New to Board LTKR sched 12/1

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new member
Nov 28, 2008
United States
Hello, my name is Barbara and I'm new to the board. I've been reading for a couple of weeks, but this is my first post. Of course, I'm very apprehensive about the surgery on Monday, but this board has already been very helpful. I look forward to receiving lots of good advice to help me through this journey
Welcome Barbara!

I am so glad you have posted and joined this big support system. It is really true that our families love and care for us-- but no one really knows what this is like until you have "been there--- done that." That is what makes this such a unique opportunity.
We'll all be there with you on Monday and will look forward to hearing back from you on the other side.
Any special questions or concerns at this point? Ask away.

Beach (PKR 12/21/07)
Echo all that! Welcome to BoneSmart!
Hi Barb and Everyone,
I am kind of new also. I have my right TKR scheduled for Dec. 11. Kind of nervous, but want to get rid of this pain.
Good luck with your surgery on Monday Barb.
Kathy and Barbara,

Welcome! I will be thinking of you on your tkr dates - We will try to send some good wishes through the airwaves on those dates! My only advice is to always work hard but don't let the frustration get you down - After 4 -sometimes frustrating months- my knee finally feels great and I am sooooo glad I did this - So don't expect to be out there dancing at 8 weeks - if you can Great - but have patience! This too shall pass (really - it really does feel better eventually!)

Kathy and Barb

Welcome to the best place. I am a hippy (hip replacement June 6th). Lucky me is dabbling into the knee world (knee scope on Dec 17th)
Good Luck to both of you. being nervous and excited at the same time is how I felt.
My advice, don't even think about skimping on pain meds. Take them religiously. Also religiously take the stool softeners.
Also read all you can on this site, there is so much info about getting ready and the house ready etc.

Mostly welcome
Thanks to all of you for your kind words. Exactly 24hrs from right now, I'll be in surgery. I'm really ready to get this over with and begin the recovery process. I'm sure I'll see you on the other side. Not sure how long I'll be in the hospital. My OS said I would go home on Wednesday, but when I went to my class at the hospital, they said it would be Thursday. Please keep me in your thoughts tomorrow.
We will, my dear. You can be assured of that!
Good luck tomorrow! I can't imagine going home so soon! Around here the norm is the 3rd post=surgical day. So if you have surgery on Monday, you go home on Thursday. I stayed an extra day because they took a long time tofigure out a pain regimen that worked without the IV.

Anyway, we'll be delighted to hear from you when you feel up to posting.
Barbara, I to am new to the board and I am sceduled for TKR on the 18th. I am a 52 year old male and I just cannot deal with the pain any longer, but I am also very concered about the outcome. I wish you well with your surgery tommorow.
Good Luck to you tomorrow. I will be right behind you with my surgery on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd. I won't know what time until they call me tomorrow. I am also nervous but ready to get it overwith.

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