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junior member
Mar 11, 2008
United States United States
In hospital four days after TKR surgery. Was not sent home with CPM machine. After 4 weeks of in-home therapy, I still could not bend my knee - escruciating pain. My surgeon told me I was the "worst" case he had seen and ordered CPM machine. He also threatened that if I could not bend my knee in 4 weeks, he would open the knee and "bend it for me"! Nice approach, eh? Have since learned from the PT folks that I was not the worst case. PT has helped along with a stronger pain killer. Am almost at the 8 week mark and I have been diligent with my exercises, etc. Knee now bends at 110 degrees and straightens between -5 and -10 degrees. Stairs are a challenge - especially going down. On Norco pain pills every 4 hours - nights are rough. None of the difficulties of the recovery process were explained to me ahead of time. Pre-op, my surgeon told me I should be in great shape for our European trip end of I hear that most recoveries take 6 months to a year. Am concerned about having to hobble around and deal with the knee issues. Any advice on whether I should consider postponing our 2-week European trip scheduled for end of May after only 4 months recovery?
There doesn't seem to be a 'dependable schedule' for recovery, but I'm at 10.5 weeks and I would go ahead as planned. Post early and often, God bless you.
Welcome to the site and you are not the worst because I am now 9 weeks out and bend at 83 degrees after a manipulation so tell your dr he's lucky he didn't have me.
My poor husband went with me on a fam trip on a Greek Cruise 3 months after his knee replacement and he could have killed me I'm sure. I can't imagine walking all those cobblestone streets but you may be okay by then. Give some details of your trip like land or cruise and how much walking and I can tell you more as I own a travel agency and we travel alot and have been to Europe several times. It certainly is not handicap friendly.
I'm at 7.5 weeks. I was told yesterday by my Dr. that in his opinion surgeons don't do a good job explaining the complexity of the surgery and the intensity of the required post op. therapy. He was really good at explaining and as one who has worked out lots, I sort of downplayed it.....Wrong.....If you go back and look at the post for the past couple of months, you will find a group of us who have gone through the doldrums together, voiced our fears, frustrations, and successes.
I was reminded by the Dr. to keep up the work. He said it takes a year to fully recover.
As for your trip, you probably need to discuss it with your dr. I would darn sure pack zip locks for ice packs.
I saw a guy last night that was shocked I could walk without aids at 12 weeks. FINALLY, someone who understood the journey and hasn't been through it himself. He said he will need new knees in a couple of years and I told him to call me and I'd give him all sorts of great advice learned right here on this here forum.

I have zip lock bags everywhere I go, and pain meds, and a heating pad.
Wow, you came a long ways, from not being able to bend at all to now having 110 degrees. Good for you!

I am at 4 months and 3 weeks, and I would go to Europe in a heartbeat if I had the chance right now. I would probably need to stop and rest occasionally while sightseeing, and I would definitely plan to spend my evenings in the hotel rather than out painting the town red. But I would go!

I really want to know what you decide, okay?

Sue have all been so great in responding and offering advice! Thank you so very much - this process can get overwhelming and, as you know, just when you feel you've made some progress, the doggone knee stiffens up again and you feel like you're starting over again. Am scheduled to go back to work in the next 2 weeks. That will be another challenge from an exercise standpoint as I have a desk job! Again, thank you so much. I hope I can encourage others through this experience at some point.

Am curious about the effects of using ice versus hot packs. Which is better?
I have a desk job, too. You'll have to make yourself get up, regulary, and stroll around. need some kind of stool to put under your desk to put your leg on. My darling husband made me one on glides around effortlessly. Don't be afraid to take meds at'll have to time it right so you won't be driving while "messed up".
No heating pad on top!! It causes swelling. Heat is O.K. on the back. It helps loosen things up. That said, many of us do use hot tubs/baths to soak the knee then do our bending. I put my foot on the bottom and slide down. Works great. Ice it down as soon as you get out. In fact ice as often as possible.
Yes, heating pad only under the knee. Although my PT occasionally used heat rather than ice after therapy. She felt either was fine... no bad affects.
Thanks for the input regarding heat vs. ice...will give it a try!

Also, I will make sure to get some exercise when I get back at work...walking up and down a flight of steps every couple of hours, walking during lunch, etc.....the foot stool is a great idea. Thank you.

Hope you don't mind but I have another question: after a rigorous PT session at the clinic, I have what feels like spasms of severe pain up and down the leg (thigh to mid-calf) that can last 1-2 days. Suppose these are muscle spasms. Norco doesn't help. Ice helps only a little. Problem is, during the 1-2 days I can't do my regular exercises due to the pain level. PT don't really address this issue for some if they're more interested in pushing/stretching my knee to show ROM improvement on my chart! Anyone have the same experience and any recommendations on what to do for these "spasms"?
I teach, and I was off from 11/08/07 until 1/03/08---I was glad to get back to school---I walk and sit and force myself to move around...besides PT, it has helped immensely in strengthening my legs.

I still use ice after PT and tough days...

Tim C.
If you are thinking of going to Europe, beware of the bathrooms while out and about. There are a hell of a lot where you have to squat, just a hole in the ground, that includes restaurants and bars in Paris!! And a lot of the highway rest stops werew like that too. NEVER founf a disabled toilet anywahere, not even in hotels that we went to. There must be hotels that do I should think. I am 9 weeks tomorrow, I don't know if I couls stomache the 8 hour flight until maybe July, unless you go business calss. But I am a wuss so ask others too. Sue
Sue, oh my...I hope the bathrooms in Germany, Austria and Czech Republic are better than in Paris! Will be with relatives for a while, which should be fine, but then on the road a lot, too. Yes, have had concerns about the flight from LA to Frankfurt...double the 8 hour flight from where you are! Am still contemplating the whole journey and how brave I should be!
And, Sue, I wish you well on your're at least ahead of me at 9 weeks. How are you doing at this point?
And, Sue, I wish you well on your're at least ahead of me at 9 weeks. How are you doing at this point?

I am only at a 90 degree bend, my OS is considering manipulation, but will give it a little more time, I see him in 4 weeks. My PT thinks I am doing fine, I still have a lot of swelling, she says I can't push against it any further at the moment. Still get a lot of the aching, don't sleep very well either, though took a Sleep MD pill last night. They made me very relaxed and I didn't need to get out of bed and come on the computer in order to get back to sleep for once. Have a stationary bike now so hope to get plenty of use out of it now.

I use ice on top but always heat on the back, it helps me to sleep with the heat on the back too.

Good luck. Sue
Isn't it CRAZY that we had NO idea (at least I didn't) what was in store for us when we signed up to ride this ride???
As I was walking up stairs, today, it was a pleasure to notice that there was NO pain in my new knee. I took it very slow just to savor the silky glide.......

Thank you, Tim...sounds like you're doing all the right things, too. As a teacher, you probably have to move around husband was a teacher, too, before he retired a few years ago...he was always "on the move" - now, he's too much like me and on the PC too much! Take care and thanks for your input!
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