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new strategy for knee replacement

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Aug 20, 2009
United States
Hello,I am writing this in hopes that my experience may be of some help to someone new to this situation of "knee surgery", as I have been.

I joined this forum just a few short weeks ago. At that time I had surgery scheduled with a Doctor whom I have a great deal of respect for and have used for other injuries.

I am a sculptor, artist and photographer, used to being on my feet and carrying rather heavy things a great deal of the day.

A few years a go I started to have enough pain that I went to a famous sports medicine doctor and he performed orthoscopic surgery. It helped for a few short years and then the pain returned and has gotten progressiviely worse.

Went back to my doctor, he said I was a perfect candidate for "Partial Knee replacement". I scheduled the surgery for mid October and began making preparations. I live out of the country and there were many travel plans and logistical problems to solve.....did it all and everything was in place.

Then I started looking further and found this site.

Long story short, I have read many posts from some experienced people here who cautioned me that I might reconsider my choice in a surgeon, as the one I selected was not a Knee specialist and in fact did not do TKR but only first I was resistant and didn't want to even think about redoing all the plans I have made. Two tickets to the US for my husband and me....two tickets for the friends who will housesit while we are in the rental, airport shuttles (private ones) and a place to recuperate while in the US.

BUT, i started to listen and now I will share with you my process and plan.
I have cancelled my surgery, changed all the tickets (Paid change fees for 4 tickets) rearranged all the rest and now have instead, scheduled 3 appointments with doctors in the same city I was going to...these doctors are specialists in knee surgery and do hundreds each year.

I know that one of these doctors I will interview will be better equipped to do what is best for me , for the future.

I tried to stay focused on what is best for my body in the long term.
All this because a few people cared enough to share information and
take the time to give me things to consider.

So now, I am in a lot of pain each day and this surgery will be delayed probably 4 mos or so because that time frame is all that will work for all the things I must have in place to do all this.

I will share with you what I find out and how the journey goes.

Thank you , all of you, for your input.
Gratefully, Marquesa
Marquesa, what a fabulous post!!! It made my day. I was worried about you and now I'm not. It took tremendous strength to cancel all those plans and regroup, but you did it!! Not to mention that you will have to suffer a little longer before you get your knee done. It will be worth all this extra effort and money spent, though.

I truly believe this is the best path. You might have been okay with the other doctor, but it was a risk. You could easily have been back in for a TKR in a very short time. That would actually have cost you much more than 4 months in terms of time spent in pain.

You will find one of these three doctors that you favor and I am confident the outcome of your surgery will be good. Please do continue to post here as we are all interested in knowing how things progress.

God bless you! (((HUGS)))) coming your way for a job well done.
I agree Im glad your getting it all of luck to you.......We are all here for you all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck to you Marquesa. I know you will feel even more satisfaction when you feel like you have your ducks in a row, once again. It must have been very hard to cancel those plans. Your patience will pay off. Again, good luck, and safe travels when you come to the US for your appointments.
Marquesa--i am so happy. To read about your change in plans. I'm sure it was a hassle to re-arrange everything, but will be so worth it in the long run. I can't wait to hear how it goes w the surgeon interviews. Good luck to you!
Marquesa I believe you are extremely strong and brave to have changed everything. I had an excellent surgeon for my hip replacement and am glad. I know this is the best for you . can't wait to hear about your doc interviews.
I do believe you have made the best decision of your life. The next best decision is to have the surgery performed by an accomplished OS in knee replacement. Once it is done, you will be on the road back to recovery and back to doing what you love without pain. I am rooting for you.
Wise, wise, wise lady! Always best to choose the best and be prepared to wait for it.
Wow you have totaly thrown me for a loop. It is not
often someone gets to meet someone like you who
really listens to what other have to say. And then
takes their advice to heart and changes their own
plans because of them. I have always tryed to
learn from other instead of learning by making
mistakes because I did not heed their advice. But
you take listening to a whole new level!! It is my
pleasure to know you.
As you know I firmly believe you made the correct decision....will be interested to see the opinion of Lin Jones and Greg Stocks on the partial versus total arthroplasty issue.

Hello, and my heart felt thanks to all of you for your support. I felt like crying when I read these posts. Partly because it has been stressful to call my doctor and the nurses who were getting me scheduled for the surgery and the pre-op tests and all...and dealing with airlines, shuttle drivers, etc...housesitting rescheduled..but so far everyone has handled this very professionally.

Two doctors were recommended to me by Jayhawk, I looked them up, and indeed , very impressive..both do only joint replacement and one only does knees, TKR's at that.
..and one was voted on the "Best Doctors" list by his medical peers, as someone they would send themselves and their family members to for their I can't wait to meet them.

I am particularly interested to see if the diagnosis of the PKR that was originally
recommended is agreed with. ...and to see what the doctor who only does TKR says.
Surely if only a PKR would work, he would then refer me to someone who does that.

So we shall see. and in the meantime, I have ordered the book on TKR and rehabilitation afterwards, to see everything I can do to properly prepare for this, i.e. strengthening the quadriceps, and anything else that would facilitate a rapid and full recovery.

Thank you for your support. I wish each and all of you, perfect health.
Marquesa.....Not only are you brave, but I believe you will be the "winner" in this scenario!!! It took determination and courage to cancel your carefully planned arrangements! This same resolve will prepare you when you have your surgery! We'll be here to pull you through! If you're going to have it done, you certainly want it done properly!!! Keep posting! And the best of luck to you!!! ((:0)
Don't get confused about this - a surgeon who only does PKRs is unusual and usually a surgeon who's not prepared to get himself trained up to do the full job. Whilst a surgeon who does all knees won't 'only' do totals, he does everything! So he will be more than capable of doing a partial if he felt it was right for you. And total or partial - it's not an either/or - it's just an option.
Be thankful you found BoneSmart when you did, BEFORE your new knee... be it Partial or Total.
I think you are doing the right thing, checking, checking, checking, it's your knee and for the rest of your life.

I just wish I had found this forum sooner, like about 10 months... I trusted my OS completely but the first question I will be asking when I see him next will be, with or without my permission would you have done a TKR rather than the permitted Hemi ? According to local legend he is THE man to have do the work, so I suppose he made the right decision for me.

Whatever happens and whatever decision you make, I wish you well.:D

RHKR 3/19/09
Hi Ellen, so sounds like you had a PKR. How is it so far? What did your surgeon say was the reason he was suggesting a PKR? The two I visited so far said I really only had damage on the inside of the knee and the rest was ok.....but from reading some of the posts, I realize that sometimes all is not revealed until the surgeon is "in".

Anyway, have three appointments lined up. One on the 27th of Oct and two on the 28th.

All three are joint replacement specialists, mostly doing hips and knees. All three do several hundred knee surgeries a year.All three have fabulous credentials and have been interviewed by at least one other member of this forum. Much research has gone into the selection. Checked for malpractice suits and disciplinary action on the Texas Medical Board....looked for patient reviews on the internet and called their offices and spoke with the surgical assistants. All were polite, helpful and professiional.

There is a "National Association of Knee Surgeons", site on the web and all kinds of information on the different Hospitals and Orthopedic centers that these doctors work in.

Two of them do both TKR and PKR (although the web sites clearly stated that PKR was a less performed surgery than the TKR because only about 6 - 10% of patients qualify for the PKR. (their estimates).

So I am really interested in hearing what each of them says, and maybe especially the one who only performs TKR.

Some other research I have done just confirms what we all probably already know ....that being properly hydrated (lots of water) exercising , especially the quadriceps , keeping weight down and eating good healthy, and healing foods,......all this, the weeks before and after surgery.

The proper hydration being important because of all the medicines we will be taking and the general stress on the body.

Really interesting at all the things we are reminded about our general health when something like this comes up.

I really love reading the posts by those of you who are a few weeks and months out of surgery and doing well, most encouraging.

When I actually meet with the Doctors I will have my lovable laptop with me and will let you know what they say and why..should be interesting, in the continuing saga of the knee
I wish you all, perfect health!
I was surprised that around here, there are not many surgeons who do partials or minimally invasive surgery. Maybe they don't want to do all the extra training and have more difficult surgeries?

Hi Ellen, so sounds like you had a PKR. How is it so far? What did your surgeon say was the reason he was suggesting a PKR? Marquesa

Hi marquesa,
Yes it was a PKR, called Hemis here.
So far it's great, short-ish healing time, out of pain completely by 4.5 months, the only time it hurts now is when I do something stupid like trying to dance and twist the knee. Even the wee man with the barbed wire in there has taken a vacation... mostly. I no longer limp as I had done for years.

The OS's reason was that after looking at the MRI there were no more osteophytes (sp?). He suggested that after I had worn out the Hemi then I would go for the Total. He must have thought I was going to live forever.
I trust him thoroughly so I will be interested to hear his reason for giving me a knee that will limit my activities for the future. Like not ride my cycle far or even not to walk too far, 5 kms maximum per day, that's not even to my local mall and back ! Walking was my exercise, I used to get around town on my feet, so I'm missing that. He didn't explain the limitations of the Hemi when we talked before the op. :sigh:

Haven't been back to see him yet... not since the 12 week check, the questions are piling up especially since I found this forum.

RHKR 3/19/09
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