Hi! For some reason, I cannot figure how to start a new thread so I'm piggybacking on Jacques' "new pain" thread! Merci Jacques! I am 19 days post op and have been doing really well...great flexion, extension, etc. I have even been going out to do errands etc. Although I am taking my 2 hydrocodone every 4-6 hours, I am noticing that my calf muscle (midway down and on the outside part of leg) in the LTKR is starting to hurt...not unbearable but a new pain. It is tender to pressure. I wonder what a blood clot feels like. I've had one in the past but I was in so much pain for other reasons I do not remember that specific problem. It's not hot in the area but that's the only thing I know to look for. Are there any other symptoms which might indicate the possibility of a blood clot? Thanks you guys...and if anyone can tell me how to start a new thread, that would be great!