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Nerve damage after THR

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Jul 6, 2008
United States
I had THR on 5/16/08 and as soon as I got to my hospital room, I noticed I could not move my foot (surgery side) toward me. My OS called it "drop foot" caused by nerve damage. Later that day, after the nursing staff rolled me over on my surgery side to use a bed pan, a terrific burning pain shot into my foot. My OS says the burning pain in normal with drop foot. Now, after 7 1/2 weeks, I still don't have this movement in my foot. The only thing that has changed in the type of pain in the foot. The side of my calf is also numb as is my big toe and the top of my foot just under the big toe. Both my OS and my PT feels this will heal in time. No one knows how much time. My THR is going fairly well so far. I'm walking with one crutch. I limp if I try without it. Has anyone had this problem with nerve damage after surgery?? My OS hasn't suggested seeing a Neurologist yet, but I may ask about this on my next apt. Any input will be appreciated. Thanks.
There are some untoward things that can happen during the surgery - I'll pm you.
I have drop foot caused by a compression of the 5th lumbar nerve from a herniated disk in my back. My symptoms are nearly identical to what you describe. I had decompression surgery in January to release the nerve.
Jo is much better at describing what may have happened to you as a result of your surgery (and I have heard of that happening), but what I can offer is that when nerves are damaged they heal very very slowly. Almost 6 months after my back surgery I have had improvement and believe I will continue to heal and improve over the next 6 months. My foot no longer "flops" to the side and slaps the floor when I walk and my toes no longer drag and trip me. I have some improvement in my ability to move my toes toward my body.
I can't speak to your situation--- but do know from experience that all I can do is give this time to heal. The nerve is no longer compressed, but needs lots of time to heal.I have some strengthening exercises I do but mostly I just have to wait.

Good luck

I had THR on 5/16/08 and as soon as I got to my hospital room, I noticed I could not move my foot (surgery side) toward me. My OS called it "drop foot" caused by nerve damage. Later that day, after the nursing staff rolled me over on my surgery side to use a bed pan, a terrific burning pain shot into my foot. My OS says the burning pain in normal with drop foot. Now, after 7 1/2 weeks, I still don't have this movement in my foot. The only thing that has changed in the type of pain in the foot. The side of my calf is also numb as is my big toe and the top of my foot just under the big toe. Both my OS and my PT feels this will heal in time. No one knows how much time. My THR is going fairly well so far. I'm walking with one crutch. I limp if I try without it. Has anyone had this problem with nerve damage after surgery?? My OS hasn't suggested seeing a Neurologist yet, but I may ask about this on my next apt. Any input will be appreciated. Thanks.
I have drop foot caused by a compression of the 5th lumbar nerve from a herniated disk in my back. My symptoms are nearly identical to what you describe. I had decompression surgery in January to release the nerve.
Jo is much better at describing what may have happened to you as a result of your surgery (and I have heard of that happening), but what I can offer is that when nerves are damaged they heal very very slowly. Almost 6 months after my back surgery I have had improvement and believe I will continue to heal and improve over the next 6 months. My foot no longer "flops" to the side and slaps the floor when I walk and my toes no longer drag and trip me. I have some improvement in my ability to move my toes toward my body.
I can't speak to your situation--- but do know from experience that all I can do is give this time to heal. The nerve is no longer compressed, but needs lots of time to heal.I have some strengthening exercises I do but mostly I just have to wait.

Good luck

This is my first reply, so I hope I'm doing it right.
Thanks for your reply. I think you may have been a bit worse off then I am. My foot doesn't actually "flop". I can move it to the sides and point and wiggle my toes. Just not able to pull the foot towards me. My toes don't drag too much, either.(Hopefully this means my nerve isn't too damaged and may heal quicker) I wear a brace to get the heel to toe walking action. My PT says that nerves heal about an inch a month. Right now, I don't know where the damage is, at the hip or at the knee. Jo said it could have happened from being inadequetely padded during surgery or the leg could have been left in a position that damaged the peroneal nerve by the knee, or bruised or damaged during surgery. Jo feels it just should not have happened. I guess as long as it heals, I'll put up with it all (what choice do I have).

Thanks again for your relpy and I hope all goes well in your recovery and that you won't have to wait too long to get back to "normal".
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