new member
I had THR on 5/16/08 and as soon as I got to my hospital room, I noticed I could not move my foot (surgery side) toward me. My OS called it "drop foot" caused by nerve damage. Later that day, after the nursing staff rolled me over on my surgery side to use a bed pan, a terrific burning pain shot into my foot. My OS says the burning pain in normal with drop foot. Now, after 7 1/2 weeks, I still don't have this movement in my foot. The only thing that has changed in the type of pain in the foot. The side of my calf is also numb as is my big toe and the top of my foot just under the big toe. Both my OS and my PT feels this will heal in time. No one knows how much time. My THR is going fairly well so far. I'm walking with one crutch. I limp if I try without it. Has anyone had this problem with nerve damage after surgery?? My OS hasn't suggested seeing a Neurologist yet, but I may ask about this on my next apt. Any input will be appreciated. Thanks.