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Need Help to Understand

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junior member
Feb 21, 2008
Ok, I read that after 5 days many people leave the hospital and go into a rehab. or nursing center for rehab. I am at a loss to understand why in Italy they keep a person so long in the hospital, I arrived on February 25, had the surgery the morning of the 27 and today 6 days after surgery officially I have been up walking with the crutches 2 times, however due to personal needs and not get responded to when I had called for bathroom assistance yesterday afternoon I took it upon myslef to carefully get out of bed as the physical therapists had me do with them, infact I have gotten up and used the bathroom 5 times now and last night advised my surgeon who said it was ok. I get about 10-15 minutes with the pt personel and then they set me at a desk with my laptop and I due some leg exercises, similar to the ones I do all day on the bed. I did advise the Drs. today that I was becoming a little depressed here and asked why such a small amount of time was spent with the pt personel, they advised that there were only 2 of them for 30-40 patients and that was all that could be given each day. I know I am in a different country and maybe it is just the way it is, buy non the less it becomes I bit frustrating. Perhaps I am just not patient enough, but the doctors said I can leave Thursday making it 9 days after surgery. If someone has some feedback or thoughts I would appreciate hearing them.
Hello Paul,

I can't answer the questions regarding your hospital stay, but i can share with you my physical therapy (PT) experience while I was in the hospital.

The day after surgery, the physical therapist came and showed me a few exercises and I walked from my room to the nurses station using a walker. I did the exercises and walking twice a day and that was it. Each session lasted only about 20 mins or so. Once I got home I did the same exercises on my own morning and afternoon and walked with crutches.

Be patient, and focus on what you can do verses what you cannot. Be careful and follow your restrictions.

All the best,
Niceville, FL-USA
(I had THR 7 weeks ago)
Hospital stay various greatly from country to country, hospital to hospital and surgeon to surgeon. In the end it means little. Don't worry about it. At least it saves you the problem of finding a rehab unit to stay in.

On the other hand, if you really want out and you have help at home, good doctor, etc., there's no reason you couldn't push for an earlier discharge.
Thank you ladies for responding. I have been doing all my exercises multiple times a day in bed, sitting at the desk in the room and walking the corridor without pain, it is a true gift of from the surgeon. Today I descended and ascended 40 stairs and did quite well. I am now taking my time at the computer sitting up doing exercise with my legs and feel very grateful, you are right about focusing on what I have and not whining about being here. I am in Italy and their socialize medicine system is far different than that of the USA that I have known for 43 years of my 45 and I have the bad habit of comparing and looking for excuses to find something wrong. I have had 4 major surgeries here in the past 9.5 months and know that the time in a hospital is longer than the time spent in a hospital somewhere else, as they keep a patient here and dont puch to have them make way for another so quickly, I am grateful for the gift this system has given my life, looking to the future I will be able to walk, climb stairs to the top of the Leaning Tower finally instead of standing below in awe, walking on the sandy beaches along the Med. Sea, riding bicycle, walking and playing with the dog, gardening, the list is lengthy.
I am still learning to have patience and acceptance of my new countries ways and customs and sometimes dont do the best job of using them. I am grateful for what I have been given that cost me very little in private Dr. appointments as to not have to wait in the Social Medical waiting lines. I have used my voice and advised that I am ready to go home and get start the rehab at the rehab center that I will go to during the daytime, as this is when the real rehab starts in the Italian system. I have support at home and can easily access my Drs and surgeons here in Pisa, as we are less than an hour away. Thanks for your reminders and feedback ladies, always appreciated.
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