junior member
Some back ground is in order. I am a 58 yo man that has had one THR-R a year ago and a TKR-L on March 30. These past two weeks have been filled with lots of pain with some pretty good gain. My knee keeps me up most of the night, I wake up about every two to three hours and have a a very hard time getting in a positon of comfort to sleep. I try lying on my back with my leg elevated on a long pillow mostly, but I wake up all the time. I do take my pain meds at night, but wake as soon as they wear off. I wish there was a longer acting version. Overall I feel I am progressing well, I walk with a cane and have ROM of about 110. Still have considerable swelling and I think this is what is causing most of my problems. I ice my knee every 2 hrs 24hrs a day and try to keep my knee up as much as possible. I do PT twice a day with several hours in the passive knee thing a ma jig. My mood is positive and upbeat, and I am so looking forward to summer. Thanks for listening, I will give another report in two weeks.