MUA with Arthroscopic Scar Tissue Removal

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new member
Mar 8, 2009
United States United States
I am 42 yrs old and had a TKR six weeks ago. Although I have been doing the PT exercises regularly, I have been trying unsuccessfully for the past few weeks to bend beyond 85 degrees. I saw my surgeon's physician assistant Friday and he strongly recommends mua, along with arthroscopic removal of scar tissue. This week I will speak to the surgeon and I'm assuming he will also recommend this procedure. I've been reading posts in this forum about mua's and haven't seen anyone mention having scar tissue arthoscopically removed during the procedure. Is it unusual? After the procedure, I'll need a compression bandage for the two small incisions. I'm concerned that it will interfere with the PT exercises.

I have scheduled the procedure for this Thursday. I would welcome anyone's advice or personal experiences.

Thank you.
Hi, Hoping....welcome to the forum. I think you are wise to consider this procedure if you have reached a plateau in your ROM. I can't recall anyone who is currently posting that has had both procedures done at the same time, but there may be someone out there. Josephine (our forum nurse) will likely be checking in and should have some information for you.
And here I is! I can only presume that your surgeon (or his assistant) has actually identified a problem somewhere. Were I in your shoes, I'd want to know specifics. If they do go ahead with this, the compression bandage should only be on for about 24hrs max so shouldn't be a problem there.

However, to be homest I haven't actually heard of such a thing. You could read this post I put up this very day for someone else. It explains the details that usually surround this kind of problem. I would certainly prefer to try the MUA first and if that doesn't work, then consider the arthroscopic procedure. But mostly they do work. Hope this helps. Give me a shout if you need more info.
Thank you both for your quick responses!

I don't think the doctor or PA have actually identified a problem. They just can see and feel how stiff the knee is and believe that I must have a lot of scar tissue. I'm wondering how they can tell whether the stiffness is from scar tissue, rather than swelling ,since it has only been six weeks since surgery.

Based on your responses above , I'm going to question them about why they are suggesting both procedures at once. I'll let you know what I find out. Thanks again!!
Sounds like an excellent plan, Hoping. Be sure and keep in touch here if you can. We'll all be waiting to hear how things go in your discussion with the doctor. Good luck!!!
Hello hoping,
I was only 2 weeks out from RTKR when I had a lump come up over the knee cap.
Had my heart set on it being just a inside stitch. But I kept getting a tight band feeling in and a round my Knee. So Friday when Doctor put in left knee he all so did the Cha-Cha with the right knee and boy If Mr. It does not feel better!!!! So I can say it was the best thing to happen to me on Friday. Go for it while it can be broken up easy. Scar tissue can become harder then bone.
Hi Calling! How are you feeling???? So glad to see you posting!
I'm STILL remembering that creepy EYE!!! LOL! :)
Hi! I had the surgery today and am so far thrilled! The surgeon did remove some scar tissue and then manipulated the knee. Although I'm pretty tired today from the anesthesia, I'm doing my exercises already to keep the joint moving. We have a stationery bike at home and for a few weeks I've been trying hard to push the pedal all the way around but was not able to. About ten minutes ago I got on the bike and was shocked to find that I was able to push the pedal all the way around several times!! Don't want to overdo so I'm taking a break. The leg is still pretty numb from the meds they gave me during the surgery, so I don't know how much pain I'll be feeling once it wears off. But I'm very excited about the increased mobility already and wanted to share it with you right away! I hope tomorrow will be another great day!!! Thanks for all of your support!
Great work Hoping, congrats on the successful procedure.

Take care and best wishes,

Chris :)
Keep up the good work, Hoping! That's great news! :)
Hoping, thanks so much for posting and letting us know how well you're doing!!! I'm so happy for you. Keep pedaling!!!
That is such great news. You are smart not to overdo it. Get some rest and can't wait to hear how you are feeling tomorrow
Howay, man! That's totally fantastic!
Hoping, congrats with the MUA. That feeling you descibed when you went all the way round on your bike, I remeber it so well. It took me a long time. It was 1am in the morning, couldn't sleep at that time. I actually cried with joy when it happened, and immediately came online and shared my new milestone with all my friends here, knowing they would understand how I felt.

So well done you and keep it up!! Sue
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