knees at once because my OS would not do it that way. He felt it would be best to do them 4 wks apart. I didn't want to go to another OS so that is how I scheduled it. i can't imagine walking again wo knee pain.
Hi Jesse!
Welcome! Finding BoneSmart it the best thing you can do for yourself right now. I'm having BTKR on May 18 and have found a wealth of information and support here. Good luck as you get ready physically and mentally for the next months--we'll all be here for you.
I think you are right to go with what your surgeon is comfortable with. When you find a surgeon you are happy with and you "click," you want to put yourself in their very capable hands. We have had quite a number of people here who have had knees replaced one after another. They were just fine and I'm sure you will be too.

Start picturing yourself doing all the things you haven't done for a's coming!!!
[] Newbie and a bit nervous
Thanks. When I had a sin visk (???) series of shots in my knees I actually had a 24 hour period with no pain. It was incredible. I can't wait.
Even though your first knee won't be "all better" at four weeks, it will really be quite functional and able to pick up the slack. On the positive side, you will be able to strengthen them both at the same time once the second knee has a few weeks to settle in. There are some strengthening things (like wall slides, for instance) that I can't do because the unoperated knee has hissy fits when the knee cap grinds over the femur.

I also had the shots (actually it was Euflexxa but I think they are about the same thing.) I had only about 2 days of relief also. A lot of people here thought I shouldn't get them, and just go on with the surgery, and now I know that (at least for ME) they were right! But others said it is a good idea to use up all the options before having the TKR.

I haven't scheduled my surgery yet, but I'm sure it will be in the next couple of months.

Good luck!
Welcome Jesse. (Love your name as it was my grandfather's name!).

The first hours are a piece of cake as you are still usually on whatever medications they gave you during surgery. After my last one I was positively giddy for an hour or 2 until the sedative suddenly faded...and so did my mood :) For most of us, the hospital is the easy part as they are caring for you and supplying plenty of pain meds.

What Jamie said! Plan to take your pain meds, take stool softeners (you will NEED them even if you think you don't, and plan to be pretty out of it the first couple weeks. But it DOES get better and in 6-12 months it starts to be a distant memory....except for the lack of pain which is amazing!

I had my 2 knees done 6 months apart because that's what the surgeons in this area do.

Keep reading the posts here, and ask ANYTHING...this is a great group of people.
Gretchendz is SO right about the stool softeners. They probably will start you on them in the hospital but you need to continue them after you get home. Stock up before you go in. I took one in the morning and one in the afternoon. The prescription pain meds will cause constipation which obviously will make you VERY uncomfortable. So you need to take the stool softeners as long as you are on scheduled pain meds.
I feel really lucky to have found this site. You are all so willing to share your experiences and tips. I go for pre-op testing Thursday and don't expect any issues. sounds like buying stock in stool softeners might be the only sure investment - oh and percoset :).
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