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New Hippy

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Apr 25, 2008
Southern California
United States United States
Just had my initiation last friday, home today. Right hip replacement.
My main question is in swelling. My thighs, knees and feet are really swollen. Both sides. A lot of swelling.
Is this normal?
Welcome back. My swelling worked itself out in about two weeks. My knee got the worst of it. The PT and daily exercises work. I think I started noticing a difference as my range of motion increased. I really felt a tightness behind my knee. (EEI) Exercise, Elevation and Ice.
Thanks GMAC
I was starting to worry if I was growing a new limb in my calf. Talk about tight!!!!
Yea For Did Good Girl And Everyone Is Glad You Are Back On The Scene.....swelling Is All Apart Of It....I Looked Like The Titanic When I Got Home And It Just Took Time To Slowly Go Away. What Made It Even More Fun Were The Darling White Good To Hear From You Again....patty
hi judy --

my neighbor told me that my thigh looked like it had been inflated with a bicycle pump (to which I thanked her for reassuring me that my thigh did NOT ordinarily look this way....), plus I had (have) a massive purple bruise down the back of my leg.

I agree that exercise helped immensely, but also drinking LOTS & LOTS of water (helps flush out all that edema, toxins, anesthesia, etc) -- my swelling went down in about 3 days this way.

are you wearing compression hose on your lower extremities? it protects against swelling/blood clots. you can get them as well as a sock-put'er-on-er" device at most good medical supply stores.

I'm the new hipster, signing off to ya, new hippy! :)
Congratulations Judy!!
Now it is all easier from here on out. I think the toughest huddle is stopping putting it off.
As an oldtimer...1 week ahead of you...I can say that everything gets better very quickly. I've been back to work for 4 days but I am going to try to spend less time at the office and more time just walking around the city.

Although I did not have much swelling except right on the incision, it is apparently very common. Movement and activity sure reduces it plus elevating the effected leg when sleeping. Don't sit for long periods in a chair with your lower legs low, better to walk around or elevate the leg when not active.
It is so great to know this is normal. Well at least in the surgical leg. I was being treated by my endocrinologist (Actually I baffled her) right before surgery for 10 pound weight gain with no acutal visual swelling and being not responsive to diuretics.
After 3 weeks the lasix finally kicked in and I lost it, but did not take it in the hospital.
Probably part of this going on to as the left side is almost as bad as the operated side!!!
Glad my raised pottty seat is comfortable as I will drink myself silly today and took lasix
Time for drugs Patty
Ice and elevation - that's the answer! and buckets of it.

Glad you came out the other side ok. Despite what it seems like now, it's all going to be good from now on.
Very glad to be on this side too.
The problem with the elevation is I can not get the recliner to unrecline on my own or with my 19 year old daughters help!!!! We must be a scene together. As I started on the lasix today getting off the chair happens frequently.
As of 24 hours ago I can bend my feet and knees now!!!!

Josephine I will use ice when my hubby gets home, thanks
Feeling better every hour in Ca
Thanks Rob,
I had my first pt home visit today. She said way too much swelling and told me to spend most of the next 3 days in bed and keep it elevated.
What are you up to these days?
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