Gee, if it's not one thing it's ANOTHER!!! I'm doing okay being off the pain medicine, but now at night when I try to go to bed (and I'm tired), I pretty consistently get restless legs....BOTH legs, not just my new knee leg. I just don't understand it. I can get up like now and sit at the computer without them jumping, but if I try to lie down anywhere - bed, couch, recliner - it doesn't work. They started this when I went to bed at 11:30 and it went away after a 10 minute bike ride. But when my husband came into bed at 1:30 it was just enough to wake me a little and it started again. I hate to think I'm going to spend the rest of my life on my bicycle in the middle of the night!! I'll have to get a new nickname instead of Night Stalker and become Night Rider!
Josephine.....any ideas for relief???
Josephine.....any ideas for relief???