Muscle Pain

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Nov 10, 2009
United States--Wisconsin
Ok so I'm 11.5 weeks out from a LTKR. I've had very little serious pain up to now. Sure I had pain after surgery and during PT but I've been almost pain free for a month now. (I knew I was doing to good for it to be true!):shk:
How many of you get shin splints? :pzld:
I'm getting them now and I haven't upped my exercise program at all. I can see getting muscle pain above my scar (from the weather today) and on the medial side of the knee if I move wrong, usually at night. But these shin splints have got to go! I can be doing absolutely nothing and out of the blue I get sharp pains in my shins. They are starting to drive me crazy. :hissy:
Ok I'll stop whinning now and go back to work. :sigh:
Do you have flat feet? If so, the solution most likely would be othotics for your shoes..... I wear them.
Orthotics might do it, Betsy, but your nerves are also regenerating! Be aware! Healing can hurt! (:)0)
My shins hurt a lot like a dickens! I'm on my feet a lot at work baking and running back and forth from my office to the kitchen. While I'm sitting I'm just fine but I know it's just part of the healing process and I just have to remember that the pain I have in my shins is a lot better than the pain I had before my surgery. I was told to do more stretching to help the pain of shin splints so I am but so far I haven't noticed much of a difference. But I'm not giving up and don't you either!
You got it Cupcake Queen!!
Never give up!!! I am with you there.
I'm just getting scared that it will
all come back again. And I do not think
I can do any more surgery!!! I am just
not getting myself back after this last
go around. I seem to lost so much of
me lately. But I can take anything
these knees throw at me and ask for
Betsy, I wonder If your having what I have?? Maybe some Bursitis?? Josephine
gave me some exellent info, on I.T. band problems. At The top of the bonesmart page toolbar: click on: Information center, Then when the page comes up: click
on: I.T. Band information, under Reccurring knee Information, You will see the
last post by, Josephine. Just wondering If this could be a problem for you!
I hope your shins feel better soon. Best Wishes,
Fraid I have no good words for this - I had it too (not badly) and never could figure out what was responsible. I even drank tonic water in case it was restless legs. It wasn't but oddly it seemed to help! I think the effect was psychosomatic!
Betsy, I wonder If your having what I have?? Maybe some Bursitis?? Josephine
gave me some exellent info, on I.T. band problems. At The top of the bonesmart page toolbar: click on: Information center, Then when the page comes up: click
on: I.T. Band information, under Reccurring knee Information, You will see the
last post by, Josephine. Just wondering If this could be a problem for you!
I hope your shins feel better soon. Best Wishes,

Tom--I will look at the I T band problems. I hadn't thought of them.
Cindy and Calling--No I'm not giving up. It's just so annoying to have pain now. I didn't have a lot of pain before surgery and unless I was in PT I had hardly any pain afterwards! I was spoiled!:D
I wonder if it might be just a bit of swelling inside your leg that you don't see. I had lots of problems with soft tissue swelling during the months following my surgery. What my surgeon told me was that if the pain I was having came and went and/or moved around, it was just soft tissue swelling and not to worry about, ice, elevate, pain meds....the old mantra.

I do think it will improve with some time. Heaven knows for some this surgery can have quite a LONG recovery period. And, quite frankly, you are still early in the recovery phase.
Hey Betsy welcome i have lil pains here and there in my shins cant twll you why but sometimes i use a lil heat there and it helps.......maybe give that a try....and please whinning i believe i was the queen .i was just so nervous so dont even worry about that, you post anytime with question s we are all in this togeter .....and will help in anyway we can......welcome.....).
No no, Kim I am queen of whiners.

I did a little research. Seems like the most common cause are repetitive motion and shoes.

Probably related to walking and standing so much. Be sure to do plenty of stretches to keep those muscles stretched. The second thing is check your shoes and make sure they are not unevenly worn. Since your surgery has changed the way you walk and stand it could cause an odd pattern of wear on your shoes. So new shoes might be in the stars. Also if you have inserts...those may need to be changed since you are post surgical.
Good advice, Barb.....especially about the shoes. It's something we all tend to forget about and it can be HUGE once your new, improved joint is in place.
I wonder if it might be just a bit of swelling inside your leg that you don't see. I had lots of problems with soft tissue swelling during the months following my surgery. What my surgeon told me was that if the pain I was having came and went and/or moved around, it was just soft tissue swelling and not to worry about, ice, elevate, pain meds....the old mantra.

I do think it will improve with some time. Heaven knows for some this surgery can have quite a LONG recovery period. And, quite frankly, you are still early in the recovery phase.

I know it's early in recovery. It's just that I had it soooo easy, pain wise, up to now that I got spoiled.
My pain sounds a lot like yours. I will just have to wait it out. BUT it won't be easy:sigh:
I'm doing fine--thank you all for asking.
I live in a rural area with bad phone lines so sometimes I can get on but get kicked off almost as fast. And it does me no good to complain about the lines. Verizon is trying to sell. No takers so far. :doh:
I did get new shoes right before the surgery. My doc thinks it's the muscles settleing back into place. I told her I hoped she was right and could she do some magic--you know wave a magic wand over the shin--and make the pain stop. She told me I was being funny--I was not. I was being very serious. :D
See! Shoes being worn in with a different "fit" than our knew knees....This is another one of those important things no one bothers telling us about. I would have never ever thought about that being a potential problem. If nothing else it's a great excuse for some "retail therapy"!!

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