I was seen by my OS PT here are his findings:
•ITB very tight
•Hip very weak
•Upper back very tight
•Core muscle very weak
•Hip joint inflamed
•SI joint inflamed
•Use only front of hip
He stated to me you have had issue with this ole hip replacement, right
I stated yes! He said there is nothing wrong with the hip replacement.
We need to work on some issue because you have a lot going on.
I spoke to my chiropractor after the visit she was pleased she knew I had issues with the SI because she made adjustment. She hung in there with me and for that I am so thankful!
Thank God for answered prayers! Thank God for you all! You prayers and support mean the world to me. Words cannot be uttered to express how I feel this morning.
Jo and Jamie keep on doing what you do… Thanks for a job well done…
Happy Happy Friday
I was seen by my OS PT here are his findings:
•ITB very tight
•Hip very weak
•Upper back very tight
•Core muscle very weak
•Hip joint inflamed
•SI joint inflamed
•Use only front of hip
He stated to me you have had issue with this ole hip replacement, right
I stated yes! He said there is nothing wrong with the hip replacement.
We need to work on some issue because you have a lot going on.
I spoke to my chiropractor after the visit she was pleased she knew I had issues with the SI because she made adjustment. She hung in there with me and for that I am so thankful!
Thank God for answered prayers! Thank God for you all! You prayers and support mean the world to me. Words cannot be uttered to express how I feel this morning.
Jo and Jamie keep on doing what you do… Thanks for a job well done…
Happy Happy Friday