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My new hip

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Mar 11, 2009
United States
Hi im Bryan and im 25 years old and its been almost 4 weeks since i had right hip resurfacing. I was in the hospital for 5 days and needed 2 blood transfusions and for the first 2 weeks after i was able to come home my new hip felt pretty good but then the clicking started. the doctor told me this is normal but i told him that the clicking started to make the new joint hurt. it felt fine in the morning but the more i moved the more it clicked and at the end of the day the joint hurt...again he tells me its normal? its been almost 4 weeks and it clicks every time i go to take a step or bend when it clicks it almost feels like there is fluid in the feels like a squshy click? maybe im doing to much to soon? its hard for me to say... i should have had this hip replaced when i was 23 and i didnt and have been walking bone to bone for 2 years so its hard to say what is "normal pain" and "not normal pain" any info on this would be great!
Welcome Bryan. So glad you posted your concerns here. I'm from the knee side but I'm sure some of the folks who have had hip surgery will respond to you. One thing I might suggest if you are anxious is to get a second opinion from a doctor in a completely different practice. If this really concerns you, that might ease your mind. You are still very early in the recovery process. In my non-medical opinion - since it only hurts after you are up and around for a while - that suggests to me that you might be pushing a little too hard with your activity. Remember all your new parts have to introduce themselves to your body and they need to get to know one another before things get back to normal in there.

I have heard of cases with hip replacements (THR, not a resurfacing) where there is a bit of a clicking noise. Did you ask your surgeon if this would go away with time? If not, I would pose that question.

Hang in there!!! Things do get better as recovery progresses.
Welcome Bryan,

I've had a new hip and knee, I can't remember any clicking in the hip but plenty of others have so hopefully they will post and reassure you. I do get clicking in my knee which while it's a bit strange, I'm told it's normal.

If it continues to bother you, get a second opinion even if it does just give you that reassurance. It would be worth it just for that.

Best wishes

Chris :)
Welcome Bryan
I had my hip replaced last June. I did not have any noise associated with my new joint. There is a thread on here concerning hip noises. I believe it is mostly with ceramic on ceramic at least that is what my doc told me about.

At 4 weeks when all was feeling good , I did manage to overdo things and ended up in more pain than I experienced right after surgery. It is easy to overdo.

I'm with the others, get a second opinion to rest your fears.
Welcome Brian! I agree with everyone who
Told you to get another opinion! Something
Sounds wrong! You would be wise to seek
Some answers! :(
Hey mx this is rodney i had both hips done feb19-9 i have some clicking feeling going on but its not audible.When im bending or turning certain ways Ive been told that sometimes muscles and tendons sometimes slide by the implants making this happen.But i know what your talking about its different Im hoping its just me and my body getting used to my new hips.Although mine causes no pain.Call your os coordinater mine has been very helpful. good luck let us know how things go
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