If the medical system in the US ran as well as the DVM after going to single payer we would all be better off, but as it is, the US lags far behind the rest of the developed world in medical care for anyone other than super rich. Personal attention is almost unheard of. The cost and personal attention were the two reasons I had mine done 2 weeks ago in another country and all was better than I could have hoped for. Total costs of less than $6,000 was an added bonus. It would have been over $60,000 in the US. My old HMO would not even consider doing it and I most likely would have been unhappy with their care if they did cover it.
My advise is to rattle some cages and shop for a surgeon if you want to stick with Medicare, someone out there will be interested in you getting what is optimum for your situation. Be a little flexible however, any surgeon will know 1000 times more than you about what type of joint would be best for your particular combinations of conditions.
In my case I wanted the best that would be an optimum compromise between long life, range of movement, reliability considering my age(59), activity level, and medical status...which I assumed was pretty good since the only time I have been in a hospital was at 19 for an appendectomy. I have a diagnostic rule for any type of repair or assistance(medical or otherwise..repair of a car or stereo etc), the more time spent asking appropriate questions beforehand, by you and your doctor, the fewer surprises and more appropriate the decisions. My experience with Kaiser told me that they were not interested in my situation enough to aks any questions or spend more than 5 minutes with me. My doctor here, by the time we did the operation, knew more about me than my mother or girlfriend, and I firmly believe that was a major contributing factor in a pain and problem free surgery and after care. He knew all about my lifestyle, my eating, working and socializing patterns because there was no time pressure in appointment times. Overall, the entire experience was like a relaxing vacation, with no surprises except how smooth it all went and how great the hosptial staff was. After 2 weeks since surgery I've already gone back to work and resumed a social life....went dancing last night. After the surgery my only expense has been $2.10 for an iron suppliment that I was advisd to get due to the blood loss during surgery.
Good luck