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new to site, 35 YO total knee replacement

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Jan 7, 2008
United States
I am 35 YO and had a left total knee done on 11/8/07, this has been the hardest thing ever. I am now two months out and was wondering what is expected for flexion and extension,,, I still have swelling, lateral sharp knee pain, my PT said it could take up to 6 months. Some days I feel like I am not making any progress. Thanks.

I am 41 and I had my rtk done on 11/27/07. I am still experiencing pain and swelling BUT, I am starting to have more good days than bad. Yesterday was a good day. I had a very hard pt session and I can tell you today is not going to be one of my best days. You are right this is the hardest thing I have ever recovered from. I normally bounce back quickly, this surgery I am not. I am having problems with extention, I still need to go 20 more degrees. Bending I am at 125. Ask for pool therapy, once I starteds my therapy in the pool I noticed a big improvement.
Take Care!
You said it! It IS a hard road. But the end result will be worth the struggle. Just think - you are now on a par with Olympic athletes in the amount of effort and application that will be expected of you. But we'll be here to cheer you on and to cheer you up when you feel low! That's what we're good at here!
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