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My first post surgery hike

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Former BoneSmart staff member
May 5, 2009
Minneapolis, MN
United States United States
Today I am 10 weeks post surgery. Yesterday, when I was in pt we went over the stuff we will be working on for the next six weeks--my hip flexors are tight and almost pull my upper body forward. My glutes and quads are still weak and I need to work on both of them. My rom is fine--normal really, 140/0, that is a huge relief to me. I can now do child's pose in yoga and can almost sit on my heels. I have been gritting my teeth and forcing my butt down for over a month and finally, I am nearly there. But the pt was a reality check too--I am feeling pretty good, but the weak muscles could do me in if I don't work on them and bring all of them back into alignment.

When I left pt, a friend called and asked me to go on a "really easy hike---almost flat" to Link Lake, a small alpine lake that is filled with cutthroat trout. It is only 1.5 miles to the lake.

So, I grabbed my backpack, my hiking poles and my water bottle and bear spray. then, all four of us drove to the trail head together (which was a HUGE mistake I will never make again).

I was surprised to feel my knee aching after bending in the back seat of the Subaru--it was an hour and one half drive. That is the longest drive I have made since my surgery--and I now have sympathy for those of you who have a long drive to work.

when we got to the trail head, we all realized that we had forgotton bug spray and sun block!!! Then we went to the trail----which was very uphill!!! I turned to Mary and said, I thought it was flat----she laughed and said, well, this is just a little hill. When I thought about it, I realized that flat to a healthy person is different than flat to someone with a TKR. I started up the hill--at least I remembered my hiking poles---my knee did fine--but I had no stamina!!!

I had to stop and rest every 100 feet or so--it was embarassing---and, if I had been smart and brought along my truck, I could have bailed out part of the way up. But, I slogged to the top of the ridge and then down to the lake.

The lake was beautiful and I did love being in the wilderness again!! But, I think I need to be a little smarter about all of this. The way down was mostly down hill and there my hiking poles, saved my butt big time. I am lucky in that my knee did not hurt at all---except that vague ache on the way home.

Today, I am taking it easy, just knitting-- a new passion==all day and resting. I am a little stiff and sore, but I am happy that there is no really, horrible pain.

It was great to be out in the woods again---but I need some work in the cardio/vascular area. Also, I was so winded that I have an appt tomorrow to see if I am anemic.Boy, my stamina has been undermined by surgery.

Next time, I will pick the hike!!! I will drive my own truck to the trail head and I will remember the bug spray and sun block!!!! But, I am happy to report that there will be a next time!!!
I really do need to go and pack for my trip. Leaving in less than 2 hours!!! Glad yuo got to enjoy the wilderness. I have all the same weakness in the legs to work on. Now I'll be oujt of town for almost 2 weeks. Hopefully I can become a gym rat at least.
I am going to miss hiking so much. I could cry.

The stamina will come. After I have this next back surgery , remind me of that. I have got it back after 5 surgeries in the last 2 years. I know at 10 weeks for me it was not there yet.
sorry about the wild car ride. My husband's car does my back in. I have told him he absolutely can never pick me up from the hospital in his audi!!!

You sound good, it will get better .
Thanks Judy and have a great trip---I always end up walking so much when I travel, that I think you will be fine. Kelly
Kelly, what an accomplishment!!! Even though you were tired, your knee did a great job and you have to feel good about that. You are doing the right thing by taking it a little easy today. Don't'll build back up your stamina. I'm really happy to hear how well you did, though!!
Kelly you are amazing! Pt then that hike...:yrk:

At almost 4 months, I have built up my strength and stamina. However if I piggyback like that, I am wiped and need to rest.

Good idea taking it easy today and knitting. That can be very theraputic, unless you drop a stitch like Sara did last night. She was almost crying when she had to take several rows off. She was exhausted though.

Keep posting great news!
BEAR spray??? Yikes! Running into bears would be scarier than a hike all uphill!!!
Judy! Have a SAFE trip!!! And be calm with the relatives!!! :)
BEAR spray??? Yikes! Running into bears would be scarier than a hike all uphill!!!
Judy! Have a SAFE trip!!! And be calm with the relatives!!! :)

Bear spray
Yes you spray them pink or light yellow,,makes them mello!

WTG Kelly,,,
Absolutely way to go! My jaw was dropping further and further as I read. And then I got to the denouement and found you had no pain??!!! I need a pan and brush to get my jaw off the carpet!

[] My first post surgery hike

Amazon!!! You're a better woman than I am. Once I saw the hill, I would have made it clear that I'd be relaxing in someone's car by the time they finished their hike (cos I wouldn't have gone any further). Keep up the good work!
Congratulations on the hike...Geez I agree bears, that's what those sticks are know you may not see it now. Even though you got tired that was a long long haul...
Surfsister---no way was I going to stay at the car---there were thousands of mosquitos--and don't forget--we all forgot our bug spray. Jo, I was amazed that my knee did not hurt--it still is fine, a little swollen, but pt was fine today. I am so lucky and I know it.

My surgeon may be a jerk personally--but he is a good surgeon!! I would never have tried that hill by myself---it was being with the other girls that made me do it. I am glad.

today I went to see my internist and she told me that I am quite anemic---she was thinking of a transfusion----but, I talked her into trying iron for a month. That makes me feel better, that is one reason why I was so winded.

Sorry to hear about the anemia, but thankful you were able to find the answer so soon and start correcting it. Hope the iron works for you.

Did she suggest you eat any iron rich foods? I have found that beets are very iron rich. Walmart sells them in the can and they aren't that bad actually. My neighbor grew some in her garden, but I'm not sure how to prepare them fresh.

I did iron replacement therapy before my hysterectomy 2 years ago, but didn't have any success with it. Wish I had known then what I know now about supplementing with natural foods, cause that iron kept my stomach tore up. I took mine at bedtime and it helped the stomach issues some.

Once you get your blood out world, here she comes!!!
Dear Rose,

Yes, thanks, I know about beets and spinach---but those are in my diet, so I am amazed that I am anemic. But, it sure was a good excuse for huffing and puffing. In pt today they told me that I need more cardio!!! They have no mercy. Kelly
Jo, I have been laughing all night at the idea of sweeping your jaw into the dustbin!!! But thanks!! Kelly
Being the impatient person I am and also my ferritin level getting to a 3 in the past I do get iron by IV. ONce they do the test with lots of benedryl and see you are not going to have a reaction it is great. I also could not tolerate the iron tabs with my stomach issues.
Anyway just wanted to let you know it is not bad the IV way!!!

How big is the bear spray that you carry. I really should carry some. My local trail has a bear that lots of people have seen on it. He or she must be harmless, but. I know have it fiigured out that the bear is at the end of the trail on thursdays as everyone has their trash out .
Did she suggest you eat any iron rich foods? I have found that beets are very iron rich. Walmart sells them in the can and they aren't that bad actually. My neighbor grew some in her garden, but I'm not sure how to prepare them fresh.

Rose, preparing fresh beets can be done, but quite honestly it is a pain and (at least to me) there is NO difference in taste with the canned ones. You have to peel them (I use a potato peeler, but some do it with a knife) and boil them. It's messy because the beet juice stains you as your handling them....and makes purple drips all over the place too. I'll do it if someone grows them and gives them to me. But when I make my famous pickled beets for canning, I go to the wholesale club and buy those great big cans of beet chunks.
Uhhhh....Judy....NO bear is "harmless." They are WILD animals. And I especially wouldn't want to tangle with one who thought I might have a snack in my pocket. Remember that when you're up in the mountains hiking, you are in THEIR home. Always be on the lookout!!

My ferratin level was 3.1 when I left the hospital.a My doc wanted to check it one more time, so I had blood tests on Friday. She is going to call me on Monday. It does show, what I already knew, that my OS did not even look at those blood tests. When I asked him in his office he told me everything was fine--but, I knew then that since he can't remember my name, there was no way he had looked at those tests.

Beth, my internist, is a good doctor, I trust her and will work with her on this problem.

Bears---I have encountered both bears and mountain lions inthe woods here in my many hikes. I do not want to harm a bear--and I do not want the bear to harm me. So, I think bear spray is the answer. My canister is about 7 inches long--and I carry it on the outside straps of my pack, easily reached. I have sprayed a mountain lion that was stalking us--I was the last in line!!!! It got to within six feet of me when I sprayed it---the cat screamed and ran away. The ranger told me that spraying it was the best thing I could have done for that cat---it was getting too close to humans and now it had had some avoidance therapy.

In a normal summer, I hike two or three days per week--for the next two weeks, I am going to hike once a week and to increase my hikes. You know, I hate to say this after all the complaining and whining I did early on--but, I have no pain at all with this knee--it is better than before and sometimes, I even forget that it is there.

At first they told me that I could not play gold until 12 weeks, but I played nine holes yesterday and not only did I enjoy them---but my gold is better than last year. No pain, no wonky knee---I am excited as my life returns tome in bits and pieces.]]

So, for the bear's sake, if not for your own, carry bear spray. Be safe. Last year, I fell off my bike in the park on black ice (in the spring before the road opened up to traffic). My bike went up in the air and I came down on my head. My helmet split in half. I have worn a bike helmet for 30 years--and have only needed it once. But, if it is not on your head that once---you are dealing with a skull fracture. Was I lucky or prepared? Be safe. Kelly
I used to carry stuff for mountain lions and bears, but have not got back into it on my local trail., I think i will when I get back. I was really thinking of making sure my duaghter was equiped. I used to carry an air horn and tear gas. I'm glad things are better for you and pain free that is awesome.
Aww! Not those cute stuffed animal type bears.....those mountain bears are fierce! Pretty soon they'll even be immune to that spray!
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