I am 44 years old 17 days post total knee replacement due to stage 4 osteoarthritis in a 3 compartments. My knee feels good and my ROM is good. I am having trouble with my quad reactivating, I still cannot lift my foot off the bed without assistance. I know this can be normal but my concern is, I am having extremely painful episodes of nerve pain that at times start at my mid thigh, right above where the nerve block was placed, running down the inside of my leg to my calf and foot. I also have a burning sensation the wraps around the top of my upper thigh. I was having an episode when I went for my 2 week follow-up. My doctor put me on gabapentin which does help some. I still have these episodes when I am active at home or after therapy. I have called my Dr. back twice since the appt. But haven’t received a call back, I was just notified that ibuprofen was called in to the pharmacy. I am beginning to worry something could be wrong. Is this a normal occurrence or should I be worried