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New Exercise Driveway Weeding Squat

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Mar 21, 2008
United States United States
Hello Folks

Well yesterday the sun came out and we had no rain or thunderstorms for the first time in 2 weeks. I wish I could send some of this water to those in California (I use to live in North Hollywood). So I wanted to go outside and the exercises were getting a little stale so I came up with something to do both.

To do this exercise you need a gravel over dirt driveway (sorry those of you in urban America miss this fun) of at least 50 feet. Start at one edge of the driveway and start walking slowly up the driveway. If you see some missplaced green stop, put your feet shoulder length apart and slow squat (like you are going to sit) and don't go beyond 90 degrees and then reached down and pull out the weed/misplaced grass and slowly stand up and start walking again. Repeat above until the entire driveway has been cleared.

Given the rain we are having, I know today I will find new weeds. It is not going to start raining till early afternoon.

As you can see rehab is making me a little crazy. It is frustrating when the knees just don't go forward or straight as fast as you want no matter how much you exercise.

Simon (I live in the Northeast Kindgom of Vermont)
Hello Simon,

I live in the Charlotte area. We've had some decent rain this summer. Actually, the first 2 weeks of July gave us more rain than we had last summer. I planted a raised bed garden in the spring and it has really been productive. Fortunately, weeding was a very minor issue.
I am almost ready to plant for the fall crops. My guess is that I'll need a small stool to help me navigate the up and down since I plant using the "Square Foot Garden" method.
My biggest bed is 4 ft x 8 ft. Currently, we've harvested over 15 lbs of green beans, 8 cantaloupes, 8 egg plants, and tons of hot pepper. The water melons are growing nicely and the tomato plants are starting to yield. I also did some vertical growing with melons going up some hog wire. I took scrap wood and make little supports once the melons reached 3 inches.

My choice of exercise is a new exercise bike. After 7 wks I'm at 120+ degrees and almost straight -2 1/2. The cane is carried mostly but at the end of the day, the knee swells a little and is sometimes a little stiff. Hope you continue to do well. I enjoyed reading your post. Have a wonderful weekend...Tom

Could you explain to me what rain looks like?? I live in North Texas, just West of Fort Worth. Our high today is supposed to be 104. It is so dry, even the weeds aren't doing so well! I like your exercise but I'll have to adapt it to indoors. Maybe I'll try the squat while loading and unloading the dishwasher. On Monday, it will be 9 weeks since I had my knees replaced and I'm doing great. No more therapy, no pain meds, sleeping again. Life is good!

I enjoyed reading your post and would love to live in Vermont.
I am one of those in socal. I am also a sun worshipper so don't mind the lack of moisture. Actually I am a 9 week post hippy and have been enjoying swimming in the community pool. Last week I swam a mile on Tuesday for the first time. It may not be pretty, but i made it.
The squat you describe is one of the exercises I have in pt. I usually end up sitting down (there are things under me) and my knee hurts like crazy so I would never try it outside!!!
Your garden sounds wonderful. Made me want to plant something. I used to when my kids were lilttle, whatever they helped grow , they loved to eat!!!

I really need a trip to New England. I grew up in Rhode Island and came to California for an adventure and grad school and stayed 16 years, then 10 in Atlanta and now back to socal for the last 2.
Keep healing everyoone
Hey Judy,

We love our new gardens. figured I'd do something before I went on a new adventure into teaching. After 33 years in healthcare, I was ready for a change. Have a great Sunday...Tom
Hey Tom
I am a special education teacher (currently unemployed) What will you be teaching?
Good Luck with it.
Speaking of outdoors, this morning early when my son came over to do his laundry he took me outside to see the huge toad in the street. When we have rain we have what is called Colorado River Toads. They only show up after rain. They are quite a nuisance as they are poisonous to dogs, they secrete something through their skin that is toxic. This was the biggest one I have ever seen, a good 8 inches across and three inches high. He said they were all over the streets this morning. Needless to say one of my chores during this time of year is to do recon on our back yard each morning to make sure none have gotten into our yards overnight. So far no toads in the yard, thank God. They really freak me out. I don't think I would need to think too much to deal with one. Last summer our next door neighbor actually had a large rattler in her yard so we have plenty to think about outdoors here. By the way, all the home grown veggies just sound wonderful. The doctor who runs the lab my son works in at the U planted some tomatoes this year and we got to have some twice. Was better than anything I could possible think of, the only thing that could have improved on it was some frest okra fried up and a pan of cornbread. Food for the gods. So all you lucky enough to have gardens eat some of those veggies for me, of send me some. LOL. Rowdy
Rowdy, Paula Deen had a recipe yesterday for stewed tomatoes and okra. Looked interesting.
My garden is trying. The tomatoes are quite tall and making plenty, but none of them want to turn red. Plenty of green. Thought I was doing something wrong but my conversations with fellow local gardeners have the same situation. And as I drive around I see others gardens fullof green tomatoes. My little eggplants are coming in nicely and they grill up quite nicely on the BBQ. The pepper plants are fairing well also. A new friend from church yesterday brought me a huge basket of veges from her garden. What a blessing! A few plum tomatoes, cukes, broccoli and a big pile of rhubarb. Now I need to make a pie. Couple weeks before another friend gave me a zuchini about 18 inches long! Plenty of zuchini bread was promptly made. I always like trying when it comes to the garden, even if it doesn't do well. Better to get up and out and move. With my new knees I couldn't wait this year. now the stores are starting to sell chrysantheums. Oh how time flies.
You just reminded me of growing up in RI and picking rhubarb and dipping it in sugar. We loved it and no pies ever got made
That's was exactly the original intent because of what my husband was remembering but everytime I went to buy it in the store for him it was pretty tired looking. She mentioned having it in her garden and I asked if I could have just a couple stalks so hubby could do that again. She brought me 2-3 dozen. And a jar of her home canned zuchini relish, and all those other veges.
Want some zucchini? I'll ship it to you! WHAT WERE WE THINKING PLANTING 5 SQUASH PLANTS? Even if they are 5 different varieties?

Our tomatoes in Oregon are also staying green. Eggplants are too heavy for the plants... gonna grill some tonight. Lots of snow peas too!
Do fried green tomatoes with hot sauce...Better yet, fry them up and put a slice between a big "cat head biscuit"...
I do like friend green tomatoes.... but I usually wait to do those later in the season. Right now I am so anxious to have a home grown garden (I call them "real") tomato I don't want to endanger what might be the first ripe one!

ok.... what is a "cat head biscuit"?
Fried green tomatoes!!!!! Okay, now I am getting hungry. Good thing it is near supper time. I stopped in Captain D's the other day and guess what they had on their menu? FRIED GREEN TOMATOES! So I ordered some.
They were delicious!!! I could not believe it.
By the way Doug, I finally got those grilled ribs. We went to the lake yester day and my hubby slapped some on the grill. YUMMY!
Beach, I'm wondrin' too but afraid to ask...
Doug is the recipe for green tomatoes on our recipe thread? I had a bunch break off because it was too heavy. Wonder what we all are doing wrong.? Snow peas sound delish. I do the same thing with overkill when planting. I triedn so hard to go with the less is more theory this year as I always ruin my project with too many. But the tomatoes plants kept dropping "babys" and new little ones that I didn't plant were coming up. Craziest thing I ever saw. They were germinating. Beach I'll take an order of Zuchs with a few bars of that Tillamook cheese. lol
I knew I'd throw a curve ball with the "cat head" biscuits....No great mystery down here. Simply, It's a biscuit the size of a cat head. OR, a bigun'

Frying a green tomato is easy. I'll post it on the recipe thread.
Phew! Wiping brow. I'd pass on the biscuit if it was next to a cat(fish) head.
Cathie, check your new posts list. Hope that helps! Jen
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