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TKR My Left Knee!


new member
Jan 14, 2025
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Hi everyone. I’m so glad I found this forum!! I had Left total knee replacement done on Jan 7th ‘25 so am only 10 days post-op. I didn’t expect miracles but was not prepared for the excruciating pain that comes with this surgery. I’m trying to stay positive & it’s already helping me reading that everyone else has the same issues with stiffness & pain
:welome:@Davinci65 !

It DOES get easier!!!!

You are in the very early stages of an average of a yearlong recovery. I will leave you our Recovery Articles that have helped tens of thousands of other knee replacements. We are here to help you through this journey the best we can. The very best thing for your knee right now is to rest, ice, and elevate. Exercises can come later. There is no rush to achieve ROM because it will come naturally as your swelling decreases. Your OS was able to bend your knee while checking for movements during your surgery, so it will be fine. It just takes time.

Each person is different as is their recovery. Most find that the Bonesmart approach works best for them, but others find that a more aggressive therapy helps them more. It's your recovery and your choice on how you recover. As you read more on other members' recovery threads, you’ll get a better perspective of what to expect. The following are our basic guidelines and should help get you started.


1. Don’t worry: Your body will heal all by itself. Relax, let it, don't try and hurry it, don’t worry about any symptoms now, they are almost certainly temporary.

If you want to use something to assist with healing and scar management, BoneSmart recommends hypochlorous solution. Members in the US can purchase ACTIVE Antimicrobial Hydrogel through BoneSmart at a discount. Similar products should be available in the UK and other countries.

2. Control discomfort:
take your pain meds by prescription schedule (not when pain starts!)​

3. Do what you want to do BUT
a. If it hurts, don't do it and don't allow anyone - especially a physical therapist - to do it to you​
b. If your leg swells more or gets stiffer in the 24 hours after doing it, don't do it again.​

4. PT or exercise can be useful BUT take note of these

5. At week 4 and after you should follow this

The Recovery articles:
The importance of managing pain after a TKR and the pain chart
Swollen and stiff knee: what causes it?
Energy drain for TKRs
Elevation is the key
Ice to control pain and swelling
Heel slides and how to do them properly
Chart representation of TKR recovery
Healing: how long does it take?

Post op blues is a reality - be prepared for it
Sleep deprivation is pretty much inevitable - but what causes it?

There are also some cautionary articles here
Myth busting: no pain, no gain
Myth busting: the "window of opportunity" in TKR
Myth busting: on getting addicted to pain meds

We try to keep the forum a positive and safe place for our members to talk about their questions or concerns and to report successes with their joint replacement surgery. While members may create as many threads as they like in a majority of BoneSmart's forums, we ask that each member have only one recovery thread. This policy makes it easier to go back and review history before providing advice.
Hello and Welcome to BoneSmart and recovery!
Best advice is to stay on top of your pain meds as prescribed. Ice, Ice, Ice and elevate "toes above nose" (above heart level) Eat a healthy diet and stay adequately hydrated. Also, try not to overdo it. You want to remain comfortably mobile. Goals for the first couple of weeks post op -
Week 1
Walks around your home - trips to the bathroom and kitchen count
Be up on your feet several times a day, without getting obsessive about it
A 5-6 minute walk every 3-4 hours is plenty and this can normally be accomplished with a trip to the bathroom or to the kitchen for a snack / drink.
Spend most of your time resting, icing and elevating

Week 2 - add this to previous instructions in Week 1
Walks around your home 3-4 times a day for about 5 minutes without getting into pain, or too fatigued.

Best wishes and thanks for joining us! :)
@Davinci65's been a month already. Happy One Month Anniversary Davinci!
Hopefully you're making great progress and feeling good about your recovery. We'd love to read an update if you have time to share one. Hope to hear from you soon!

Now is a great time to check out the perks the Insiders Club has to offer. If you haven't had time to read through the email invitation you received, here is a link -

Have a great weekend! :SUNsmile:

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