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New TKR - New to site

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Mar 10, 2008
United States
I am 46 yr old female and had my TKR Dec 4, 2007 and unrealistically expected to be back 100% by now. However, I have not yet gotten to the "gee, I am so glad I did this phase" yet. If anything, I am almost regretting I had the surgery - although I do seem to be making progress slowly.

Because I have never had this done before, I do not know what is "normal". I am not taking any pain meds - just OTC Tylenol for Arthritis and Aleve. I do take the occasional Vicoden. I am no longer in outpatient PT, but am doing the same PT exercises at home every day (exercise bike, coffee can, 5lb ankle weights, etc.).

Here is my problem - swelling (the Doc says I will swell for 1 year), PAIN in my lower leg - especially right below my "knee" on both the inside and outside parts of the leg (probably tendon or muscle pain) - sharp pain if I bend it too much then it "snaps" and it seems ok...

My flexion seems to be decreasing --- when I left PT, I was bending consistently at 110 by myself and 118 with help. Now, I can only bend around 100 by myself and 110 if my husband pushes my leg. But is this maybe because I am "over exercising" now?

I saw my surgeon 3 weeks ago and he says everything is fine and doesn't want to see me for a year.

I know that everyone heals differently, but is this normal?
Hi maloo. I don't know the answers to you ?'s I'm new too. My Bi-lat knees is next week, 18th. From what I can tell, for as much similar there is in the process, we each vary. If your not OK, Josephine seems to be the type to be straighforward in guidance. Welcome aboard! Jennifer
You are SOOOO normal. You probably still need to be on meds but I'm just a goofball from North Carolina....we'll let Josephine give you her medical expertise.

Welcome to our little hotel....Get to reading and you'll find out just how "normal" you are.

Come on, maloo some love!!!
Thanks guys! It is just so hard to know what is normal....and I don't want to come off as a hypochondriac.

I am driving my husband crazy with the "please measure my bending", "please measure my straightening" (we have one of the measuring devices from PT), "how bad am I limping today", etc. I actually had him measure my legs to see how swollen the one leg was over the other!
Ok so now I know If I do that to my husband I'm normal too. Thanks maloo! : - )
have you asked him this question??

"Does this walker make my butt look fat?" he'll LOVE that one!
With or without the cheesburger in our mouth. Just Kidding!
Welcome to the site. You are normal...I'm at 7.5 weeks post TKR.
Welcome Maloo,
I think you're normal too but that's not saying much considering I'm 9 weeks out and I think I was nuts for doing this too. I really struggle with this whole recovery process and I still take drugs for the pain and I'm still in physical therapy with a great therapist.
We can all get through this together just post whenever you need support.
Hello Maloo, welcome to this wonderful site, it is helping me to stay sane. These wonderful people will make you laugh and give you lots of encouragement. Our Josephine will be around later to help with the medical side, she is a retired nurse in the UK so is on a different time zone.
By the way, I am at 8 weeks this Wednesday. Make sure you read earlier threads too. Sue
I am 11 weeks PKR and 8 weeks post-op from back surgery. Ugly combination which has slowed me down. We all have our own unique challenges, but are here to support each other through them.

Still tire easily, still doing PT both outpatient and at home, and still needing help with pain.

Most of all still needing support from people who care. And you will find lots of them here!

And I am POSITIVE that my KR was the right thing to do. I am back to my teaching job and loving walking "normally" without a limp most of the time and looking forward to getting back more of the activities that my grinding knee would not let me do. Things that bring joy to my life like walking on the beach and through my neighborhood this spring.

Good luck!
I saw my surgeon 3 weeks ago and he says everything is fine and doesn't want to see me for a year.

3 months - sounds about right so far ...

Because I have never had this done before, I do not know what is "normal". I am not taking any pain meds - just OTC Tylenol for Arthritis and Aleve. I do take the occasional Vicoden.

Here is my problem - swelling (the Doc says I will swell for 1 year), PAIN in my lower leg - especially right below my "knee" on both the inside and outside parts of the leg (probably tendon or muscle pain) - sharp pain if I bend it too much then it "snaps" and it seems ok...

Notice the contradiction in this? Now why are you not taking pain meds yet you are getting pain? Does not compute, honey! You have pain, you need meds. Simple.

I am no longer in outpatient PT, but am doing the same PT exercises at home every day (exercise bike, coffee can, 5lb ankle weights, etc.).

My flexion seems to be decreasing --- when I left PT, I was bending consistently at 110 by myself and 118 with help. Now, I can only bend around 100 by myself and 110 if my husband pushes my leg. But is this maybe because I am "over exercising" now?

Well, maybe, maybe not. You don't actually say how much exercise you are doing.

I know that everyone heals differently, but is this normal?

Can't say without the above information.
Are you still elevating and icing? How much time are you spending on your feet? Maybe you are pushing yourself a little too hard.

Josephine - to answer your questions:

1. No pain meds, but still having pain - I have one of those doctors that will not fill my vicoden. Allowed me to be on them for 1 month, but after the end of December he wouldn't refill the prescription. So, I have been "saving" them for REALLY BAD days (just in case).

2. Exercising - I exercise every evening after work (I have a desk job, so I sit basically all day). The exercises I do are:

a. Upright Exercise Bike - 20 minutes, 14 mph, resistance set at 2 or 3. - no paing at all
b. Treadmill - 15 minutes at 2.0 mph - this is to get my gait corrected. - no pain at all
c. Lay flat - coffee can under knee - 5 lb ankle weight - 30 reps - no pain at all
d. Lay on stomach - tie belt around foot - bend leg up to butt - hold for 10 - 10 reps - no pain, but tight.
e. Lay on back - pillow case on foot - board under foot - belt on ankle - pull leg to bend as far as possible - hold for 5 - 30 reps. - pain on outside and inside part of knee.
Today is my second day back at work, 10.5 weeks post-op. I can tell you that just being up and walking, standing, going from here to there, and a lot of sitting, my knee has more swelling and the accompanying stiffness than it did when I was at home. Hope this helps some.
I'm 9 wks and 1 day post op. This is my 5th week back at work (I went WAY tooooooooo early - but can't undo that) it gets better and'll tell a huge difference every week. I STILL don't have my energy level back to 100% but that's improving also.

maloo...I can't believe your OS is denying your meds!!!!! Mine practically throws them at me. You poor thing!
Mine dropped 50 more on me yesterday and seemed prepared to do so for some time.
2 prayers - I pray I don't need them (meds) for long but I pray my Dr. will avail if need be.
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