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New Pain in Calf

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junior member
Jan 22, 2007
Hi! For some reason, I cannot figure how to start a new thread so I'm piggybacking on Jacques' "new pain" thread! Merci Jacques! I am 19 days post op and have been doing really well...great flexion, extension, etc. I have even been going out to do errands etc. Although I am taking my 2 hydrocodone every 4-6 hours, I am noticing that my calf muscle (midway down and on the outside part of leg) in the LTKR is starting to hurt...not unbearable but a new pain. It is tender to pressure. I wonder what a blood clot feels like. I've had one in the past but I was in so much pain for other reasons I do not remember that specific problem. It's not hot in the area but that's the only thing I know to look for. Are there any other symptoms which might indicate the possibility of a blood clot? Thanks you guys...and if anyone can tell me how to start a new thread, that would be great!

Make sure you are out of this thread, go where it's: / Knee Replacement Forum > Knee Replacement: > After Knee Replacement - Recovery Discussions >

Near the top of the thread where all the discussion threads are is: NEW THREAD

Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about:
Ca me fait plaisir.
Re: new pain

Merci Bien execk2! I'll go back to my side of the playground now!
Kanoneli, I moved your post to its own thread for you so that it can get the attention it deserves.
I do not know enough to give you advice. But there are a lot of others here that will be able to help you. I got charlie horse's in my calf's but I was able to use Bio-freeze on my calf which help. But yours does not sound like a charlie horse.
I can't find the discussion on this kan...

I have felt tenderness in my calf from day one. I rub and rub every evening.
I thought it was from the surgery and excercising. Hope I am right

It could be many things. First offsome that have TKR are not in shape so this is normal "I am exercising again pain", for others it could be that the muscle because of previous problems was not being used (aligned) and this exercising hurts a bit. I think unless it's unbearable no pain, no gain...
Don't take the chance...sure, it "might" be from exercise...but?

A Sonogram only takes 15 minutes, and the results are "positively" conclusive.

I had same "symptoms" after 10 the Sonogram, negative...

And slept well that night...(Sorta)

I agree with Mike. If it persists and/or it concerns you, it's always best to have it checked out.
First there's a thread called Using the forum -the ultimate "how to" which tells you all you need to know about using the forum.

Secondly, it is entirely possible that you can get cramps in your calf from walking and exercising. A clot would also cause swelling and hardness in the calf and possibly track up your leg as well. As others have said, you need to get this checked out ASAP as if it is a clot it needs dealing with pronto. However, from your description, my money's on the actvity soreness.

I was wondering how important those TEDS things are after surgery? I am 6 days post op and the vistiting nurse had me remove them today because they keep rolling and won't lie flat. Because of this, it was cutting off my circulation at the thigh level. She called the Doc and he said to get the shorter knee high ones, or leave them off at night. I guess they used to sell them at Walmart and drugstores, but they don't anymore, so I was not able to get them. They were so unconfortable and I'm glad to have them off. I just want to be sure it is ok not to wear them at this point. I am on Coumidin and I am getting the Lovenox shot each day for blood thinning. Thanks!
PS. I am posting this here and wanted to know if there is a way to search the forum for thread topics?
I was wondering how important those TEDS things are after surgery? I am 6 days post op and the vistiting nurse had me remove them today because they keep rolling and won't lie flat. Because of this, it was cutting off my circulation at the thigh level. She called the Doc and he said to get the shorter knee high ones, or leave them off at night. I guess they used to sell them at Walmart and drugstores, but they don't anymore, so I was not able to get them. They were so unconfortable and I'm glad to have them off. I just want to be sure it is ok not to wear them at this point. I am on Coumidin and I am getting the Lovenox shot each day for blood thinning. Thanks!
PS. I am posting this here and wanted to know if there is a way to search the forum for thread topics?

Never mind.....I found the search button. Thanks!
I had pain in the back of my calf and thigh (hamstrings) for several weeks after surgery, and still do some in the thigh, and I was a little concerned but I found if I do a stretching excercise a couple times a day it helps loosen it up. I sit with my legs extended and lean forward and hold for 30 seconds, relax and repeat this several times. At first it hurts but as you do more it gets better. I've had my daughter massage the back of the leg a few times to relax the mucles and that really feels good. But if you're not sure maybe an exam would be best. Good luck
Hi Cheryl,

I had exactly the same problem and the doctor took my stockings off the day after the op, simply because with rolling down and making a tornequet around your leg they can actually cause more problems, he just said I needed to keep my legs moving, pumping ankles etc, which I did. Even when sitting I was always moving my legs.

It's better if you can wear them, but if you can't just keep pumping.

Best wishes,

Chris :)
I had terrible calf pain after each of my TKRs.

On the first, it was bad enough to send me to the ER and get tested for a clot.

I attribute both to the fact that I had been walking so bent for so long that it took a LOT of stretching to get them back to normal...same with the quads.

I know it was not the TEDs because I was fairly--what do the doctors call it? -noncompliant :)

It was probably about 8 weeks before it was not a problem. I did lots of stretching and PT...

Good luck!
Thanks All...I will call the doc tomorrow and maybe get a scan! And Jamie, thanks for starting the thread for me!
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