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Mysterious sensations

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junior member
Jan 13, 2008
United States
For the past 4 months now I have been having a really strange and sometimes painful sensation in my TKR leg. When I take a deep breath,sneeze,simple little things that one does everyday,causes a "electrical jolt" down my leg clear down to my feet. My husband was sitting on the edge of the couch while I was lying down on it resting and he sneezed. felt as though I was hooked up to a set of jumper cables for a car battery because it just sent jolts up and down my leg. Actually it brought tears to my eyes. My PT commented on what he thought it was but I can't remember the term he used--but he told me to see a neurologist. Also I am still having a great deal of pain at the base of my incision (sometimes it swells).The PT and my doctor are aware of these problems but no one does anything about it. Where can I turn for help?
Is it just nerve endings econnecting and regenerating from being cut in surgery. I get that tingle pain now & then like I am being poked with a electric pin. Did you see the nuerologist, what did he say?
When I had a similar traveling pain (before my TKR), my doc called it "sciatica"...I THINK I'm remembering it was the sciatic nerve being inflamed. I have some herniated disks in my lower back and he said it came from there.

I hope you can see a neurologist soon and get it resolved!

Did you have any back problems before your surgery?

Either way, you know that laying on your back on a hard surface for around 2-3 hours when you had your knee done can cause back problems. A chiropractor would be a good idea as it sounds like sciatica. Try the little guns first! If the chiropractor can't help, then see a neurologist/surgeon.
Did you have any back problems before your surgery?

Either way, you know that laying on your back on a hard surface for around 2-3 hours when you had your knee done can cause back problems. A chiropractor would be a good idea as it sounds like sciatica. Try the little guns first! If the chiropractor can't help, then see a neurologist/surgeon.

HUH? laying on hard & on back 2-3 hours with TKR? What else can be a problem now that we have TKR?
I do have back problems but the sensation is not from sciatica (have had it before)because it is a totally different feeling that is hard to describe. Sometimes it feels like someone would walk across a carpeted floor and then "zap" me. It is really strange!
Hmm - in that case, I'm stumped! Perhaps a neurologist's opinion would be the best recourse.
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