My knee's so painful. I need help ...

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MG of NY

new member
May 16, 2009
United States
Hi... I am new to this site, but i am at my wits end... i had knee replacement 2 months ago, also had my knee moved 9 days ago... the dr. got it to 110, but i am only able to get it to 85 by myself and 95 with my PT pushing on it... the pain brings tears to me every day... getting up from a chair and trying to walk... i cry every night... asking myself why did i do this...

My PT told me to buy a bike... i did... she said to ride it every hour on the hour for about 8 minutes...(THis is since the dr. moved my knee 9 days ago) so for 9 days i have been riding my bike ... from 10 to 12 times each day...

I hope anyone can and will tell me it will get better... do you have any idea of how long this will go on...


Re: My post-op blog!

You will get there. Look at some of the exercised that some one
posted on here. Jamie and Jo will be able to let help you with comments.
Keep up the PT and do exercises, you will get there.
Good luck Read as many post as you can they are really helpful
Re: My post-op blog!

Welcome MG! You'll get everything soted out in due time! Where do you live in New York! :)
Re: My knees so painful. I need help ...

Hello, MG - I see you managed to find out how to post. But I moved your post into a thread of its own as new peoples' posts tend to get lost in the middle of a big thread. And this way you'll get your own answers.

My questions are going to be:
~ did you have much flexion or bend in your knee before the op?
~ is your leg swollen along with the pain?
~ what pain meds are you taking, how much and how often?
~ are you using ice at all?
~ are you elevating your leg when you ice or at least between exercise sessions.
~ do you ever take a day off from your exercises?

Actually, I think almost everybody on here has expressed doubt about having had it done at this stage. In fact anywhere between 2 to 10 weeks seems to be the crisis stage when people despair but it will get better eventually.

When you've replied with answers to my questions I'll give you some answers, okay?
Hi Mary and welcome. I hope you get to feeling better soon. I felt that way before but I did get better. Dont give up. You still are real early in your recovery. Have you spoken with your Dr?. My prayers are with you ................Keep posting anytime.......Kim
Re: My knees so painful. I need help ...

Hi Josephine... thanks for your help, and my yhanks to all who posted already... its nice to read that there is a light at the end of the tunnel

To answer your questions...

1: Before the op i was able to do everything.. it was bending all the way back, i was able to walk with some pain not like i have now... now its constant pain

2; It was swollen... i am alleric to Ibuprofen, and at 5 weeks post op the doc put me on steriods, it did take the swelling down a lot, and it was 3 weeks after that he decided to move my leg...

3; i am taking Percocet 5 times a day... 5-325

4; i do use ice about 3 times each day and in the morning i use heat to get my leg moving and then start my exercing...

5; i am in the recliner my leg is up with or with out ice

6; before the doc moved my leg (10 days ago) i was exercing 3 times each day... after he moved my leg my PT told me to use my bike every hour on the hour all day long... this way my knee would not lock up... so thats been my life for the past 10 days... on my bike 8 minutes every hour... (4 minutes each way)

Sleeping... i can't wait to get 2 hours in a row...

Thank you all


Hello, MG - I see you managed to find out how to post. But I moved your post into a thread of its own as new peoples' posts tend to get lost in the middle of a big thread. And this way you'll get your own answers.

My questions are going to be:
~ did you have much flexion or bend in your knee before the op?
~ is your leg swollen along with the pain?
~ what pain meds are you taking, how much and how often?
~ are you using ice at all?
~ are you elevating your leg when you ice or at least between exercise sessions.
~ do you ever take a day off from your exercises?

Actually, I think almost everybody on here has expressed doubt about having had it done at this stage. In fact anywhere between 2 to 10 weeks seems to be the crisis stage when people despair but it will get better eventually.

When you've replied with answers to my questions I'll give you some answers, okay?
Hi Mary,

I just wanted to say Welcome and keep at it. I remember that feeling so well, wondering why I had done this. It is really frustrating, painful and add to that sleep deprivation and it becomes overwhelming. Hang in there, it does get better and I am so happy I have had my ops now and with time I'm sure you will be too.

Best wishes for your recovery.
well i just woke up... if you want to say i slept... tossed and turned all night again... thank god for my cane, without it i couldn't walk 1 step... right now my knee feels like its locked up... its the same every morning...

thanks to all who sent their best...

Good morning Mary. I am at 6 weeks. The sleep will come in time but I know right now it doesnt seem like it. I so know what you are talking about with the locking up. I used to just try to sit on the side of my bed before I got up just to loosen it up and get a lil blood going a bit. I just had my knee as you say moved (manipulation) 1 1/2 weeks ago. It will take a lil time. I am just to where " oh ok this is working well" I know you dont see it now but it will get better and if you can nap during the day then do so. Catch it while you can. It is a tough road but one worth walking........When do you go back to the Dr, make sure you tell him your concerns. Still praying for ya, and a speedy recovery.............PS have you had previous surgeies on that knee that can make recovery a lil harder, just saying it did for me......This last one was my 7th total...
Seems you're doing it all properly except don't stint on the ice. I used mine almost continuously when I needed it. There's no need to ration it.
Percocet (Oxycodone) keeps me awake at night, I had to stop taking it to get a decent night's sleep. Then I've just gone through a weekend of feeling really shi**y, I believe from the withdrawal. I also stopped Tramadol which is also known to give insomnia.

I don't know what to do for pain as I am hypersensitive to so many meds that there are none left to take. I can't take Vicodin, Darvocet, Lyrica any NSAIDS, and more, they make me so speedy I feel terrible. I had a bad reaction to Lyrica in the hospital, got so speedy that they oversaturated me with Ativan and I had to stay an extra day since I was slurring my words so bad.

My plan now is to not do much exercise and I stopped PT so that I don't get the "after exercise" pain increase at night. I am 5 weeks and at first the pain meds didn't bother my sleep, but now I hate them. I am hoping at about 7 weeks I can go back to increasing exercise and not have the increased pain it causes at night. I did have "quad sparing" surgery so PT is not as important as it is with regular TKRs.

If I were you I would switch to another pain med. Percocet is known to cause insomnia. And it didn't really help my pain that much.

Hollie, have you considered talking with a pain management specialist? This type of doctor may have an approach that could work for you. You need your rest AND you do need to exercise. If pain is getting in the way of either, it could delay your recovery.

Another consideration if you have something that works for pain but still leaves you with sleeping issues is to take a sleep aid (like Ambien) for a short period of time to get you through the rought spots.

Don't give up!!! There is an answer out there for you. You just need to find the right person to help you find it.
I too had the adverse (hyper) reactions to those medications. I am allergic to them! I also got a rash on my body when taking them. Very itchy!! You may be allergic to them as well. I took Dilaudid a synthetic morphine. It worked very well for me. I also took Visteral with it (a relaxer). Both medications are very old medications. The Visteral is the precursor to Benedryl!
Sigh...... See you pain management doctor to see if these work any better for you.
The other thing to add to your vitamin regime is 2 ~ Calcuim + D 600 mg tablets and 2 ~ Magnesium 250 mg tablets at night. This is an age old method of fighting insomnia! Works for me......
Hope this helps!
I have taken sleep meds for years including Ambien. Here is the story on Percocet and Tramadol....I took 3 Ambien (30 mg) and it was like I'd taken nothing. Didn't even feel it.
Besides that I had some Klonopin and Doxepin (an increased dose) in my system....and nothing.

I'm waiting for a call from my OS about any pain meds I don't know about...which can't be many. I'm not willing to go to another doctor, I already have too many.

I will try to see if Tylenol or Aspirin will help pain, actually I've already tried and they didn't do much. But I am at 5 weeks and it shouldn't be long till these pains go away, maybe 2-3 more weeks.

I think my body just said "enough", no more of these pain meds. So I'll listen to my body.

The Percocet/Tramadol combo didn't help my pain that much anyway.

But thanks for the suggestions Jamie,

Crystal, thanks so much for posting, I can't believe I'm not alone in these hyper reactions!

I haven't gotten any rashes but Percocet, and maybe Tramadol, are known for itching. I wonder if I'm allergic.

Thanks for the substitute pain meds, I like old meds they are tried and any bad reactions would have weeded them out already.

I'm tempted to just take Visteral, does it help pain at all?

At this point in my recovery I don't feel pain during the day, only at night and the pain only gets big when I've done a lot of exercise.

Thanks, Hollie
well today was my last PT for the next 2 weeks.. the doc wants to see how i do with no PT... just exercise on my own, my PT told me to just exercise 2 times a day till i see the doc...

Josephine... will do with the ice...


Yes. Visteril is an old pain and relaxant medication. I used it in combination with the Dilaudid. From what the information on the link states, it intensifies the drug you are taking....
It was a good thing for me.

Tip: an old NSAID is mefanamic acid also known as Ponstan but it's not hugely strong. I had it prescribed as long ago as 1968! I have some now in my cupboard and took it freqently for all kinds of aches and pains. Will be trying it out for my knee shortly.
Hi Mary

you sound how I felt - wondering why you went though it all. No sleep. Now I can sleep all night. Im still sore after I walk but its getting better.

One thing I did which helped me tremendously was stop the heavy exercises and I find that gentle is better and I am responding to the exercises better.

I sit on the table and I swing my legs alternately - then swing round and round.
I do standing and go up on to toes and back on to heels.
Up and down up and down a very short step. Both legs.
it is working for me better than the more strenuous ones i had before. Exercise bike sometimes gently. No pressure.
some might say you need the heavy exercising. i am only telling you of my experience.
Good luck Mary and you WILL get there!
I'm with you there, kipper! Anyway, I'm far too lazy to be doing all that huffing and puffing on cross-trainers and stuff!

And I saw a
bit in the news this morning about a guy (UK) who is going to run 1,000 miles in 1,000 hours! Can you imagine it? That's SIX WEEKS non-stop running though once he's run one mile, whatever he has left of the hour he can sleep. Hmmm! :skp: At least he's doing it for charity (and he has no new joints to contend with!) But just saying that's what some of the member's exercise routines seem like to me!
[] My knee's so painful. I need help ...

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