Actually it looks like staples, not stitches. I had staples too...30 of them in each knee. The left scar was a couple of inches longer though.
Do they stitch under the staples? Just wondering because I had a few staples that were cockeye and when remove caused gaps. Had to go back to OS to have a quick repair job. Thought they would suture the 1" opening that was quite a gap, but just put the glue and steri-strips on. Now looks like I have a sunken area under the larger one. Hoping I won't have a huge dimple there. The knee cap itself looks like a Klingone Skull. :hehe: Gonna take a lot of scar therapy to improve this baby!
Nancy, I must say your knee looks much better without the staples. The swelling has gone down quite a bit and looks like it will heal nicely. Best wishes!