newbie-43 thr 3 weeks post op

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junior member
May 20, 2009
Tennessee United States
Hi- My name is Julie, I am 43 and 3 weeks post op from my THR. I broke my hip in a freak accident stepping over a dog gate 2/22. hip pinning was done first but failed. Got 2nd opinion and he did THR. I am feeling pretty good at 3 weeks. Still on pain meds but lower dosage now. How long do you normally need pain meds? I am in PT twice a week and it helps. I use a walker but can walk w/o it but have bad limp still. How long do we need to not bend beyond 90? I have had a few muscle spasms on over exertion but wonder how long this is going to last? Should I be doing housework and shopping now? I just feel uninformed and need some support from fellow hippies :) I am so glad I found this forum. Just wondering- where were you at 3 weeks post op?:pzld:
Hi Julie and welcome!! I'm 15 weeks out from RTHR, and I sure wasn't doing housework or shopping at 3 weeks! I was walking unassisted by then, though. Have you thought about switching to a cane? I would think your PT would work on your gait with you. Your OS should tell you about your 90 degree restrictions - depends on if you were anterior or posterior. Mine was posterior and I had the restrictions for 3 months, but I think each OS differs. Pain meds are also as needed, each person is different. I was done with them by the first week or so, but I think most people go much longer, definitely beyond 3 weeks. Take care and keep posting!! :)
Hi Karen! I can walk unassisted but just have a limp still. I am working on cane usage with my PT. With my walker I can carry things like laundry and food/dishes. My surgery was posterior. My scar is about 11". I think also, I had no weight bearing from Feb 22 to April 29 so I think that made my muscles lose a lot of strength during that time. I had a lot of back pain last night. Keeping that pillow between my legs is no fun at night. I just don't know if I should go ahead and try to ditch the walker or not. I am so afraid I will nurse it all too much and hinder my recovery. I saw my Dr at 2 weeks post op and will again at 8 weeks post op. I will ask my PT about my restrictions again. I just feel kind of tossed out into the world and it is scary after everything I went through. You know what I mean?
Hi Julie I am a kneesie, cant help ya there sorry. But others will be along to post and help with your qustions. I am glad your feeling well. Be careful though, dont over do it. 3 weeks is still early. Post anytime with questions or just need to talk. This forum is amazing and the people are so Great. Take care............Kim
Hi Julie, yeah I know what you mean! Your PT should be able to answer your question about going to just the cane, otherwise you might want to call your OS and talk to the nurse. I know what you mean about "that pillow" too! We all do!!:)
Welcome to this wonderful forum! You will find the folks here are friendly and full of encouraging words. I too felt that I was "out there" by myself with no sense of direction from my OS after surgery. I have learned so much on this forum from people who have been through this and being able to compare my progress with others. I think sometimes the OS has a one track mind and that is doing a successful surgery that they tend to fall down in the after care department. Again, welcome and you are no longer alone! Oldbones
Hi Julie. I'm at 5 weeks post-op. I still haven't been cleared to go past 90 degrees. I stopped taking full pain meds between 3-4 weeks. I take Tylenol mostly now and only the prescription drugs when I'm really sore.

I am 37 and broke my hip at 14 and had 3 screws to repair the break. My break was in the middle of the femoral neck. Is that where your break was? I had a lot of spasms in my original stay at the hospital, of course I fell from over 20 feet so I had a lot of trauma assisting in the pain. I have had virtually no spasms as a result of the THR. So, in my mind the spasms could likely be a direct result of the muscles cut for surgery or just the trauma of all the events your body has been through the past few months. I would think you wouldn't have to deal with it much longer.

Having dealt with a break and repair and then a THR, I can say you are probably better off with the THR. After my break it was a good 6 months before I could walk well again and even that was with a limp. I think it was 3 months before I could bear weight. The beauty of a THR is being able to walk again right away.

I hope things improve for you each and every day.
Thank you everyone!! I did break it at the femoral neck. They pinned it and that dr never even came in to see me after the surgery! That's why I got 2nd opinion when that dr said it failed and to wait 4 more weeks to see "if" it heals! I love my OS-he is great and has good bedside manner. I just feel like "now what"? I haven't been 100% since Feb 21 and now I am to proceed to the next "step" and it's emotionally draining. I have a daughter who just graduated high school and another who is 13. Emotions run high in this house! Had a visit from my mom who lives far away and that too was hard to see her leave. She tells me not to overdo it but my husband is like thinking I should be 100% and I am just a basket case in the middle. I want off the couch but not sure where to go from here. I am so afraid of an injury it's pathetic! I am slowly getting off pain meds and I am sure that is affecting my emotional state as well. From what I am reading, this is pretty much as you can go at your own pace. I love being able to not have pain on weight bearing. It's so different from when it was broken. It does just feel like from the surgery and working on coordination. I was never very graceful anyhow- as you all know I got my toes caught in the door jamb stepping over a dog gate! lol..The two days post op were awful..the swelling! But after that a little better every day. Thanks for the support..keep it coming! :)
Listen to your mother and tell your husband to lay off :whis:

I know it's been a while because of the original surgery not taking, but just keep in mind this is a major surgery and you can't rush the recovery.

Feel free to vent here!
Hi Julie! We're so glad you found us and now you have this great big caring family to come to anytime you need to talk. We'll be here for you!!!

A couple of points from your posts....if you are still experiencing pain, why are you trying to cut back on your pain meds??? Pain (especially the achy low-grade type) can make you more emotional and generally not feel well. It is important to stay as pain free as possible during your recovery. You should ONLY listen to your own body and not worry about how long someone else was on pain meds. We are all different, hon....and these wonderful meds help you heal more easily.

It is typical for families not to "get it" with joint replacement surgery. You look normal and they begin to think you are just fine. Heck it's been a couple of weeks "vacation," hasn't it? You should be fine by now - you've been lying around all this time. Well, it just doesn't work that way. Your part of this equation is to firmly remind them that recovery takes months, not is what you can do and can't do and ask for help from them on specific things that you cannot do yet. Some folks even resort to staying in their jammies just to provide a visual reminder that they are still healing and not ready to assume a full activity level yet.

The third thing is to really USE the forum. When you are feeling down or need support, it is easier for those of us who have been where you are to understand what you're feeling. 24/7...there will be someone here who can be there for you to rant, wail, moan, cry, whine....or celebrate the victories and milestones that make us all feel SO wonderful in the recovery process. There will be good days and bad days during this recovery journey.

So stay close....we love you and care about you!
Well said, Jamie!! Even though we may be thousands of miles apart this forum can bring everyone together. It's been the best thing for me in my time of need and healing. Oldbones.
That's why we're here, Bones.....I found the forum after my knee surgery and just never left! It's so great to be able to help people going through this surgery.
You guys are amazing already I am smiling! Scott, I went to your blog. I also got the colbalt large femoral head implant. My OS said he has not had one "pop out" yet! It has just been such a roller coaster! I went to your blog, Scott and you are quite an inspiration! I am 2 weeks behind you. I was not a runner by any means but after this ordeal I do plan on pushing myself to become a good walker! lol. I think keeping myself upbeat emotionally is hard right now. Measuring my life in weeks I think has taken it's toll. I live in TN with a lot of land to get out there on and hope to get out and walk my dogs (2 yorkies) by leash unassisted soon. THAT will be my goal. Ok- already you guys have helped me to set a goal! lol.. The emotional part is overwhelming. This ordeal has consumed my life and getting past it is no easy task!
Jamie- THANK YOU!! I guess I am trying to wean off pain meds is because nurse asked if I was when I asked for last refill. I am on 5/500 lortab and I am taking about every 6 hrs give or take and I CAN take every 4 hrs if needed. The pain in general feels like the flu in spots. I think I may be afraid I could become "hooked" though from what I have come to understand as long as using as prescribed I am safe in using them. Going further though and doing exercises they are needed by me still. I work from home and have been cleared for work next week. Also, I can drive next week. Not sure where I would go! Just knowing I can is a nice feeling. I am so happy I found you guys! I know now THIS was my next "step" :)
Julie, lots of people worry about becoming addicted to the pain meds, but it just doesn't happen when you need them for pain management. If you're taking one every 6 hours at this stage, I'd say you're just fine. You're right that you may need more frequency when you increase your activity level. Your body will tell you when you can start scaling will be able to take more time in between each dose. That's how you want to get off of them, by the way....not all at once. Better for your body that way and easier on your mental state as you can experience some pretty good "flu" symptoms for a couple of days if you just stop.
Hi Julie, Glad you joined the Bonesmarties! This forum sure helped me when I was agonizing over whether to have a THR and then when I was in early recovery. Lots of support and information here. I am 7 weeks post-op, posterior approach. I had the 90 degree restriction for 6 weeks but every OS is different -- some folks have the restriction for up to 3 months. Follow your own OS's instructions. I still occasionally take an ibuprofen to relieve achiness due to inflammation. I stopped taking the narcotic pain killer at around 4 weeks. PT was been a godsend for me -- I know I would not have made the rapid progress I did without the PT prodding me on. Just don't try to do too much too soon. You're still pretty fresh out of surgery and you will tire more easily than usual and get achy when you do too much. Take naps if you need them, especially if you have trouble sleeping at night. At 3 weeks I was still icing after my exercises to ease the swelling in the incision area. Your family needs to understand you are still in the early healing phase, and you need their help.

One of my early goals was to be able to walk our yellow Lab on a 1 mile wooded trail unassisted and in comfort. I'm definitely there! The next goal was to get back to gardening. I'm there, too! My next goal is to take a long day hike at my favorite nature preserve -- maybe 4-5 miles. Should be able to do that in a week or two. I hope you get to take that long walk with your Yorkies soon!

age 58, RTHR - 4/2/2009
Well, rats! I had a nice reply all ready, hit submit and lost it. Oh well..basically I said thank you again for all the support. I still ice mine after home PT. I bought one from my PT. Knowing I am not alone and am progressing at my own rate is a Godsend. Thank you again!
Welcome Julie
sorry about all you have been through to get to this point. I trip over nothing on a regular basis so can relate to your accident.
At 3 weeks I had just started walking outside, still using crutches, I never did very good with the walker. I had arthroscopic hip surgery first and a few months of partial weightbearing, so I kind of know where you are coming from in terms of time off the muscles.
At 4 weeks i felt so much better , I overdid it and my body told me in no uncertain terms. I stayed on pain meds for about 4 months. My doc said if they helped me to not limp, he would rather ha ve me take the strong stuff that worked.
I have since had knee and back surgery and still on pain meds so don't worry about being addicted. It just doesn't happen easily. My hip surgery was almost a year ago and I truly do not feel addicted, some days I take pain meds twice per day, some just once or not at all. No problems.
I started swimming at 4 weeks and would swim about 5 miles per week. I also walked a lot with my dog. My first goal was to walk the dog and be able to pick up his poop without breaking the 90 degree rule!!

REst is very very very important. I was still taking naps at your point in recovery and not doing any housework. I have a 13 and 20 yr old daughter at home so I know about the emotions too. They are certainly old enough to help or at least take care of themselves. I actually enjoyed the not driving and always carry it to the fullest longest time.
I'm glad you found this wonderful place
Wow, Judy, you sure have been through A LOT! I will take your advice to heart for sure! I have not overused my pain meds at all so I guess I should be fine there. I can surely tell when I do not take them as I am achy and actually feel pain in my leg and hip still...but it has just been 3 weeks. The first surgery was far worse and they only put in 3 screws! I had no weight bearing for that and it was awful. I felt better just 3 days after my THR. Now, when I walk unassisted or limited walker usage I get pain in my lower back right above my hip. I know that is just overusage. I know the groin pain as well as I tripped on a shoelace a few days ago and it hurt pretty bad there for a few days. So many muscles, all wanting attention! lol.. Thanks again Judy. Makes me feel so much better re: pain meds.
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