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Muscle Spasms

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junior member
May 11, 2008
United States
Hi Everyone!

I am 1 week post op left hip and 7 weeks post op right hip. I am having severe muscle spasms. I remember them from my right, but nowhere near as severe as this time. I cramp so bad that my toes almost stand straight up. My calf hurt so bad on day 6 that I was sent to the hospital to check for blood clots. I tested positive on the blood test for clots but they checked for them with different tests and they didn't find one. They said the blood test shows false positives. My coumadin level is at such that it would be highly unlikely that I could get a blood clot. Today they are soposed to order me a stronger anti-spasmatic.

Here's my question.... Did any of you have problems with this? Night is the worst. I have laid here crying at night as it hurt so bad.

My PT says to move as much as possible but when I am not moving to be resting as I need both. I am still so tired.

I am sorry to hear about your severe muscle spasms. I had a hard jerking sensation at nite. It worried me as I thought it would put me in a position to dislocate. It was most noticable as I was falling asleep.

I was not on any muscle relaxer and did not experience any severe pain like you describe.
I have had periods with calf muscle cramps that hurt like he.......I sure hope that is not what is happening to you.
I hope the new meds help a lot
At least you are out of hips to replace!!
Sandy - I'm so sorry you're having such a touch time right now. Hopefully, they'll get this under control for you soon. Hang in there!

Nothing to offer except sympathy, I'd afraid. Except assurances that it WILL pass eventually.
It has been 2 1/2 months since my surgery. I get a kind of spasm when I first move my legs in the morning. It's like a tightening, not sure what it is. I also experienced cramping for awhile. I discovered that my blood pressure medication was the problem. It contains a diuretic which depletes minerals. I have doubled my calcium intake and the cramps have gone away.
Hi Sandy
Sorry to hear of your problems i hope these symptoms will soon pass. I am 4 weeks post op doing well but i can't imagine going through it all again in a couple of weeks you have been through a lot my thoughts are with you
Take care Tracey
Hang in there. You will get through this. That probably doesn't comfort you now, but it will get easier. My coumadin "voltage" was increased a couple days ago because my blood was still too thick. I also asked my doc a really stupid question at that time. (I didn't think it was stupid till I heard it come out of my mouth). I asked him if less oxygen gets to the brain with thinner blood. I'm glad he didn't think it was stupid.
Hey I wish I was you and all done with my hips but not. I had cramps in foot and a couple in my calf. I couldn't bend to grab my foot or leg so I was jumping up to stand on the cold tile. I always take magnesium a couple days and then they stop. I know they are painful when you can't move so well anyway. My daughter put socks on my feet also which kept them warmer and less cramkps also.
I hope you get it straightened out cause I know they hurt..How is it having the other leg done so soon?
I was finally starting to do better. I am on vicodin for the pain and valium for the spasms. Yesterday as I was getting up from a seated position I pulled the muscle in my thigh. It hurts so bad. I called the doctor and he too believes it is a muscle issue. I see him on Tuesday. He is only letting me get up to use the bathroom until then. It was starting to feel better last night and the I moved my leg in bed and the pain was horrible.

I ended up sleeping in my recliner. I know the drill one step forward two back and then three forward and only one back. I am just a little discouraged still as I thought the second one would be easier than the first. Boy was I wrong.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers!
Don't get discouraged, it isn't one or two steps backwards all the time. Only some people seem to go backwards. It may be something different that goes on but just little things so don't get discouraged so quickly. Pulling a muscle can happen at anytime and that does hurt.
Keep your head up and look forward to the days when this is over and you will be like new, you did a major operation in a short time on both hips so I think your doing pretty darn good. Keep smiling..
Note - I posted the following elsewhere but put it here in case you don't see the other post -

Muscle of my PT's (a friend) does and proscribes deep massages. these helped me immensely, the spasms quickly abated after a few sessions. Note - for the untrained or amateur masseuse (like my wife) we used one of those wooden massagers that sort of look like a bug with little knobs for feet.
Calcium is very good for muscle spasms. If you like yogurt - I'd add to your intake. OR if you like Chocolate (who doesn't) ;) Viactive makes a chocolate calcium Vit D chewable.
I have muscle spasms from the Coumadin. Nothing as severe as yours but I am religious about taking my calcium and I have a hand held electric heat massager that is a big help.

Best wishes,
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