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Need prayers, Friends

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Sticker Lady

Jan 14, 2009
United States United States
Hi Friends-
I'm putting out a request for prayers for my husband. We've had a difficult day, to say the least. Hubby has been waiting for 6 weeks to have a prostate biopsy and today was the day.
We tried to get it done before my BTKR but couldn't. The biopsy itself went OK although I felt awful having to let him go alone for the proceedure. He insisted that he'd be fine and drove himself.
He got home OK and was lying down and drinking water as he'd been told but then he started having BM's with bleeding. After about 4 episodes he was feeling very weak and dizzy. He called the MD and they said to go to the emergency room ( about a 30 minute drive). He couldn't drive and of course neither could I so he called a neighbor who drove him.
To make an even longer story short--they are keeping him in the hospital overnight. He's being pumped full of fluid and they are checking his blood and vitals regularly.
Please keep us in your prayers tonight.
Blessings to all of you,
Sticker lady

You got it! Will say a prayer now, tonight and serveral times for him and for you. I am so sorry to hear. But
you know all your bonesmart buddies will be praying for you both.

May God Bless You and Yours and hold you in his arms as he takes a way the pain and may your husband recover
from this present illness and may the final results be a complete recovery for both of you.

Please post and let us know how you and your hubby are doing.

God Bless you and your family.
Absolutly Irene. You both will be in my prayers. Atleast his is safe and they are watching him 24/7. Im sure he will be fine. You need to take care of yourself as well. Is there someone that can help you if you need it? Take it easy , it will work out. Your husband totallly understands you cant drive. He knows you are still always there for him...Try to relax. You need your rest as well. I sure hope you both get better soon. As I said atleast he is being looked after at all times. He will get what he needs. Again my prayers are with you both... Hang in there you have been thru alot....Deep breathe and relax........Please keep us posted...If you need to talk we are all here for you.!!!!!!!!
Prayers for your hubby and you. He is in good hands. Let us know how you are both doing
Irene --- thinking very positive thoughts for your husband! Both for tonight -- and for the biopsy! I really hope everything will be fine. Sometimes life comes at you like a tornado -- but in the same way --- blue sky appears when it's over!
Irene, I know this has been a tough time for you, but God bless you, you were strong through it all. I pray for your husband's fast release from the hospital. As difficult as this must be for you, he is where he needs to be right now. Talk on the phone as much as you can....that helps. If you are worried about him any time of day or night, you can always call and ask for his nurse's station. They can provide an update. That's what I always did when my husband was in the hospital. Somehow talking to the nurse and finding out he was resting well eased my mind.

Take care, hon....try to get some sleep. This will pass and things will get back on track for you. In the meantime, we're here for you with lots of virtual ((((HUGS))))).
Irene, I have been where you are. I've had the knee replacement and I've had a husband who had a biopsy (which came back as positive for prostate cancer). Before I go on, let me just say that my husband had his prostate removed, is cancer-free and is back to his old grouchy self. He's fine.

Just know that prostate biopsies are hard on the body. My husband was not allowed to drive himself home from his, which took place months before we found out I needed a knee replacement. I'm going to guess that your husband is fine. He will be seeing blood for awhile after a biopsy.

Both of you have been through quite a bit of late. That's so stressful. However, you'll both get through this. I'll be thinking of you.
I'm surprised a biopsy could cause so much havoc. My prayers are with you.

My husband went in for bypass/valve replacement/pacemaker when I was at 2.5 weeks on first TKR, so I can relate. It was hard going to the hospital and hard being at home alone and when he came home from surgery.

Good luck,
Go well Irene, and know that even if you can't be with him in hospital because of your own health, that he understands this .....that you are doing all you can to be there for him. Why don't you write him a love letter , so that he knows that you are thinking of him even if you are at home on your own...
Prayers coming your way Irene,

Take care
Don't know if you realise it, Irene, but the biopsy is done through anus and the wall of the rectum, like in the image below. If they should hit a little blood vessel in the bowel wall, it can stop bleeding for a while and then start again. Trouble is, once in a while the bleeding can be a little brisk which would be why they needed to keep an eye on him. If it doesn't stop, they'll be able to look inside his rectum - like they did before - and cauterise the bleeding spot. It'll be ok. Please don't worry too much.

[] Need prayers, Friends
What a struggle, I hope that he is just fine by now.

My husband has a rotator cuff that is causing pain--refuses to get surgery, so puts a heating pad on it often. He bought a new super heating pad---but, you have to press on the button, when you fall asleep, the pad turns off.

My husband, who is a retired physician, decided to put a rubber band on his button---so, woke up with burns on his shoulder. The day after I left the hospital, I found myself there again--in the ER. There I sat, with my leg up and my head hanging down--it was 5 am while they looked at my husband's shoulder.

it turns out that he has third degree burns on his shoulder--so during my entire recovery, I have had to change his dressings twice a day!! He is well aware that what he did was absolutely stupid---so there is no need for me to add anything along those lines!! But, really, I think this is a sympathy burn'!!!
Hi I rene I hope things are looking up this morning!!!!!!Still in my prayers as well......

Ski. Oh my goodness, that is terrible. I guess retiring Dr. they still want to treat themselves. Sure hope he gets well soon. But you do need to take care of you!!!!!!!! You are not that far out... Take it easy. You still do what you need to do for yourself to get well....You did have a big surgery !!!!!!!!Dont forget that...
Much thanks to all of you for the prayers and positive responses. Hubby is being released later this morning.
Jo--as usual you hit the nail right on the head. The MD who's treating him in the hospital said that they probably nicked an artery. They pumped him full of fluids and watched him like a hawk all night. His BP is behaving again and he's eager to get home to check on me.
I managed by myself except for ice for the cryocuffs and am up and dressed and waiting with a big kiss for him. Thanks, again. You guys are THE BEST!

That is great. Hope you two have a wonderful day.:D

WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT JO!!:sct::sct::sct:


Irene! I am so happy that your husband is OUT of the hospital! I've found that togetherness is the BEST medicine of ALL always have the best and most thoughtful suggestions. Your idea of a love letter is wonderful!!!
Irene, so glad things are brighter this morning. You'll both be back to "normal" soon!! Give hubby a big hug for all of us.
Irene -- good to hear everything with your husband is OK and as always -- Jo is a great comfort when something like that happens. it's bad enough when it occures but when you can't phsyically do anything yourself to help it's even worse, I think. Even those of us just reading what's happening were reassured by Jo's post....
I do hope the biopsy will be just routine also.....
Thanks, again, everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers. He came home eager to "get to work" but soon found that his energy level wasn't all that great. I let him go to it for a bit and then sugested that a nap would be good for both of us--he slept for 2 1/2 hours. It was just what we both needed!
HE fixed us a nice dinner and we had a quiet evening watching a netflicks movie. Sounds like the drama is over for the time being.
Blessings to all of you,
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