It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 days already. All of the advisors and moderators here on the forum were right. This has been so much easier than the THR. I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t wait as long to do surgery or it’s not a weight bearing joint or both but except for the bandage, sling, and a few sore places, it’s hard to believe I actually had anything done. I’m not complaining! Lol.
I stayed overnight to manage pain but my nerve block lasted until later the next morning. I felt nothing in the arm which was really strange. I had to learn to grab it before it went flapping off on its own, albeit in a sling. It was nice, though, that my husband didn’t have to get up every couple of hours and make sure I got to the bathroom okay. The nurses were already doing the Tylenol every six hours so it wasn’t hard to add an Oxy when the pain began to set in. It was kind of comical to have occupational therapy try and teach me my home exercises when I still couldn’t move some of my fingers and hand yet. I still passed.
Restrictions were pretty straight forward: keep bandage dry, no lifting more than a pound, stay in sling except for exercise and shower, no lifting the arm above the chest and elbow close to body at all times except for dangling exercises, keep the arm from going too far backwards with pillows. They encouraged regular, scheduled pain meds, especially Tylenol, and plenty of icing. The Oxy I took that way for first couple of days then at morning and night, now, not at all.
The recliner has been wonderful. I get into position and except for an occasional bathroom trip, I wake up the same way I went to sleep. My husband has been very attentive but it’s nice he can sleep upstairs in our bed. He’s just a phone call away. Sleep can occasionally be illusive but not like with the THR. The brain fog and fatigue are still real but being mobile makes a huge difference in the mental/emotional aspect. It’s nice to be able to enjoy some of this beautiful autumn weather. The timing worked out very well.
I have my first post-op follow up this Tuesday. I guess I might get modified restrictions and a start on PT. The OS said 2 weeks in the sling. I’d be okay if that means a slow wean and wear at night. In any case, I’ll keep you guys updated.
For those of you worried about this surgery, if you’re hurting and restricting your activities, just get it done. It is amazing the techniques they have to give you new parts and how they can manage the post-op pain so well. Color me pleasantly surprised. Like so many times, my imagination was so much worse than reality.
I stayed overnight to manage pain but my nerve block lasted until later the next morning. I felt nothing in the arm which was really strange. I had to learn to grab it before it went flapping off on its own, albeit in a sling. It was nice, though, that my husband didn’t have to get up every couple of hours and make sure I got to the bathroom okay. The nurses were already doing the Tylenol every six hours so it wasn’t hard to add an Oxy when the pain began to set in. It was kind of comical to have occupational therapy try and teach me my home exercises when I still couldn’t move some of my fingers and hand yet. I still passed.
Restrictions were pretty straight forward: keep bandage dry, no lifting more than a pound, stay in sling except for exercise and shower, no lifting the arm above the chest and elbow close to body at all times except for dangling exercises, keep the arm from going too far backwards with pillows. They encouraged regular, scheduled pain meds, especially Tylenol, and plenty of icing. The Oxy I took that way for first couple of days then at morning and night, now, not at all.
The recliner has been wonderful. I get into position and except for an occasional bathroom trip, I wake up the same way I went to sleep. My husband has been very attentive but it’s nice he can sleep upstairs in our bed. He’s just a phone call away. Sleep can occasionally be illusive but not like with the THR. The brain fog and fatigue are still real but being mobile makes a huge difference in the mental/emotional aspect. It’s nice to be able to enjoy some of this beautiful autumn weather. The timing worked out very well.
I have my first post-op follow up this Tuesday. I guess I might get modified restrictions and a start on PT. The OS said 2 weeks in the sling. I’d be okay if that means a slow wean and wear at night. In any case, I’ll keep you guys updated.
For those of you worried about this surgery, if you’re hurting and restricting your activities, just get it done. It is amazing the techniques they have to give you new parts and how they can manage the post-op pain so well. Color me pleasantly surprised. Like so many times, my imagination was so much worse than reality.