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New guy needs your feedback

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new member
Feb 7, 2009
I just found this site some days ago and i've been very glad i did. I want to share my own experience as i have been worried lately about my new hip.

I had THR on my left hip in 2006, spent about 6 weeks in the hospital before i was discharged. It all went fine then and i have had no problem with it ever since. Last year(2008), i had problems with my right hip and the surgeon recommended a THR for the right hip too. I had the surgery but this time the hip dislocated 2 weeks after surgery while still on the bed. The surgeon relocated the hip by manipulation and put some POP on my foot to prevent me from rotating the hip joint. one week later while sleeping i felt a sound and movement in my hip. In the morning when i did an xray, the ball was out of the joint again. This time the surgeon relocated the joint by manipulation an put some POP from my waist down to my foot to prevent the waist from moving too.

Eight weeks later, the POP was removed and i started using clutches. What bothers me now is that my leg and knee is so stiff that i cant move it on my own and i have to keep my leg straight when sitting, lying down or moving. Its 3 weeks after the POP has been removed and I sometimes feel some sliding movements and clicking sound in my right hip but i dont feel it has dislocated. I also feel some pain on my upper thigh and at my lower buttock which subsides a little after some rest. And my operative wound has a tiny hole that keeps draining and has not dried up.

I didnt know much about the types of implant before now but i knw i am on cementless implants. I am 24 years old.

Any comment and feedback will be highly appreciated. Thanks
RockMan, I am devastated for you! The treatment that surgeon used was common way back in the 60s but not now! Good grief! I don't wonder your leg is stiff if you were put in a hip spica!
[] New guy needs your feedback
And for eight weeks!?!

I hate to say this but your symptoms lead me to suspect that your hip is infected and your femoral component is loose.

I don't know much about the health system in Nigeria but can you choose which hospital you go to? You really need to find a centre of excellence somewhere - anywhere! - and get this seen to ASAP.

Please come back with any fiurther questions. If there is anything I can do to help I will.
RockMan, what a difficult situation you find yourself in! I have just talked with Josephine (she is the orthopedic nurse on our forum) and she suggested that I provide you with the link below to a hospital in Nigeria that is considered an Orthopedic Center of Excellence. I don't know if this is where you had your hip replacement done, but if not, would it be possible for you to go there?

broken link removed:

In my non-medical opinion, it sounds as though you are seriously in need of a fresh set of eyes looking at your hip as quickly as possible. Please post again when you can. We care what happens to you!
Rock Man

I am glad you found us, so sorry for your problems at such a young age. I am glad Jo answered you as she is our expert.

Please take her advice if possible and get back to us. Now I will be wondering about how you are doing.

Oh and welcome to bonesmart
RockMan - I see you were here yesterday morning. Please post and let me know some more. I really want to help you all I can.
Thank you so much josephine, jamie and judy. I wish I had come to this site some 4 months earlier when i could move around much easily.

its just that i have been a little confused lately, the hospital jamie referred me to is about 1-2 days journey from where i live and its extremely uncomfortable for me to get in, get out, or just being in a moving car so i have to be sure i wont be hurting my hip before i make such a trip. I have contacted the hospital and i am still waiting for a reply.

After emphasizing my current symptoms to my current surgeon 2 days ago, he did an xray and insisted that im fine although the right hip looked a little different from the left hip. He said the implant used is a modern one although it looks like the cup does not have an even thickness around the ball and he also says the movements im feeling in the hip is as a result of some tissues growing.

Today i felt that movement about 9 times while trying to move up on my bed. Im now wondering whats moving in there because it always seems like my leg is going to fall out of my hip through the side when it happens.

I'm just hoping i should get some kind of response from the hospital in dala before putting my parents through the challenge of getting me there.

I'm so grateful for all your help and concerns on this forum. Thank you and please don't stop the comments and feedback.
My thoughts and best wishes are with you RockMan. I hope you get the help you need very quickly.

Chris :)
RockMan, I am so relieved you came back! What your surgeon has said makes no sense to me at all. To use a popular term "does not compute"! I have been discussing this with an orthopaedic surgeon friend and he suggested that, if all else fails, we might be able to put you in touch with Médecins Sans Frontières International who would have some expert hip surgeons on their books.

Please keep in touch - I seriously want to do anything/everything I can to help you.

OK Rockman

Just keep in touch with us so Jo can help you. Prayers are headed to Nigeria for you from california
You ARE a Rock Man! Prayers coming your way. May you get get all the help you need! And bless you!
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