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junior member
Sep 1, 2008
Hello to you all i am new to the forum and whilst reading through have found your advice and support you give to each other amazing.

I had a tkr on nov 06 and all seemed to go well until july 07 when my knee started to lock in the night and would wake me as i could hardly straighten it, i contacted my surgeon he said this wasnt normal and suggested an xray, which showed a small fracture on the patella. he then suggested he would review me in 3mths as i wasnt in too much pain in the daytime i could still walk. He then arranged a bone scan which showed bone cysts and something else maybe a tumour(benign) top and bottom of it all he said he needed to go in and investigate he was concerned about infection even though he did all blood tests he said they dont always show everything up. I had to have a revision this was done May 08 as the patella was not sitting right some of the plastic had worn away and he also found some necrosis behind the knee cap he cleaned all up and put in a new prosthesis with a longer stem i feel i have done better with the revision than the original and came of the crutches after 3 wks and certainly wasnt in as much pain as the previous. I now feel really down as i have been so so carefull but last tuesday had a fall over the hoover wire and landed straight bang on my new knee made a real mess of it but went straight to casualty they it, thankfully the implant is still in position and no fractures, this suprises me as i fell so hard on the stone floor but i did break my thumb so i am just feeling a little sorry for myself as my knee is very swollen bruised and painful apart from icing is there anything else i should or not be doing such a set back. ADVICE PLEASE
Oh! I am so sorry for you!. How discouraging it must be to run into those complications--- and then the fall! I have no wisdom to offer.... it sounds like you know the TKR routine well. But I will send lots of good wishes and prayers and a big welcome. I am glad you have joined us. Hang in there and keep posting. We get a little off-topic sometimes, but this is great group of caring people and we'll be glad to hang in there with you.
Thankyou so much it is so comforting to know there are others out there to give support i am so glad to have found this site may i also say Josephine sounds amazing i do hope she will have some words of advice.
That is SUCH a bummer!!! I am so sorry for you. It sounds like it's your turn for some GOOD luck! Let's hope so, huh??? I'm glad, though, that the fall did not do serious damage to the knee! Thank God for that!! Josephine is wonderful, and I'm sure she'll be visiting soon! Keep your head up, and remember that we are praying for you!
How frightening that fall must have been. I would expect it will take as much time to get over the fear as it will the actual physical injury--at least it would for me. I'm sorry you have to go through all of this.
Thankyou both for your replies it really shook me up and i do feel it has set me back as i was doing so well but i have to keep looking on the bright side at least nothing was broken well only my thumb!
My God, what you have been through and you are feeling a little sorry for yourself. I think you are amazing not to be climbing the walls. What a nightmare. I worry about the bone cysts because I had them before the surgery but then I think, he$$ tomorrow is goning to have to take care of itself, I got plenty on my plate today. I think it fair to say we will be keeping you in our prayers and sending lots of good thoughts your way that you may have a quick recovery and stop getting attacked by the Hoover cord. Rowdy
Well, what a trial you have been through and no mistake! There's no doubt that when you take a tumble (revisions and other problems notwithstanding) it certainly shakes you up and takes you ages to get over, quite apart from the bruises and stuff.

You've been doing well with the ice but otherwise I think you just need to have plenty of rest to et the bruises settle but also a sensible amount of exercise so you don't stiffen up. You may also find yourself being unaccountably tense and nervous for a while as this fall will have shaken your confidence big time. Don't get into to much of a fret about that. Just know it will happen in your heart and mind and determine to ride it out. Time will take care of the rest.

But do be alert to hazards like
things lying on the floor, trailing wires, 'invisible' steps, pets that can come up behind you unnoticed, papers that you could slip on, wet leaves and moss on the paving stones, pebbles and stones on the walkway - you get the picture. Even a little thing like a small pebble can make you lose balance. The liability insurance companies make their bread and butter from such claims in public places and the work place.

But most of all - be kind to yourself and get well soon. I too will support you in prayer that those cysts are nothing more than some resorption or a kind of osteoporosis that can be treated with medication. Do keep us posted.
Thankyou so much for your kind words i felt so down about it all but feel much better today i have to keep positive and i shall take your advice.It is so annoying when i have been so careful after the revision, my recovery has been amazing but as i always say things do happen for a reason dont know quite what at the moment.Once again thankyou Josephine i am so glad i have joined the forum

Welcome from the hippy side. I hope you continue to feel better every day. Falls do worry me a lot. I seem to take a good one every once in a while. Usually can't find a darn thing that I fell over.
Now my bones seem to break when I fall. I broke 2 ribs recently (before the replacement) Every time I seee my doc his parting words are don't fall!!!
Rest and get better
Thanks Judy thankfully just my thumb broke i think somebody did say on the forum that the knee implants are tough but i certainly dont want to try it out again .
Re: Encouragement Needed Please

I feel really down today just tired and lifeless probably the fall is maybe hitting me now i dont know.I was just getting my mobility back now i am stuck again sometimes you just wonder what its all about.

I here you. I had my hip replaced 12 weeks ago. As I started walking more with my adorable puppy, one day about a month ago, my knee gave me a sudden stabbing pain. I actually said out loud .."This is not funny anymore".

I don't know when I thought it was funny. MRI on my knee today. Monday I took my kids to Sea World and walked on flat surfaces. Yesterday my groin and butt hurt so bad i have beeen limping again.
I just got the ok to hike again and everything seems to be protesting wildly!!!
I am on antidepressants which keep me slightly sane.

It will get better. It will be a bumpy ride though.
Keep posting
Thanks Judy

I suppose i have to allow myself to feel a bit miserable and i am sure it will come right in the end so i will keep fighting,i do hope you feel more like yourself soon.
I'm so sorry for your misfortune. I can only imagine what you must feel like. I am a new member and just out of surgery on September 8. This is a painful experience to say the least. Please be more careful and if you need to vent or just talk we're here for you. Remember, and all this shall too pass. I don't know if that helps, but it is heartfelt. LindaZ.
Thankyou Linda for your kind words could i ask anybody do they have problems with their tkr when standing i can walk quite a way now about 3miles or more but it is the standing that troubles me, my knee stiffens up
Pam, I am so sorry to read about your fall. Damn housework eh? It sounds funny to me to hear you call it a "Hoover" cord, I am from the UK originally, we emigrated to Canada just over 17 years ago. When my hubby said "Hoovering" at work one day shortly after we came, a colleague took the mickey out of him and said, "I am going to Chrysler my way home now" . It took a while to say vacuuming instead of hoovering. Considering they speak the same language in North America it seems a lot of new words to learn here so we can be understood the first time. LOL...Take care and I hope you recover soon.....(((((HUGS))))) Sue
Thankyou Sue my daughter in law is american and also finds our description of things quite confusing. I still love England but I am sure you would find a great difference now to 17yrs ago especially the crime scarey really. I feel good today and certainly on the mend going to garden instead, the sun is shining but cold. I will have to wrap the old knee up though as the cold really gets to it
Lots of love Sue and to you all
I love the way trade names have become adjectives in our language

Biro = ball point pen
Google = search on the internet

I'm sure there are lots of others but my mind has gone blank!

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