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Nerve Problems?

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Apr 27, 2008
United States
Ok Ladies and Gent's I am probing into an area that will certainly set me back big time if it is indeed the problem? I along with my PT agent are starting to think that the knee replacement is awesome! But what may be whats happening is a nerve that is attached to the muscle on the inside of my thigh and go's over the inside of the knee might be what is causing my pain and suffering? When on the CPM what we have been doing applying ice directly to the affected area and this numbs the nerve that is giving me trouble. We are going to continue to do this and push as hard as we can and hopefully things inside are still hypersensitive and this will subside? If not I might have to see an anesthesiologist for nerve deadening in that particular muscle or spot? Has anyone had this type of issue early on? My problem could be pre existing???
In my experience, nerve pain is like a hot knife under the skin. I have not had it related to my knees, but have had it with nerve regeneration in my face.
Many members of this group have commented on the numbness they feel on the lateral side of the knee following replacement due to the nerves being cut.
Maybe you are feeling some nerves that were not totally cut an are trying to regenerate. With the crushing damage of your past injury this may be what has happened.
Nerves do regenerate. I had to have 1/2 of my salivary gland removed in 1982 due to encapsulated lymph nodes which would have turned cancerous. The plastic surgeon cut from the top of my left ear down the front of the ear, under the ear lobe and up and inch in back and down my neck about 3 inches. I had no feeling of or on my ear for close to a year. Then the nerves started regenerating and they felt like hot pokers and were a painful burning sensation.
That's all I can help you with for a description........
I have numbness in my knees (skin) also. Obviously a common surgery side effect, like Crystal said, many (most) experience this. All along and especially more so lately I get those sharp stabbing pains. pokers. Good word. For me it is like a jab of a really big needle. I'll be sitting quietly reading etc and all of the sudden "OW!" and a jump comes from my resting self. Hate it but glad for it as I know in is nerves regenerating.
Nerve pain can also manifest as an intense boring pain, especially where there is nerve or nerve root compression, just as in sciatica which is a compression of the sciatic nerve. Rather depends upon the place where the compression/damage has occurred and the nature of the damage.

This is the nerve supply around the knee joint - the yellow structures are the nerves.
[] Nerve Problems?

However the ligaments are a different issue as they are many and varied. The one that most closely matches your description is the big white ligament on the right, the sartorius which is the medial companion to the ilio-tibial band on the lateral side. You can see that the nerve above fairly closely follows the path of the sartorius.

[] Nerve Problems?

Just thought you'd find it helpful.

I'll have a little think about the implications thereof and be back!

Well my Therapist and I are convinced. The pain continues to be in an area that normally resides in the knee, starts at the inner thigh and radiates up through the inside of the knee then all the way down the left part of my shin and gets much worse when I put it down on the floor. We are thinking this might need to be looked at by an Anesthesiologist? It appears something got cut or this might be an old injury from the original accident? Nothing like complications hah.......Yes Josephine I think that you are on the money with whats going on here as a matter of fact this could have been an issue 24 years ago I have forgotten? Possibly why I only had limited range after the accident? What is your opinion on Lyrica? They gave me this for nerve pain but it has made me very dizzy and I have stopped taking it. Should I continue using this crud? I'm getting very confused and very worried...........
You need to consult with your physician(s). Every one of us is unique, and while some features of this surgery seem to be shared by most of us, your situation is beyond our knowledge and experience.
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