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need new hips

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Hurtin' Albertan

new member
Oct 6, 2009
Hello Jo, I'm the Hurtin' Albertan, and not the only one I'm afraid. Have been told I need two new hips and my husband is recovering from a knee replacement 6 weeks ago.His second knee, so he's double bionic too. Lotta pain in this house, oh well thank God for major modern medicine.
Re: Everything's fine - then it all goes splat! And then it's fine again!

Hey Hurtin.....welcome.......I see there is alot of pain in the house but in the long run you all will be hard to is the word.........) but the pain your in now wont go away the surg pain wishes to you...........i hope your husband gets well real fast.......)
Hey, Hurtin'. Welcome to BoneSmart. I moved your post into a thread of its own so you'd get your own replies. We do that on here.

We do indeed thank God for modern medicine. It's awesome. Have you a date for your hips? Or are you waiting till hubby gets better?
Hey hurting welcome. Where are you in the process of getting those shiny new hips? I've got one and love it. Wish other parts could be replaced as easily as my hip was
Hi, Hurtin' .... welcome to BoneSmart! Boy, you and hubby are just gonna "get 'er done" here all at once, aren't you! Just think about the great new life you'll have together once you're past all the recovery! Fortunately hips don't take as long as knees, so you guys may just reach the finish line at the same time. God bless you both!!!

Let us know when you have a date scheduled. And be sure and post if you have any questions or concerns about either hips or knees! We'll be here for you.
Hi Hurtin,
Like you I am a Canadian and though it does seem like we do get the specialist we are referred to by our GP we can do a little research and be referred to one of our own choosing.I live in a smaller city in Northern Ontario, and there is no way the specialists here get the experince that one in Toronto would get, or the ability to maintain the level of surgeries that he should have.This I learned from Josephines list of things to ask about the surgeon (the amount of surgeries he performs) Always remember it is your hip, and your right to choose what is to be done and by whom!
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