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Nov 30, 2008
Montrose CO, United States
United States United States
Well I went in for my MUA yesterday, my OS went in witht he scope first to release and remove the adhesions. Once that was done he thinks that he improved my ROM about 25 degrees. He did not try to get anymore by doing the MUA he said that it was so locked and tight he was afraid that he would break something.

With the improvement I should be able to get to about 130 or more with therapy.

Gosh, Mike. I hope he is right that the therapy will do the trick!!! I know you'll be working hard toward that end. And....I hope you are not hurting too much today.
Yes - you dive in with enthusiasm now, y'hear?! Don't want to let even one degree get away from you now!
Good luck, Mike! Just take it easy in the beginning! Feel better now! :)
hi harleyrider,how long after your tkr did you had that cleanup scope? do you already feel for flexibility whith bending the knee? i have also lot of scartisue from previous operacions prior to my tkr from 26 nov 2008, last wednesday i was at 17 weeks postop,rom 90/95 i am also considering cleanup scope en while having done that a mua,want al least 110 rom,like before my tkr.greetings and good luck
The surgery that I have yesterday was 4 Months almost to the day as my TKR, I could tell almost immediatly that my ROM had improved. When I went in I barely had 90, just returned from therapy and I am at 105, 130 is a long way off were hoping to get to at least 120.

Hi Mike,
I gained from 75 to 90 right after my MUA in February and am up to 110 and still working for 120. Good luck. That extra scar tissue is a tough one to deal with

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