MUA My new left knee-has Athrofibrosis, what now?

I’m sorry you think your doc may give you a hard time. It’s a year long, give or take, healing journey. There really is no “where they want me to be” or at least there shouldn’t be. All my surgeon did was have me bend and lay down to see how flat was. He never touched me leg….either leg since I’ve had both knees done.

If your surgeon gives you a hard time, tell him its a twelve month journey and you’re just fine.

Hi @Cinders2023 how was your appointment today? If you’ve been, let us know how it went. If not, I wish you courage and fortitude. I know you’ve read my story. My OS wasn’t satisfied with where I was at my last appointment and I just had to tune him out and stay resolved. Did I cry on the way home? Yes.
It’s doesn’t feel very good to have to sit there and listen to someone tell you you’re not good enough. But only you know what’s right for your knee. Yours is really the only judgment that matters.
We’re here to support you. :console2:
I tend to cry when frustrated and THAT pisses me off.:heehee:
I completely understand what you are talking about. I also cry when I get mad. Just realize that crying is completely normal and actually good for you. It helps to release toxins and also built up emotions. So let the tears fall! You will benefit from them.

I don't know why PT and doctors have to put so many of their patients down when they are actually doing just fine. I think it may be because they want you to work harder, but don't realize that that will cause setbacks. Don't let them upset you. You are doing just fine!
Hello all! I met with my OS yesterday and I feel so much better about my slow healing knee. Even the long car ride was a little easier. I didn’t start to get uncomfortable until about half way home.
OS did not make me feel like the PAs in the office (like it was my fault I can’t bend my leg). He was a bit concerned that I still have so much swelling and said the swelling could very well be limiting my bend (duh, haven’t I been saying that all along?) I am getting some blood work done to rule out infection in the joint being a reason for swelling, but he did say a small group of TKR patients just swell longer for unknown reason.
I asked about doing a course of steroids to see if it knocked down the inflammation. He said that he had never prescribed steroids for swelling and was hesitant to do so because of the immunosuppressive response, in case we were looking at infection deep in the joint. His concern made sense, so I didn’t push. He also said he could draw fluid from the knee to check for infection, but didn’t recommend it for reducing the swelling. I agree and don’t really want to put a needle in this knee unless absolutely necessary.
I asked about changing my anti-inflammatory rx to celebrex, as I had taken it a couple decades ago with success and stopped taking it when I had an insurance change. He was hesitant to prescribe it based on an increased cardiac risk compared to other NSAIDs, but agreed to let me give it a try. I tolerate nsaids and have taken them on and off for more than half my life since my original knee injury.
OS was not as focused on pushing the MUA until we can rule out infection being the reason for swelling. He said usually he does them around 3 months, but was ok with wait 4-5 months, just not wait for 10 months and expect benefit from it, if I chose to do it. He said, since I am bending around 90 already it might not help much and if we did it and it caused more swelling, it would not benefit me much either. I finally felt heard. THIS is what I have been saying for 8 weeks. So fingers crossed the bloodwork shows no sign of infection, and I will have a follow up telephone visit (yay!) in about 3 weeks to see if I’m still improving.
Sounds like your surgeon is really sensible and caring. Also not pushing for more surgery which is good.
Hope the blood tests are OK and there is no infection.
Yes, your OS sounds like a keeper, and I’m so glad your appointment went well and you felt heard this time. It sounds like he wants to pursue a conservative and sensible plan with the least amount of ‘messing with’ your knee. That’s great! Hopefully all is well, there is no infection, and you’re just one of those mystery swellers (like yours truly!). Considering his approach, I wonder why his PA was taking such a hard line? Glad you were able to meet with him this time instead.
He said, since I am bending around 90 already it might not help much and if we did it and it caused more swelling, it would not benefit me much either.
So glad to read this. Your surgeon sounds like he is up to date on the research and recognizes that some of us just need more time to heal.

You will get there. It just takes time. (Remember, you are not even one-quarter of the way through this year-long journey.) :flwrysmile:
Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement. Today I have been extra stiff and sore. Gently reminding myself to take one day at a time.
Sounds like there will be no need for MUA. Your knee just needs a bit more time and patience. Fingers crossed your blood results are clear. Hope you can rest today!
Today I am 12 weeks post TKR. My labs were in normal range ( SED rate and C-reactive protein). In fact they were half the rate of my last labs when I was having an arthritis flare in 2020. So I am guessing not an indication of infection. I was surprised those were the only labs ordered. I expected to see a white count in addition to the two others. I have been taking celebrex for a little over 2 weeks now. The first week I saw some improvement in swelling, but not by much. I have been wearing a compression knee brace when I am on my feet to try to cut the swelling. I can’t wear it for long periods or it starts driving me crazy. I still can’t be on my feet for more than 20 minutes before pain and swelling send me looking for a place to sit. I was able to bend to 102 degrees early last week, but now back to about 90. Wondering if this is still swelling or if I am getting stuck. I am still using a cane most of the time, except when in the kitchen or bathroom where I am near a countertop if I take a wonky step. Still using ice machine at night and icing at least 2 hrs during the day. I feel like my knee hates me. The feeling is mutual.:sad:
I still can’t be on my feet for more than 20 minutes before pain and swelling send me looking for a place to sit
I am 22 weeks post surgery but still find standing for any length of time difficult.
I can walk good distances ( 4-5 miles most days and 7 miles one day recently) but standing in a gallery or in my kitchen doing food preparation makes me stiff and sore. 20 minutes standing is quite long at your stage.
It is still early days for you. Try not to hate your knee! Although I do understand where you are coming from...
@EalingGran thank you for the encouragement. I still do not have the stamina to walk long stretches. I wear a fitbit and I only average 3800 steps a day right now (under 2 miles). I’m still not able to take a proper step and walking/standing over 20 minutes make my knee, hip, and back hurt. I have a spot on my knee from about the midline to a couple inches below the kneecap that feels tight on the front of my knee, especially when I try to bend. Feels like I can’t get past it. I also feel like not being able to bend is causing my hip/back pain. Wish I could see inside this knee to figure out what the problem is. Starting to think adhesions are a possibility since I had so much heat in the knee for the first 6-8 weeks or so. So sick of feeling like I cant keep my head above water.
I have a spot on my knee from about the midline to a couple inches below the kneecap that feels tight on the front of my knee, especially when I try to bend. Feels like I can’t get past it. I also feel like not being able to bend is causing my hip/back pain
I had the tight band feeling for quite a while. I can't now remember exactly when it lifted. I still get slight tightness by evening.
I still like an afternoon rest/ ice session and sleep with my knee resting on my
cryocuff cool water jacket.
Do you have other joint issues that might be exacerbating the walking problem?
I have arthritis in my hip and lumbar spine and currently my lower back pain is worse than my knee.
It is very difficult to disentangle what is causing what- particularly in the early weeks when there is so much inflammation in the TKR joint.
My back got worse because in the early weeks I couldn't lie on my tummy to do my back exercises.
Things are hopefully going to improve because I can now do pilates for my back.
Hang in there- it will gradually improve.
If you are really worried there is something not right- can you talk to your surgeon and get another review?
@EalingGran I am scheduled to have a phone appointment with the OS on April 10, to see if the swelling has improved (it has) and ROM has increased (it hasn’t) since switching my anti-inflammatory med and giving my body some extra time to heal. I am still generating heat in my surgical knee. After PT this morning and before icing, my surgical knee was 8 degrees (F) warmer than my non-surgical knee. This was the first time I thought to dig out the digital thermometer and check what the difference was, I notice it’s still warm, but not so much as it was 6-8 weeks ago. Wish I had thought to check how hot it was then for comparison.

Do you have other joint issues that might be exacerbating the walking problem?
I have arthritis in my hands, and upper spine, so it’s possible to have arthritis in the lower back and hip that may be irritated. I had not experienced pain in these areas until the last few weeks. My PT seems to think the hip and back pain is from walking with a limp still. Hoping all that works itself out when I am walking more normal. I’m really concentrating on taking proper steps, but the limp persists. I’m thinking I have walked with a limp for so long I must need a little more time to adjust to a normal gate. My husband says it looks like I am walking a bit stiff legged on the surgical leg still. Hopefully the better I walk the pain will ease up. For now I’m using heat on the hip and back.
@Cinders2023 , I have so much sympathy for you. Your latest post sounds like I could have written it in the early months. I was so miserable and thought I’d never get rid of that horrible limp. I’m so sorry you’re in the thick of it right now. It really is discouraging, isn’t it?

I think it was 4 months post op before I finally felt like was walking more normally. I remember limping through my neighborhood on my daily walks and people stopping to ask if I needed a ride :heehee: It’s funny now but it wasn’t at the time!

All I can tell you is, be relentless. Just keep grinding away and refuse to give up until you’ve beaten this phase of recovery. I know it seems like it will never get better, but I’m here at 7 months to tell you, it will! It just takes way too bleepin long! I’m pulling for you Cinders:prayer:
@JusticeRider I know you know what I’m feeling. Just this week I went back through your recovery thread to see your struggle at the 3 month mark, knowing that you made it through to be where you are today. I have spent the majority of my life being everyone else’s rock and caretaker in life. It is hard to need help doing daily activities and frankly terrifying not knowing for sure that it will get better. I know it’s supposed to get better, but that nasty inner voice wants to tell me this is all I’ll ever be. The mental gymnastics of this recovery very much equal the physical ones!
I am hanging in there, looking forward to getting off the roller coaster.
I have spent the majority of my life being everyone else’s rock and caretaker in life. It is hard to need help doing daily activities
Please allow other's to do for you, what you've done for them. I am sure those that love you want to be there for you while you're healing just as you were there when they were in need. I wish you felt better on this three month anniversary and hope things begin settling for you soon. :console2:

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