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junior member
Mar 15, 2009
United Kingdom

Hi to you all....and thank you so much for the very helpful advice you have given so far......
I have not had any surgery is looming....I see my surgeon at the end of May [appointment brought forward]......

I need to know all the things you can do after you have had your surgery.....are you realy pain free.....?.....did your life and the joys of it resume......?......oh and can you drive your car......?
Are you able to drive an ordinary geared car [shift change...?]....or do you have to have an automatic geared car...?
jackie. i know they say driving straight shift is a little longer. i'm waiting too so i'll love hearing the answers. on my newly created blog there is a link that discusses the post op stuff. check it out it cant tell you some of your questions only real people can but it can tell you about post op expectations as far as limitaions '
Jackie, I'm sure you'll hear directly from people on the forum who have had hip replacements (I'm a knee person), but if you go back and read some of the old threads, you will see how much activity is possible after healing from the surgery. You will get your life back!! Cars can be driven. Walking, golf, and other sports can resume. You will not be thinking about your hip constantly because it will not hurt.
Hi Jackie and all, I can only speak for me but what the Dr. said is true. After RTHR 8 months ago, I can do anything except perhaps possibly running. And am sure I could run if there was a fire in the house. I certainly can sprint short distances now (to answer phone, etc.) No restrictions at all. And I am 56 and had gradual deterioration over 20 or more years. My only challenge now is flexibility but it is so much better than it was before surgery--can tie shoes, put on stockings, touch my hands flat to floor w/o bending legs. Trust your Dr. will give you all the optimistic info on this amazing surgery. Driving any kind of car is no problem even with the RHR.

Enjoy this great day.
Jackie: What Jamie says appears to be coming true. I will be 4 weeks post op this Wednesday from BTHR and I am feeling great. I still have a cane and my right leg is still weaker, but already I'm forgetting my cane when I walk around the house. I can tie my shoes, I can stand for unlimited periods, and I can walk. Yesterday, we had great weather and I actually pretended to jog in our back yard. I even got on the grass to play with the dog. I also got into an drove my wife's very small car, all the while thinking, I can get a sports car, something I considered to be out of the question. All in less than 1 month and I wouldn't have even tried any of it before my surgery.
Yes there has been some pain, but not like before...this is recovery pain; previously it was the chronic dull continuous joint pain.
Best of luck
BTHR, 4/01/09
I need to know all the things you can do after you have had your surgery.....are you really pain free.....?.....did your life and the joys of it resume......?
I am taking it you understand there is a recovery period during which there will be pain, albeit controllable, and all of these things will be restricted. In the long term, you should get to the point of completely forgetting you have had a new hip put in and just get on with life in whatever form you choose. Otherwise, what would be the point of doing all these zillions of joint replacements if it's any other way?

oh and can you drive your car......?
Are you able to drive an ordinary geared car [shift change...?....or do you have to have an automatic geared car...?
As above! But no, you won't have to have an automatic car.

Thank you all for your replies.....and thank you Mother Hen....we are changing our car soon and I was wondering if maybe we should go for an automatic.....
How about riding a bike...?.....
Its just that I have a 'feeling' my life will be sooooooooo different when I have this hip different.....?
Hang in there you will make the decision that is right for you. Wishing you the best. We will be here for you no matter what you choose. Good luck, please keep us informed.............Lom
Its just that I have a 'feeling' my life will be sooooooooo different when I have this hip different.....?

A lot, lot better! You won't know yourself after about 10 months or so! Be prepared to take back what to locusts have stolen from you ...

Thank you all for your replies.....and thank you Mother Hen....we are changing our car soon and I was wondering if maybe we should go for an automatic.....
How about riding a bike...?.....
Its just that I have a 'feeling' my life will be sooooooooo different when I have this hip different.....?

You will be so thrilled to see how you life can change. Get an automatic car if YOU want one.....not because of your new hip. And riding a bike - SURE!!! All of this after appropriate time for recovery, of course.
I don't know what to say to adequately say....thank you.....
You all seem to give the hip surgery a thumbs up.......
I must say my pain and 'stiff-upper-lip' is wavering and I am starting to wish I had a date for surgery......
I hate this feeling of being so ........Never mind......I should be aware that there are people and kids with more sever disabilities than me......
Yes, There are people with bigger disabilities but that doesnt make yours any less important. Alot of people do well with this surgery, if this is what you choose, can you get in to see him any sooner? maybe worth a try! Hang in here it will be better. I know its hard to believe now, but it will. We are here anytime you need to talk.......KIm
Jackie! Once you get your surgical can start getting your life back!!!
jackie, you and i are in the same boat. i make lists during the day of things over time i've given up doing that i want to do again. ( in my head) by the end of the day i relly just hurt too much to even think about it. tying my shoes, i've never sat indian style. walk thru the store. stand in one place more then a few minute. to hear people talk about hiking, and riding and walking for miles, i havent gotten to the point that i can even belive that can happen yet, but i will. my walk has gotten so bad the worse the pain is that a small limp sounds ok, but hey if i'm getting rid of the pain it would be great if that would go too. i wish you the best ..
monique surgery 6/8/09
Jackie - whereabouts do you live in the UK? Which hospital are you going to?
Jackie, your life and your ability to do the things you want are the MOST important thing in the world to you. That's not selfish; it's how it is supposed to be! You deserve to be pain free and enjoying life. That is what is coming your way once you get that date finalized. Then you prepare for the rest of your life, hon. Don't you feel the least bit guilty about wanting it all. that's what "living life" means. We're always here to support you.
Hi every one.....sorry not been about here recently.......had sister up from Essex for a few we had a few 'family gatherings'......

Thank you all for all your replies and words of support.....I feel a fraud though, I realy do......I have been doing some more 'research' and reading some of the post on here......and I have got myself into such a quandary.......
You see T-Bone, there are days....times when I feel ok......I don't seem to have the same awful continuous pain as some of you have had to bare before your surgery......
Monique I can sleep, if anything does disturb me its my 'heating up' [menopause ]......
Then I also have that sickening 'feeling' that I am not going to be independent.....I am going to be 'out of it' if you see what I mean......Laurie that's what does worry me ......what sort of flexibility can I get back to after surgery.....
Of cause every one is different.....and I suppose depending on your physical ability before surgery will define your recovery to some degree.......

Josephine North West of the UK......I just feel that while I can 'manage' the pain....and there is pain.....but it is NOT that delibitating.....well not that restricting any I have said not as bad as some of you guys.....
Mind I can hear my son telling me off and asking...... "what in heavens name am I waiting for".......well in truth I don't want to be off my feet just yet......and even though I am hobbling around I think I could forgo the surgery for a little while longer........

Your 'thoughts' would be appreciated of cause.....but don't go down the "putting off the inevitable" road......I'm putting it off 'cos I'm not in continuous pain...and fear of cause....I also think surgery should ONLY ever be a last resort...and I'm just not there yet...maybe...
Hi Jackie, it sounds like you want this but you are nervous, Yes Surgery should be a last resort, and you will know when you are at that point when you just cant do it anymore. You said that your would say what are you waiting for? Do you mean he wants you to have this?
Jackie, I'm in the North East. Which hospital will you be using? I can probably advise you if you should go somewhere better, you see.
My opinion is that when the pain is to the point that it's keeping you from something you love doing or something you have to be able to do (like tie your shoes) - then is the time.
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