Nearly 9 weeks post op

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junior member
Apr 17, 2007
It's 9 weeks on Wednesday since my op and saw consultant for 1st review on Friday. I'm feeling good!

I had my bone graft revised and the cup revised - apparantly the stem was secure so OS didn't want to change it, he feels it will last. The Xrays looked really good, you can see that my blood is feeding the graft already and OS said he was pleased with the outcome so far. He has now allowed me to sleep on my side (heaven!) and is letting me weight bear, but still must use 2 crutches. I still have to use higher cahirs and raised toilet seats etc as he doesn't want to flex too much, he thinks it's a bit too early yet and asks me to be patient. This limits where I can go out so have to find places that have proper disabled facilites, some just have access and a toilet on the ground level, but quite often the loos are too low; It's only for another 6 weeks and OS's slower approach should be worth it in the end.

Still not allowed any PT yet, nor can do any excercises plus can't go swimmimg - walking only; so I went out for walks over the weekend with my hubby, it felt great, no pain, didn't go to far didn't want to push my luck. This morning I went out on my own, not done that since I can't remember when, walked for about 10 minutes then stopped off for a brew before returning home - it was cold, but I didn't care cos I managed.

I know I'm inpatient and I want things to be better straight away but there is only one way forward from here - UP

I hope everyone post op is a lucky as me and those waiting or considering surgery will have as pain free an op as I did. This forum is great, real positive input from so many people, wish I'd found it years ago.

Good to hear, Karen. Very good. I am so pleased for you, really I am. (sniff sniff!!)
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