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"new" pain management recovery system

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Jun 22, 2008
United States
Recently, I heard from a Dr. in New Hampshire, that there was a new pain management system spreading through the country using steroids and lanocane. Do you know what this proceedure involves? Shots I'd presume, before, after surgery? How many? He spoke of the nurses in the knee recovery units totally approving this system, saying the patient is up and able to perform the physical therapy exercises much more easily and more painfree. My Dr. (in Calif), says the "cane" family of drugs numbs and can hinder the muscles to "fire up" like they need to during the physical therapy. I am interested in the LESS pain. Any information about this new technique would be welcome!
Think you have misspelled that word, knee. Doesn't ring any bells with me.

However, lignocaine does. Would that be it? A local anaesthetic, anyway?

If so, it is by no means new - McKee was using a combo of local anaesthetic and steroids in arthritic joints as far back as 1955! It can have remarkable short term improvement but it is - short term. And the use of steroids is not, long term, a good idea as it can cause avascular necrosis in the bone that is exposed to it and other problems.

You'll find there are many people on here who have had cortisone shots with varying amounts of success.
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